Just over a year ago media reports indicated the Blue Gum Forest of the Grose Valley was “hanging in the balance” because of a wildfire made “more intense, unpredictable and extensive by massive backburning operations”. I trekked into the forest … [Read more...] about Blue Gums in Grose Valley Healthy After Back-Burning
The Giant White-tailed Rat
One of Australia’s largest native rodents, the Giant White-tailed Rat (Uromys caudimaculatus) has such formidable teeth and jaw strength, they have been known to eat through steel garbage bins. They are also capable of dispersing large-seeded tree … [Read more...] about The Giant White-tailed Rat
From Paul’s Favourite Australian Bird
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), Photograph taken on Hamilton Island in about September 2006. Where are you Biggsy? … [Read more...] about From Paul’s Favourite Australian Bird
Marc Morano: Pielke JR (not SR) Takes on Critics of Senate 400 Plus Scientist Report!
Roger Pielke, Jr. is a believer in man-made global warming. Pielke Jr. directs the University of Colorado's Center for Science and Technology Policy Research and also is an associate professor of environmental studies. So the article below is a very … [Read more...] about Marc Morano: Pielke JR (not SR) Takes on Critics of Senate 400 Plus Scientist Report!
Natural Gas from Bacteria: A Renewable Resource Linked to Climate Change?
A new paper published in the journal Geology suggests that it may be possible to seed carbon-rich environments with bacteria to create natural gas reservoirs. The study may also help explain high levels of methane in the atmosphere that occurred … [Read more...] about Natural Gas from Bacteria: A Renewable Resource Linked to Climate Change?
More on Global Non-Warming
The UK's CRU has updated its HadCRUT3v temperatures. Global average anomalies for November and December 2007 are now present but are provisional for a few months in case late data arrives. No wonder newspaper reports haven't mentioned it - … [Read more...] about More on Global Non-Warming