A Note on the Stefan-Boltzmann Equation
According to American climatologist, Judith Curry, there are plenty of things to be skeptical about when it comes to Anthropogenic Global Warming, but the basic physics of gaseous infrared radiative transfer is not one of them. Dr Curry, is the … [Read more...] about A Note on the Stefan-Boltzmann Equation
Really Big One Heading for Cairns
It has us all nervous. "More than 30,000 Queenslanders are being relocated in a desperate bid to protect them from the fury of Cyclone Yasi, as authorities brace for a massive assault on the … [Read more...] about Really Big One Heading for Cairns
CSIRO Boss: Self-confessed “Scientific Numbskull”
I woke up this morning a bit late, turned on the radio, and the first thing I heard was an ABC journalist referring to the new Australian of the Year as a self-confessed “scientific numbskull”. I left the radio on just long enough to hear Simon … [Read more...] about CSIRO Boss: Self-confessed “Scientific Numbskull”
More Rain
Residents of my community on the Capricorn Coast in Central Queensland are being warned of two cyclones: Anthony may hit the coast to our north on Monday morning and a second forming near Fiji is scheduled for later in the week. The wind has been … [Read more...] about More Rain
David Stockwell and Anthony Cox reply to Lewandowsky and His Lies, Dam Lies and Statistics
COGNITIVE science is about the action and process of knowing, that is about intelligence and rational and non-rational intellectual processes. Professor Stephan Lewandowsky is a professor of Psychology specialising in cognitive process. He thinks the … [Read more...] about David Stockwell and Anthony Cox reply to Lewandowsky and His Lies, Dam Lies and Statistics