"Last week the Auditor-General stated that farmers have escaped land clearing prosecutions because the State Government had ‘problems with meeting the evidence requirements’ under NSW native vegetation laws,” said a spokesperson for the NSW Regional … [Read more...] about Guilty Until Proven Innocent Says Auditor-General
How to Save the Baiji?
The Yangtze River Dolphin, also known as the baiji, is perhaps the most endangered of the world’s large mammals. The last confirmed sighting was of a single adult in September 2004. The journal Conservation Biology recently published three short … [Read more...] about How to Save the Baiji?
Humane Society To Sue Japanese Whalers
The Australian Federal Court ruled last friday that environment group the Humane Society International (HSI) could sue Japanese whaling company Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd to get an injunction forcing the Australian government to stop whaling within the … [Read more...] about Humane Society To Sue Japanese Whalers
Dams Leaving Us High & Dry: Ian Mackay
Ian Mackay [1] has just returned from visiting south east Queensland's many water storages. He clocked up 1,800 kilometres over the four days and this is what he found: 1. In pictures: http://www.stoppress.com.au/ . 2. In words: "Dam after dam, … [Read more...] about Dams Leaving Us High & Dry: Ian Mackay
Global Warming Icon ‘Hit For Six’
If you do a search at this blog site for 'hockey stick', Google will provide you with about 70 links and the first will link to a question I posted a year ago: "What is the evidence for the medieval warm period? My understanding is that the Vikings … [Read more...] about Global Warming Icon ‘Hit For Six’
13 Worst Things To Happen To the Australian Environment?
Melbourne-based think tank the Institute of Public Affairs publishes a quarterly journal of politics and public affairs called 'Review'. The last Review devoted 8 pages to the 'Top 20 books you must read before you die'. The list included John … [Read more...] about 13 Worst Things To Happen To the Australian Environment?