IT was predicted to be the largest demonstration yet against coal and climate change, 10,000 activists to descend on a coal-fired power plant in Washington DC.
According to the Capitol Climate Action website, they are there now, as I … [Read more...] about HundredsThousands Protest Global Warming
Global Warming in Perspective: A Note from William Happer
"BUT the climate is warming and CO2 is increasing. Doesn't this prove that CO2 is causing global warming through the greenhouse effect? "No, the current warming period began about 1800 at the end of the little ice age, long before there was an … [Read more...] about Global Warming in Perspective: A Note from William Happer
To Tax or Trade Carbon
Australian economist Alan Moran considers the advantages of taxing versus trading to reduce carbon emissions and concludes the best policy for Australia is to do nothing till 2020, then catch up by 2050, given the Treasury’s estimate at 3 percent … [Read more...] about To Tax or Trade Carbon
Shark Numbers and Shark Attacks
THERE have been three shark attacks in Sydney waters over the last three weeks, but there is no agreement as to whether shark numbers are on the increase – or not. According to NSW Deputy Premier, Carmel Tebbuts, there is no evidence of increased … [Read more...] about Shark Numbers and Shark Attacks
Imposing Our Prejudices on the Value of Flood Waters: A Note from Cathy Green
WHEN nutrient rich water flows into Lake Eyre it is considered good for the environment, but when nutrient rich water flows into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon it is considered bad for the environment. Indeed every time that Lake Eyre in central … [Read more...] about Imposing Our Prejudices on the Value of Flood Waters: A Note from Cathy Green
Canadian Satellite Already Searching for Missing Carbon
NASA lost its carbon observatory satellite on launch earlier this week, Read more here. But a 30-centimetre-long University of Toronto satellite is already orbiting and searching for the carbon that cannot be accounted for each year. Read more … [Read more...] about Canadian Satellite Already Searching for Missing Carbon