BOULDER - Computer analyses of global climate have consistently overstated warming in Antarctica, concludes new research by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and Ohio State University. The study can help scientists … [Read more...] about New Study: Climate Models Overheat Antarctica
Measuring the Surface Air Temperature (Part 2)
In part 1 of this series ‘Measuring the Surface Air Temperature’ I wrote that James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute explains that it is not easy to measure surface air temperature particularly in the presence of vegetation because the … [Read more...] about Measuring the Surface Air Temperature (Part 2)
Latest Global Warming Scares: ‘Grolar Bears’ and CO2 Kills Koalas
BOFFINS fear Arctic ice melting could see the rise of a polar bear and grizzly bear hybrid - dubbed the 'grolar bear.' The effects of climate change means the hybrid bears could become more common as their habitats increasingly overlap due to global … [Read more...] about Latest Global Warming Scares: ‘Grolar Bears’ and CO2 Kills Koalas
Mammal, Reptile, or Bird? Platypus DNA Unravelled
The genetic blueprint of the Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) has been deciphered by an international team that includes Australian scientists, and published in the journal Nature. More explanation here on the BBC News website: Platypus genetic … [Read more...] about Mammal, Reptile, or Bird? Platypus DNA Unravelled
Shining the Hard Light of Reason on Environmental Problems
Last Wednesday was the launch of a new initiative between the University of Queensland and the Institute of Public Affairs for environmental research. There is some reporting of the program in today's The Australian newspaper under the title … [Read more...] about Shining the Hard Light of Reason on Environmental Problems
Mealybugs and Jumping Plant Lice
I must confess that I really can't remember when I first came to believe that Green Tree Ants, presented in the previous entry, farmed aphids concealed under frass. However, I am always willing to learn, so thank you Jennifer for the … [Read more...] about Mealybugs and Jumping Plant Lice