…In another part of Australia, cattle grazing has been identified as detrimental to World Heritage values, by potentially initiating soil erosion, altering under-storey vegetation and fire regimes. Cattle grazing has also been associated with the … [Read more...] about Of Cattle and Conservation
Melbourne Benefits from Killing Barmah Brumbies
Public submissions in response to the Draft Feral Horse Management Plan for Barmah Forest close today. The plan proposes the removal of horses from the Barmah Forest firstly by using lure and trap techniques over two years, which will commence … [Read more...] about Melbourne Benefits from Killing Barmah Brumbies
Czech President Václav Klaus to the UN: Global Warming Hysteria or Freedom and Prosperity?
One can tell – with a high degree of confidence – what topics are expected to be raised here, this morning when it comes to discussing the key challenges of today’s world. The selection of the moderator and my fellow-panelists only confirms it. I … [Read more...] about Czech President Václav Klaus to the UN: Global Warming Hysteria or Freedom and Prosperity?
Global Warming and The Karri Forest: A Note from Roger Underwood
Articles in The West Australian newspaper on 15th and 17th September 2007 suggested that global warming will lead to the virtual disappearance of Western Australia’s iconic karri forest. The articles quote Dr Ray Wills, a research scientist at the … [Read more...] about Global Warming and The Karri Forest: A Note from Roger Underwood
James Bond versus Norweigan Whalers: A Translation from Ann Novek
Following is my summary from an editorial in Norwegian paper Fiskaren: “In October many celebrities will gather to celebrate 30 years with Sea Shepherd, including Mick Jagger, Martin Sheen, Orlando Bloom , Uma Thurman and Pierce Brosnan among other … [Read more...] about James Bond versus Norweigan Whalers: A Translation from Ann Novek
More and More Polar Bears in Davis Strait
There was some discussion earlier this year at this blog about polar bear numbers. We couldn't seem to agree whether numbers were increasing or decreasing and what would happen to bears if all the sea ice melted. Well according to Dr. Mitch Taylor, … [Read more...] about More and More Polar Bears in Davis Strait