Hi Jen Have you seen those little picture things in your blog (and at other sites)? Well… Inspired by none other than G Bird I have hacked through your page source and found the relevant link. Neat little freeware service… Creates a gravatar for … [Read more...] about Get a Globally Recognised Avator – A Gravator
The Tassie Devil Appeal
Hi Jennifer, We are trying to raise funds for an important cause that you and your readers may be interested in. The Tassie Devil Appeal “breed and release” program is made up of 17 of Australia’s most acclaimed zoos and wildlife parks all … [Read more...] about The Tassie Devil Appeal
Farmland to Coal Mine: Darling Downs, Queensland
On 1st Sep 2008 the Queensland Government issued a Mineral Development Licence for coal to the wholly Queensland Government owned Tarong Energy Corporation over the iconic Haystack Road farmlands. Harvest has begun on the Haystack Plain which has … [Read more...] about Farmland to Coal Mine: Darling Downs, Queensland
Important Article by Friend and Forester Mark Poynter
Friends, An important article has been published today at Online Opinion http://www.onlineopinion.com.au by Mark Poynter. Mark Poynter is a professional forester with 30 years experience. He is a member of the Institute of Foresters and … [Read more...] about Important Article by Friend and Forester Mark Poynter
Bob Carter in Brisbane Speaking on Climate Change as a Natural Hazard
The Institute of Public Affairs holds lectures on interesting topics at the Brisbane Club. Last night eighty guests heard Professor Bob Carter from James Cook University explain how climate always changes and why climate change is a natural … [Read more...] about Bob Carter in Brisbane Speaking on Climate Change as a Natural Hazard
An Old Queen Parrot
Since moving to the Blue Mountains late last year I've made some new friends including a King Parrot and a Magpie. The young male King Parrot sits on my back landing and looks through the glass door into my study when the bird-feeder is … [Read more...] about An Old Queen Parrot