I watched Jared Diamond (Californian Professor of Geography, Pulitzer Prize winner for 'Guns, Germs and Steel')on the SBS Insight program last night. He is in Australia promoting his new book 'Collapse' and was interviewed last night with an … [Read more...] about Vague About Collapse
Stop Climate Change – Impossible!
When I see people holding 'stop climate change' placards, I wish for a new environmental movement. One that understands and accepts planet earth. An environment movement that understand, whether or not we do something about carbon dioxide … [Read more...] about Stop Climate Change – Impossible!
Exclude Cattle from National Parks?
Cattle can destroy a landscape. The Victorian Premier last week banned grazing in the Alpine National Park on the basis that: Cattle: * trample streambanks, springs and soaks * damage and destroy fragile alpine mossbeds * create bare ground, disturb … [Read more...] about Exclude Cattle from National Parks?
CSIRO & The Australian Get It Wrong on Rice
The front page of The Australian on Wednesday (May 25th) included the headline: "Thirstiest crop: 21,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of rice." The figure was based on a "new CSIRO study, which found that of 135 industries analyzed, rice was one … [Read more...] about CSIRO & The Australian Get It Wrong on Rice
On Drought & Cubbie Station
"There is much to be said for a policy of abolishing all drought relief assistance. Drought is a normal, natural, cyclic factor of our environment and if you can not understand and cope with that, maybe you should not be farming" concludes Warwick … [Read more...] about On Drought & Cubbie Station
Exporting C02 Emissions
Furiously preparing a powerpoint presentation for tomorrow from a hotel in Dubbo, I have stumbled across the following information: Australia is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs)per capita in the world, using figures from the US Energy … [Read more...] about Exporting C02 Emissions