The UK has two long temperature series. The Central England Temperature series is the world's longest series; the monthly mean begins in 1659, in the depths of the Little Ice Age. The series represents a roughly triangular area of the United Kingdom … [Read more...] about Comparing the UK’s Two Long Temperature Series for 2007
The Rufous Owl (addendum)
The Rufous Owl
The Rufous Owl (Ninox rufa) is as discreet as it is formidable. It can snatch a sleeping Brush Turkey off its roost and has also been known to take Scrubfowl, Papuan Frogmouths, Kookaburras, White Cockatoos, Flying Foxes, Gliders, Possums and a … [Read more...] about The Rufous Owl
More Examples of Energy Policy Being Strangled by Canutian Climate Control
A draft New Zealand Energy Strategy is dominated by the Government's conviction that climate change (more properly described as "man-made global warming") is happening and that we must develop renewable energy to save New Zealand from disaster. The … [Read more...] about More Examples of Energy Policy Being Strangled by Canutian Climate Control
Plan to Hunt Humpbacks Just a Ploy: A Translation from Ann Novek
I've done a rough translation of an insightful article from the Icelandic Minke Whaler’s Association which suggests the Japanese never intended to hunt Humpback whales in the Antarctic: The Japanese spectacle continues… During the annual … [Read more...] about Plan to Hunt Humpbacks Just a Ploy: A Translation from Ann Novek
New Australian Government Not Meeting Expectations on Whaling
When the new Rudd government was elected in Australia late last year all sorts of promises were made about ending Japanese whaling in the Antarctic including monitoring the whaling fleet. But according to a recent article in the The Australian the … [Read more...] about New Australian Government Not Meeting Expectations on Whaling