On February 8, 2008, South Australian Premier Mike Rann and the Minister for Agriculture Rory McEwen announced a continuation of the ban on genetically modified plants. They can not be grown in South Australia. In a media release Mr Rann said … [Read more...] about South Australian Government Ignores Recommendation to Lift Ban on GM Crops
No Need to Know Number of Dugongs Killed: Helene Marsh
"A prominent marine researcher says it is not necessary to quantify how many dugongs are being harpooned each year as part of Indigenous catches. "Professor Helene Marsh, from James Cook University in north Queensland, says she is confident there … [Read more...] about No Need to Know Number of Dugongs Killed: Helene Marsh
Call for Australian-NZ Royal Commission on Global Warming
A group of Australian and New Zealand organisations and scientists called on the governments of Australia and New Zealand to set up an Australia New Zealand Royal Commission on the Science of Global Warming (to be known as “the ANZIG Royal … [Read more...] about Call for Australian-NZ Royal Commission on Global Warming
2030: Entire World’s Current CO2 Emissions to be Equalled by China?
It's long been said said that China was adding one new coal power plant per week to its grid. But the real news is worse: China is completing two new coal plants per week. If China's carbon usage keeps pace with its economic growth, the country's … [Read more...] about 2030: Entire World’s Current CO2 Emissions to be Equalled by China?
Observations on January’s Temperatures
The blogosphere is buzzing with talk of global non-warming or even global cooling. First, another sceptic for Marc Morano's list: Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Art Douglas recently retired Chair of the Atmospheric Sciences Department Creighton … [Read more...] about Observations on January’s Temperatures
Apocalypse? No! DVD Now Available
Are Al Gore and the UN right about global warming being a planetary emergency? NO! says Christopher Monckton in a 2007 presentation delivered at Cambridge University. Watch Lord Monckton place climate science into largely layman terms, exposing … [Read more...] about Apocalypse? No! DVD Now Available