According to Senator James Inhofe of the US Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, the "global warming consensus" continues to melt away: "We are witnessing an international awakening of scientists who are speaking out in opposition to former … [Read more...] about Senator Inhofe Claims Consensus Media-Driven
Aerosol-Abatement Strategies to Reduce AGW
"Stephen Schwartz knows as much about the effects of aerosols on climate change as anyone in the world, and he's worried. He believes climate change is so massive an economic issue that we face costs "in the trillions if not quadrillions of dollars." … [Read more...] about Aerosol-Abatement Strategies to Reduce AGW
Mossman Sugar Trials
It has been my observation that the little-known prehensile-tailed rat (Pogonomys mollipilosus) loves the sweet gel around the seeds of cocoa beans and I have wondered how cocoa can be protected from their adverse economic enthusiasms. The notion … [Read more...] about Mossman Sugar Trials
The Bushfire Disaster in Greece was Predictable: A Note from Roger Underwood
Reports in the media and from fire management colleagues indicate that the recent horrific bushfires in Greece have parallels in Australia and were predictable. It is estimated that nearly 70 lives have been lost and close to 200,000 hectares of … [Read more...] about The Bushfire Disaster in Greece was Predictable: A Note from Roger Underwood
Dolphins Still in the Yangtze River – or Not?
The Yangtze River dolphin is considered functionally extinct. The species of freshwater dolphin, also known as the baiji, had not been sighted since September 2004 despite extensive surveys. On August 19, 2007 a large white animal was filmed in … [Read more...] about Dolphins Still in the Yangtze River – or Not?
Postmodern Science – A Contradiction in Terms: A Note from Walter Starck
The ideal of scientific objectivity has been subverted — even in the world's most prestigious universities — by the pernicious and pervasive influence of postmodernism, laments scientist Dr Walter Starck. Over recent decades a few widely publicised … [Read more...] about Postmodern Science – A Contradiction in Terms: A Note from Walter Starck