Few MPs would have worked harder to defend their seats at this election than Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull, whose blue ribbon Sydney seat of Wentworth is under siege not just from Labor but a range of environmental activists, mostly … [Read more...] about Australian News Round Up from Luke Walker
Fantastic phasmids
Macleay’s Spectre Extatosoma tiaratum would have to be one of the most spectacular insects in the Daintree rainforest. Males readily fly in search of mates, but much larger females are incapable of flight. First instar nymphs resemble … [Read more...] about Fantastic phasmids
Cool Round Up from Marc Morano
New UN Warming Summary Met by Snow & Record Cold - Sampling of Articles in past few days New Zealand Vinyards Failing Due to "Record Cold" Excerpt: The winery made a rights issue announcement on Tuesday in an underwritten bid to raise about $1.5 … [Read more...] about Cool Round Up from Marc Morano
Japanese Whalers to Target Humpbacks
The Japanese whaling fleet set sail yesterday in defiance of international condemnation with plans to land what could be the biggest catch of minke and humpback whales since the 1960s. As it has for more than two decades, the Japanese Government … [Read more...] about Japanese Whalers to Target Humpbacks
Lord Nigel Lawson on ‘The Politics and Economics of Climate Change’
Lord Nigel Lawson, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, prominent commentator on the Stern Report, and key member of the 2006 UK House of Lords Economics Committee Report into the Economics of Climate Change will speak on: 'The Politics and Economics … [Read more...] about Lord Nigel Lawson on ‘The Politics and Economics of Climate Change’
Part 4 the of UN IPCC AR4 Climate Report Published: Synthesis or Synthetic?
The fourth and final part of the of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 Fourth Assessment Report has been published. The Summary for Policymakers of the Synthesis Report is available here or direct from the IPCC … [Read more...] about Part 4 the of UN IPCC AR4 Climate Report Published: Synthesis or Synthetic?