I have started a new series ‘Towards a New Theory of Climate Change’ that I am thinking of renaming ‘The New Theory of Climate Resilience’. The series is an excuse for interviewing clever scientists. Today’s guest is Prof Ivan Kennedy from Sydney University.
We have been chatting for about 10 years, but it’s Ivan’s most recent two papers, focused on seasonal changes in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 at Mauna Loa that most intrigue me, at this moment. And there is a third about to come out, with me as a coauthor.
Ocean acidification is generally thought of as a drop in the pH of the ocean, and it is assumed to be caused by the increasing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide that, in turn, is assumed to be caused by the combustion of oil, gas and coal.
But what if it was really the other way around?
What if changes in ocean pH are caused by natural cycles of ocean warming that cause an increase in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. This is the hypothesis we will be discussing today.
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When: Feb 25, 2025 12:00 PM Brisbane. Today!
Topic: Oceans Breathe Out Carbon Dioxide. Part 2/Towards a New Theory of Climate Change
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I hope to see you online, and I hope I can get all the technology to work, including the AI.
The photograph featured at the top is me in the water, at the Great Barrier Reef. Topside with snorkel and cap.
There is a long lag in the oceanic system, slowly warming after the LIA, with deep cold water in the Pacific offered as tangible proof.
That time of the day looks like shark feeding time in Australia, Jennifer.
Take it easy.
As Ivan Kennedy about his studies into irrigation and its contribution to Anthropogenic Global Warming.
In the history of the planet temperature has icreasd and decreased before co2 with an 800 to 1000 year time lag. ( see National Geographic insert October 2007 )
The medieval warm period was 1000 years ago suggesting the increase in co2 is in line with the history of the planet .
Is Ivan Kennedy still an advocate of anthropogenic global warming?
AGW is flawed.
An “independent researcher”, publishing in a journal that aims to “open the view to alternative interpretations of climate change”, with a Chief Editor is a renowned climate change denier.
I’m still missing this info, Jennifer:
if we assume the oceans are leaking CO2, where are our observed emissions going?
Another thing is of course that the carbon budget calculation is at the core of the IPCC reports, a large part of the science. It’s not at a what if level, though details can be tuned.