Final preparations are under way for a key UN climate summit that will attempt to reach a deal on what should replace the Kyoto Protocol, which ends in 2012. Talks will centre on whether binding targets are needed to cut emissions. BBC New website: … [Read more...] about Bali Hype
Chilled Amber Nectar Contributes to Global Warming
Yes, secondary beer fridges in North American and Australian homes have a significant impact on domestic greenhouse gas emissions. So says a 'study' by Denise Young from the University of Alberta, Canada. Joanna Yarrow, director of 'Beyond Green,' a … [Read more...] about Chilled Amber Nectar Contributes to Global Warming
Flying Foxes in the Heat of Debate
Flying foxes to wilt with climate change, by ABC Science Online's Stephen Pincock, contends that new research shows some of Australia's flying foxes face a grave threat from extreme temperatures expected to become more frequent with climate … [Read more...] about Flying Foxes in the Heat of Debate
The Ideal Average World Temperature
Nigel Lawson gave an insightful address to the group who gathered for the Institute of Public Affair's 2007 HV McKay Lecture in Sydney on Monday. He spoke on the politics and economics of climate change and commented: "Is it really plausible that … [Read more...] about The Ideal Average World Temperature
New Group Rejects “Kyoto 2”: CSCC Media Release
A new Report produced by a coalition of over 40 prominent civil society organisations from 33 countries says that governments should reject calls for a post-Kyoto treaty (“Kyoto 2”) with binding limits on carbon emissions. The report says a better … [Read more...] about New Group Rejects “Kyoto 2”: CSCC Media Release
Humback and Fin Whale Numbers Misrepresented in Popular Press: ICR Media Release
Mr. Minoru Morimoto, Director General of The Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) in Tokyo, said today that journalists and editors are misinforming the public and abusing the credibility of the World Conservation Union (IUCN). Many of the news … [Read more...] about Humback and Fin Whale Numbers Misrepresented in Popular Press: ICR Media Release