This is a Tawny Frogmouth chick that fell out of its nest and ended up on the slasher the other day. Its mum did a great job and it fledged successfully, to our great relief. The Tawny Frogmouth is fairly common and "nests" at our place every … [Read more...] about Wildlife at Westdown: A Note from Jim Inglis
Changing Temperatures Likely to Impact Frogs
WHEN news headlines simultaneously suggested that both warm weather and cold weather might adversely affect frog populations, there was some mocking from climate change sceptics. [1, 2] But given the extraordinary impact of the pathogenic fungus, … [Read more...] about Changing Temperatures Likely to Impact Frogs
A Female ‘Black’ Satin Bowerbird
The following picture of a female 'black' satin bowerbird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, was taken in Katoomba on January 31, 2009, by Jennifer Marohasy. … [Read more...] about A Female ‘Black’ Satin Bowerbird
New Jungles
By one estimate, for every acre of rain forest cut down each year, more than 50 acres of new forest are growing in the tropics on land that was once farmed, logged or ravaged by natural disaster. Read more here in the New York Times. This good … [Read more...] about New Jungles
No Balance in Environmental Reporting at The New York Times: John Coleman
AT his popular New York Times blog, environmental journalist Andrew Revkin asks the question “Can a scientists be a Citizen, Too?” But what Mr Revkin is really asking is: should scientists become involved in advocacy? Mr Revkin provides the case … [Read more...] about No Balance in Environmental Reporting at The New York Times: John Coleman
Al Gore Visits Washington
With all due respect, we're doomed. Read more here. To fly around the globe spewing carbon everywhere you go to be just like our former vice president. Read more here. … [Read more...] about Al Gore Visits Washington