Reported in the Daily Mail today: Schools must warn of Gore climate film bias Schools will have to issue a warning before they show pupils Al Gore's controversial film about global warming, a judge indicated yesterday. The move follows a High … [Read more...] about UK Judge: Schools Must Warn of AIT Film Bias
Black Google Would Save Energy
From Luke Walker: Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-Hours a Year From the lights out department - did you know that a cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor uses about 74 watts to display an all white web page, but only uses 59 watts to display an all … [Read more...] about Black Google Would Save Energy
Survey: Climate Change as Much a Concern as Terrorism
Another one from Luke: From Australia's equivalent of the BBC (not a compliment!): Climate change as much a concern as terrorism: survey A major survey has found that an overwhelming majority of Australians believe global warming is at least as … [Read more...] about Survey: Climate Change as Much a Concern as Terrorism
More Ice Ages Now or Later? A Note from Luke
Peter Harris provided us with a challenging debate here on this blog where the similarity between the current situation and the 400 kya glacial transition was discussed. I sought more information from Jan Hollan - but some background here first. So … [Read more...] about More Ice Ages Now or Later? A Note from Luke
Record SH Sea Ice Maximum and NH Sea Ice Minimum
From Marc Morano: The Cryosphere Today UPDATE: Monday, October 1, 2007 - Record SH sea ice maximum and NH sea ice minimum Just when you thought this season's cryosphere couldn't be more strange .... The Southern Hemisphere sea ice area narrowly … [Read more...] about Record SH Sea Ice Maximum and NH Sea Ice Minimum
The Persistent Role of the Sun in Climate Forcing
Reply to Lockwood and Fröhlich – The persistent role of the Sun in climate forcing Svensmark, H. and Friis-Christensen, E. Danish National Space Center, Copenhagen, Denmark In a recent paper (ref. [1]) Mike Lockwood and Claus Frohlich have argued … [Read more...] about The Persistent Role of the Sun in Climate Forcing