Hi Jennifer When you put the article about 650 scientists a while back I found I could not access it. I also noticed in the blog others who stated they could not access it either. I also found no US Senate page was accessible. After trying … [Read more...] about Accessing US Senate Webpages
Finalists for The 2008 Weblog Awards have been announced
There were over 5,000 nomination for us to sort through and visit, and it was a very difficult task. When the process pushed the potential voting dates too close to Christmas we made the decision to hold off voting until after the New Year. … [Read more...] about Finalists for The 2008 Weblog Awards have been announced
New Report on Australian Rangelands
The rangelands cover some 81% of Australia and are popularly known as 'the outback'. A new report, 'Rangelands 2008 — Taking the pulse', is the first time that disparate datasets have been brought together at a national and regional scale to … [Read more...] about New Report on Australian Rangelands
Mars Rover & Carbon Emissions
Mars has a simple climate compared to earth - but NASA now admits that its GCM for Mars just does not predict the climate. http://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews/idUSTRE4BF0AA20081216 Is it posisble that carbon emissions from the Mars … [Read more...] about Mars Rover & Carbon Emissions
Saving African Animals
A note from the African Wildlife Foundation: "We need to help develop understanding everywhere, seek the courage and energy to make change, and have the confidence to envision bold, new programs to effect permanent solutions to guarantee the … [Read more...] about Saving African Animals
More Scepticism in the Mainstream Media
Folks, As you might expect, Australia's Canberra Times is a conformist newspaper that mostly goes along with the capital's political fashions, and has long run the alarmist AGW line. Over the weekend there has been a turn-around. Their economics … [Read more...] about More Scepticism in the Mainstream Media