I should probably be flattered to be invited on to the popular ABC TV program Q&A as a panelist. But why is the promo for the program next Monday advertising Tim Flannery as ‘scientist’ and me as ‘climate … [Read more...] about More ABC Bias, But Anyway
Water Plan will decimate Murrumbidgee frogs
RICE growers along the Murrumbidgee River are likely to be among the hardest hit if the federal government proceeds with its new water sharing plan. If the region loses 45 per cent of its current allocation as proposed by the Murray Darling Basin … [Read more...] about Water Plan will decimate Murrumbidgee frogs
New Murray Darling Basin Guide: All Politics?
The Murray Darling Basin Authority released a 'Guide to the Proposed Basin Plan' yesterday which had been touted as an independent scientific report. My impression of the document, however, is that it is an audacious grab for more water based … [Read more...] about New Murray Darling Basin Guide: All Politics?
Our Malicious ABC Science Show
Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) currently dominates climate science to the extent that many consider it a fact – not a theory. The famous philosopher of science, Thomas Kuhn, would describe AGW as the current dominant paradigm because this is … [Read more...] about Our Malicious ABC Science Show
Save the Murray: Remove the Barrages
The release of a new Murray Darling Basin plan on October 8, 2010, is likely to reignite debate over how best to solve the problems of the Murray River. It will further pit some environmentalists and some South Australians against upstream irrigators … [Read more...] about Save the Murray: Remove the Barrages
At Least Listen to the Sceptics
AN unfortunate characteristic of most of the public discussion on global warming is the name-calling peppered with false claim suggesting that there are very few so-called "sceptics". Last week Liberal Senator, Nick Minchin, was identified as not … [Read more...] about At Least Listen to the Sceptics