Pythons (particularly the Amethystine Morelia amethistina) are well equipped with facial heat-receptor pits. They hunt nocturnally and are able to detect minute temperature changes from direct absorption of optical radiation through the thin pit … [Read more...] about Amethystine Pythons and Spectacled Monarchs
Inhofe Speech: 2007 – Global Warming Alarmism Reaches a ‘Tipping Point’
INHOFE GLOBAL WARMING SPEECH TODAY - Planned 2 hour Speech on Latest Science & Economics Selected Speech Excerpts: (Full speech available upon delivery) via Marc Morano Senator Inhofe on Climate propaganda to Kids: Hollywood activist Leonardo … [Read more...] about Inhofe Speech: 2007 – Global Warming Alarmism Reaches a ‘Tipping Point’
Drought-Proofing Australia
As we have seen over the past year, drought can take an emotional, as well as financial toll on farmers, placing individuals, families and local communities under extraordinary stress. Helping people cope under such pressure is essential but the … [Read more...] about Drought-Proofing Australia
The Pharmacy Under the Sea
The Spanish company Pharmamar explores the depths of the oceans in search of marine products for the treatment of cancer. Their first success, a drug for the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas, has just got European-wide approval. The oceans hold 34 … [Read more...] about The Pharmacy Under the Sea
UN’s ‘State of the Planet’ Report
The UN has released it's 'Global Environment Outlook' or 'GEO4' report. It can be downloaded via the BBC News website. It's 22MB so you may have a bit of a wait. Also on the BBC website is the 'State of the planet, in graphics:' Globally human … [Read more...] about UN’s ‘State of the Planet’ Report
Gore Invited to Engage in Civil Disobedience Against the Construction of New Coal-Fired Power Plants
Rainforest Action Network issued the invitation to the former Vice President, according to RAN executive director Michael Brune. The San Francisco-based group has a twenty-year history of protesting against destructive logging practices and other … [Read more...] about Gore Invited to Engage in Civil Disobedience Against the Construction of New Coal-Fired Power Plants