I live in a seaside town with a surf culture, attracting many seeking an alternative lifestyle, with probably an unusually high percentage of Covid-19 unvaccinated – at least amongst my friends. We have lived free of Covid until recently, until New Year’s Eve. It was four days after that that I first heard about it spreading amongst my friends and acquittances here in Noosa.
For the last decade I have spent most New Year’s Eves at the local surf club. This year I choose to stay home – and play scrabble with my husband and mother. I have been waiting for Covid to arrive, and I have feared it.
I got vaccinated against Covid-19 because I understood that it would reduce my chance of falling ill – of being hospitalized – that was after I was told that it was not clear whether being vaccinated would stop me getting it. I have come to understand that being vaccinated against Covid-19 is more like being vaccinated against the flu, than say smallpox. With a smallpox vaccination you are protected for life, but with a Covid vaccine, well some of my friends are asking why they bothered. Because it doesn’t seem to have made any difference.
Amongst my friends here, and in Cairns where it is also spreading, the vaccinated and unvaccinated seem to be ill for a day or two and then better within three or four. Some of the unvaccinated are taking the alternative medicine Ivermectin with zinc, but not all of them.
This is not how it was meant to be: vaxed as sick as un-vaxed!
I understand that I am not meant to be writing this. That if I was patriotic, I would be lamenting Covid. I know I am meant to still fear it. We see pictures on the news at night, increasingly of children in hospital dying from Covid-19.
I emailed a couple of professionals yesterday, including a relative with a master’s degree in public health, asking about the extent of the testing of the vaccines efficacy, and also its safety. I’m concerned about its safety because the vaccination of children in the 5 to 12 age bracket is about to begin in earnest here in Australia, and with the Pfizer mRNA technology. I can’t find which studies were used by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) to determine the vaccine to be safe for this age group? I am interested. I am always interest in data. I am a scientist and I have an inherent distrust of government and bureaucracies.
There is an open letter from the Queensland Health Practitioners Alliance, and others, explaining:
It is widely recognised and not contested that children are at low risk of serious illness from Covid-19. Children are vulnerable to myocarditis from mRNA vaccines. In addition, now that we have new information on novel gene-based vaccine adverse events, this provides significant warnings and safety signals.
The risk/benefit ratio in children, which was not in favour of Covid-19 vaccination originally, is now very likely to be very negative by any reasonable assessment. A Physicians and Medical Scientists Declaration lists 38 scientific papers as supporting evidence for this view (Attachment 4).
For small subgroups of children who might be at higher risk of serious illness from Covid-19 due to comorbid conditions, the need for vaccination is present but the risk/benefit ratio is likely to be more favourable with Covid-19 protein-based and attenuated virus-based vaccines. These vaccines are based on decades of known technology, and the Australian Government has purchased a supply of protein-based vaccines.
Anyway, the reply to me from the health professional is perhaps typical of those who want to preserve the status-quo and our respective for medical science, no matter the evidence and no matter the risk to our children. She wrote:
I am not interested in debating the science related to vaccination. I know many of vaccine experts personally and would put my trust in their expertise and my life or the life of a loved one over some random click bait internet propelled and generated merchant of doubt*.
We are in the middle of a deadly pandemic, vaccinating the globe is part of our way out of it. This is merchant of doubt territory and it’s dangerous. It will only prolong the misery which will be disproportionately experienced by the poor, vulnerable and immune compromised.
We all benefit from getting people vaccinated. We can trust our health system including its experts. No matter how much I read about it they would know more – and so I put my trust in them.
Really? Trust the experts. Unconditionally.
Just yesterday I read that Professor Mark Smyth is a fellow of the Australia Academy of Science, which describes him on its website as “the most highly cited immunologist in Australia.”
According to an article published yesterday by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (their ABC) this professor has been found to have fabricated scientific data used in support of grant funding applications and human trials. Specifically, and I will quote from the article:
An independent panel, led by retired Queensland Court of Appeal judge Robert Gotterson and which included three eminent scientists, found Professor Smyth had seriously breached codes relating to the responsible conduct of research and the use of animals in research.
“The institute referred the findings to Queensland’s Crime and Corruption Commission, in line with its legislative obligations,” QIMR Berghofer said in a statement released on Tuesday.
“The findings against Mark Smyth included fabrication of research data, which was used to support grant funding applications and clinical trials.”
The institute said while there was no indication that participant safety had been compromised in any human trials using Professor Smyth’s research data, it had taken “decisive action” to notify the clinical studies involved.
Statistician John P.A. Ioannidis published a review of medical research back in 2005 entitled ‘Why most published research findings are false’ (Plos Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124 ). It included comment that:
The majority of modern biomedical research is operating in areas with very low pre- and post-study probability for true findings.
The review by Professor Ioannidis is a devastating critic of the sad state of biomedical research; and it this same profession, biomedical research, that developed the new Covid-19 vaccines that do not seem to be working – at least not amongst my friends and acquittances either in Cairns, or here in Noosa.
The feature image is of Professor Mark Smyth who headed the team at QMIR Berghofer studying immunology. His work was featured in the Brisbane Times a few years ago: https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/promising-new-treatment-could-target-a-range-of-cancers-20191107-p538i2.html
*This was specifically in response to an article I sent her quoting Dr Robert W. Malone, an American virologist and immunologist who’s work has focused on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research.
You seem have completely missed one of the most compelling reasons for child vaccination and indeed all of population vaccination.
We know that most children are very likely to contract only a very mild of Covid19 after infection but whilst infected they become a site for replication of the virus with many thousands of virions ready for shedding to others who are not as resilient as they.
From the attached study;
“Without effective Covid-19 vaccines for this age group, children could potentially become ongoing reservoirs of infection and sources of newly emerging variants.”
Behind the scenes our health authorities are extremely concerned about the future development of this nasty virus and have been since the start.
Omicron is now 50 mutations different from the original Wuhan strain.
The fear is for a future Omega, (very large -extensive) strain developing so we need to keep viral abundance in the community as low as possible.
The ATAGI recommendations;
Myocarditis is certainly possible after mRNA vaccination, but as Professor Robert Booys points out it is usually mild, often self determining with no long term damage.
Also readily diagnosed and easily treated but as this study suggests, Covid 19 infection in children is 37 times more likely to produce myocarditis in children than the paediatric dose of an mRNA vaccine.
Although you repeatedly keep referring to mRNA vaccines as experimental, they are no more experimental than any others currently in use were, when they were first used in humans.
The mRNA vaccine technology used by Pfizer’s, and Moderna has been studied and developed over about the last 15 years or so – mRNA molecules occur naturally in humans, and the molecules from the vaccine are destroyed quickly and don’t stay in the body.
This means they are safe for growing bodies and will not affect puberty, fertility, or brain development.
I see your reference to Robert Malone and his strange public position on mRNA vaccines.
He seems at odds with the hundreds of other scientists that were and are involved in mRNA technology.
Here is a very interesting peer reviewed article on mRNA vaccines.
Hi Dave Ross,
I wonder why the developers of these things, (who are heavily censored, but that’s another story), are so adamant that the potion unexpectedly bleeds , within a very short time, into the lymph system.
That “we made a terrible mistake” (Mike Yeadon) and it is dangerous.
You say that they are no more experimental than any other vaccine, when first used on humans. I wonder if you could tell me which one was actually trialed in general usage and don’t tell me about Pfizer’s “trials”, which they wish to be secret for 70 odd years and they jabbed the control at the end.
I read yesterday that over 80% of pregnant subjects had stillborns. That much leaked out.
“Studied and developed over 15 years or so”, tell me the results I have not heard, I did read about all the dead ferrets.
Did the WHO not redefine the meaning of “vaccine” to even allow their emergency use ?
Are you one of those who lives under a bridge and listens for the “trippity trap” I wonder?
You seem very quick off the mark, to critique Jennifer’s, only speculative and questioning, article.
Ian Thomson,
If you would post some citations to scientific studies that verify your rumours I would be happy to discuss.
I always do.
“I read yesterday that over 80% of pregnant subjects had stillborns”
Where did you read that ?
BTW, I have many points of agreement with Jennifer on other matters and also on this topic.
You will notice that I am pointing out an important part of the vaccine treatments that she is not discussing.
hi Jennifer,
We are all looking around for credible sources. As your blog often points out that is a difficult search be it coral reefs, weather, climate or COVID.
Recently I’ve been following Eric Topol
because he does post a lot of relevant data and also is actually trying to *understand* omicron. He is alarmed at the situation in the USA due to low vaccination rates in many states there. (I am alarmed about the situation in the Northern Territory because of low vaccination rates particularly in indigenous communities).
At any rate you are interested in data so might decide to have a look. What he claims is that triple vaccination works well against omicron and he does present a lot of data backing that up. This advice does not contradict your anecdotal data about the vaccinated and unvaccinated. I read somewhere (I can go back and try to find the link if you want but we are awash with data overload) that double astrazeneca only provides 6% protection again omicron and am alarmed that this information has not been urgently distributed to those 65+ who relied on this vaccine. Topel argues that a third shot of Pfizer or Moderna greatly increases your safety.
What I am arguing is that COVID is a moving, evolving virus and that where our governments failed (most recently) is not taking that into account and allowing it to rip over the Xmas holiday break. I’ll just provide one link to an Eric Topol article because it does attempt to come to grips with what Omicron is:
All was fine in my world since I had my primary exposure mid 2020. Then the dounle jabs entered my little group last month and everyone got sick. Those on therapeutic level of zinc supported by quercetin as facilitator recovered already while those on vit C are still saying, “I feel like shit”. That’s my N=1 experiment sorted.
The Canadian Covid Care Alliance has done some decent analysis. They produced a slide deck here https://tinyurl.com/3xvb7cas . They also have a video presentation & loads of stuff on their website.
The organisation membership has decent credentials & seem to do real old fashioned science.
Two hundred and more years ago the smallpox vaccine was experimental, and it worked. Today the mRNA vaccines are experimental, and they don’t work like the smallpox vaccine did. They are leaky, and their efficacy deterioriates quickly. There appear to be more side-effects from them than any other vaccine. Some experiments work, others don’t, and when they don’t work we shut them down.
Over 600,000 views on ZeroHedge:
EUA, emergency use authority, allows experiemental, non fully tested vaccines only if there is not treatment.
Lactones are esters of lactic acid and analogues.
They include Ivermectin.
DARPA knows:
This is my personal experience following the first Covid vaccinations:
My 89 y.o. father in law: Minor stroke.
His 80+ neighbour: Minor stroke
A 90 y.o friend of his: found dead at home by his wife. He used to walk miles every day and looked as fit as a fiddle.
A 74 y.o. man whom I used to chat with every now and then , and having played soccer together in our teen years was found dead at home. He died of a heart attack.
A middle aged man, a client of mine, whom I had not communicated with since Covid day zero phoned me up to pick up here we had left on his project. The first thing I did was to ask him if he and his family were ok. He hesitated for a second or two, then with a lump in his throat revealed that his aging mum suffered a minor stroke soon after vaccination
A relative of mine, 50+ yrs, suffered a bout of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
And as for myself, I had an event of bad vertigo, and a month of strange feelings in my head every time I lowered my head on the pillow, and same thing when waking up or turning over in bed, every time having to keep my eyes closed from the fear of a vertigo event. It took me five minutes to get out of bed, having to lift myself slowly so as to stabilise my ‘balancing act’.
I received the following email from Bill Kerr, suggesting he had placed a comment that had not yet appeared. I can’t see it anywhere so am reposting his email:
hi Jennifer,
I left a comment on your recent vax / not vaxed blog. It was politely critical and you have let other comments like that through (eg. Dave Ross) and to censor would not be your style anyway. I’ve had trouble with wordpress before. My comments go to the spam folder. Can you please check.
At any rate my comment linked to Eric Topol
who argues that triple vaccination is required to protect against Omicron. You can’t predict such things beforehand, the virus evolves, we have to evolve along with it. I can send more detail if you want.
Bill Kerr
Hi Dave Ross,
Rumours, which part is a rumour ?
The best I can do as far as the “I read yesterday” part is tell you I read it – as it is general knowledge that Pfizer and CDC are trying to get the trial info locked away for over 70 years. A judge has ordered that it be released within 8 months and of course they will appeal, or just plain disobey the ruling, so sorry , whistleblowers are our only source of information.
If the information is so innocent , why would a company who have a serious criminal history be sitting on it ?
Would they not wish to clear any doubts ?
Anyway tell me which part is rumour.
hi Jen
Thanks. True scientists are contrarian by nature which makes it very difficult to find the truth.
On the one hand lots of anecdotal evidence that vaccination causes harm and other experimental drugs (ivermectin) solve the problem. I think a big problem with the anecdotal evidence is that it doesn’t factor in an understanding of exponential growth.
On the other hand lots of expert evidence (usually presented statistically) that we need to do a lot of things that are inconvenient to stop covid. I tend to trust ozsage here
And given that “experts” have shown they can’t be trusted (IPCC, coral reefs etc.) why should we trust them this time?I think the best course is to follow the advice of those who are trying to *understand* the nature of the virus and the various cures (mRNA etc) and present credible evidence. The best source I have found so far is Eric Topol:
Apologies to Bill Kerr, his comments had got lost in my spam folder, just now released. Jen
Is it ethical to ignore a potentially significant risk in one age group to secure a benefit in another age group?
Despite the predictably entrenched positions listed out above by Dave Ross, Bill Kerr and others, what is missing is the elephant in the outhouse:
What exit strategy is proposed by the advocates of never-ending vaccinations, tracking of the populace, onerous restrictions on movement and so on ?
I’ve asked that question a few times, and have never seen a coherent, cogent, sensible answer. Chinese authorities are again trying zero-Covid tactics, with whole cities of 15-20 million being tested, sealed in their apartments without access to food supply across central China and now some sea ports – all against a backdrop of high, hard winter and precarious fuel supply for power generation. This is *not* a solution.
No arm-waving or evading the question. My view is that Omigod (Omicron) with its’ high infectiousness and milder effects is the best opportunity for herd immunity we’ve seen , so “letting it rip” (to use that histrionic, jejune phrase) is the way out. Hiding under the doona, vaguely expecting re-iterative vaccination episodes until … when ? The last ever, ever case of coronavirus is expunged from the planet ?
So if any of the advocates above do comment on this, please address the actual question.
Re: “letting it rip” to create herd immunity, queried by ianl.
Answer: I’m glad Omicron came along during Summer here in Brisbane, QLD. Everyone around me now has experienced their primary exposure (mine was June 2020) and/or been vaccinated… so the adaptation in my group has taken place either by ‘active exposure’ (with or without infection) or ‘active artificial’ (injection). I’ve now had a handfull of secondary exposures (shed from vaccinated close contacts) as well. The others in the group will also receive secondary exposures as other vaccinated contacts also shed the microscopic agents.
Is there anything more that needs to be done in my group? (I think not). BTW I call this *community immunity* because I just prefer this name more than ‘herd’ (we’re not cattle).
Thanks for posing the question ianl!
Great array of feedback everyone!
Cheers! 😃
Hi Jen, I’m not sure that I fully agree with your sentiment on this matter.
However I do have two comments;
1. In reply to Alex above regarding vertigo, I had a bout of the same vertigo symptoms about one year ago which lasted for perhaps 2 months. This was before I had any covid vaccines. I had also experienced these symptoms in the past and they are horrible!
2. I have a brother (age 75) in Wales, back in October he had his booster (phizer) and the very next morning he experienced awful symptoms of palsy to right side of his face. Also slurred speech as well as numbness to fingers of his right hand. The symptoms were coming and going regularly at half hourly intervals. He went to the hospital and underwent various tests over the course the day before being released.
To cut a long story short he recovered over the course of the next days and is now ok.
He believes that it was all as a result of the vaccine and I agree. Does make one think . .
This is about Israel’s handling of the virus:
By Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli – and indeed global – management of the coronavirus pandemic.
In reply to Graham Young’s comment
>Two hundred and more years ago the smallpox vaccine was experimental, and it >worked. Today the mRNA vaccines are experimental, and they don’t work like the >smallpox vaccine did …
Smallpox vaccination (the original form was called engrafting, take the pus from a smallpox survivor and mix it with the blood in a scratch on the arm of a healthy person) was opposed by many as “witchcraft”, “barbaric”, “more likely to spark an endemic than prevent it (around 1720). And it wasn’t understood then how it worked.
(from Ridley, Matt. How Innovation Works (2020) )
All new medical treatments are initially opposed by many but some of them over time prove their worth and save many lives. Yes, they don’t save them all and cause harm amongst some but overall the benefit vastly outweighs the harm. Here is a very readable history of mRNA vaccine development which gives me hope that it will fit that category, not only for COVID:
(it also puts the claims of Robert Malone into context)
Dr Mike Yeadon answers and clarifies a lot of points here;https://odysee.com/@rebirth2030:5/Dr-Mike-Yeadon-Final-Warning:6
It is nearly an hour long, and quite frightening, as he intends it to be.
Please ignore all comments by Dave Ross
He has no idea what he is talking about.
Other comments are good.
The vaccines do not prevent infections.
They do not prevent spread,
They reduce symptoms for a few months
at the expense of the worst side effects
of any vaccine in history, by far.
The vaccines have no effect on Omicron
for a very simple reason. Omicron is not
a Covid variant.
It is a new coronoavirus common cold.
It’s spike protein has 30
mutations versus Derlta Covid.
A new Covid variant would have one of two
mutations. Omicron has the same symptoms
as a common cold. A new Covid variant
would have much more deadly Covid symptoms.
But no explanations is needed — the Omicron
infection rate has been huge and the symptoms
have been consistently mild,
Yes, a person with a weak immune system
and also many comorbidities
can die following a Omicron
infection, but that is also true
with any other common cold.
Very rare, but possible.
If Omicron continues “crowding out”
Delta Covid, the pandemic will be over
in a few months. There is no such thing
as a common cold “pandemic”
I almost never make predictions but this
is how every pandemic in the past
100 years ended. Virus mutations into far
k less deadly viruses. There is no reason
to believe this time will be different.
Here in the US deaths with Covid in 2021
exceeded deaths with Covid in 2020.
Total US deaths in 2021 are expected
to be slighty higher than 2020, which
was +20% highert than 2019.
With teh goal of reducing deaths
in the US, the elderly were the first
group to get vaccinated in early 2021.
They are the group most likely to
die from Covid. Yet the death statistics
for 2021 plainly show the vacciones
were a failure. In addition to NOT
reducing deaths, they have had
a huge number of reported side effects.
Post-vaccine deaths reported to VAERS
for Covid vaccines through January 7, 2022
were much higher than deaths reported
in any of the past 30 years,
from 1990 through 2020
for EVERY vaccine in a year.
How much higher?
There are over 21,549 deaths reported for Covid Vaccines through January 7, 2022, 36x to 218x higher than total deaths reported for ALL vaccines in every year from 1990 through 2020, which ranged from 99 to 599. No more than 10% of adverse side effects are ever reported — one Harvard study estimated 1%. I assume most of the reported deaths are coincidences, but the ENORMOUS increase in 2021, versus prior years, clearly shows there is a HUGE problem.
When the late February of 2020 came, we were in Portugal, drinking vino verde, eating sardines and those amazing little custard pastries. We could feel the start of the panic in the crowds, but were clueless due to our lack of Portugese. We returned via Amsterdam, where the fear level was more palpable. If someone had been in China, they were pulled from whatever line they were in. Changing planes Iin Atlanta, peoplecwere eyeing each other in fear. A small cough gauranteed people giving space. A poor skin tone, a bit of sweat showing on one’s brow in the over heated airport earned dirty looks.
That was when I decided:
Screw the fear.
I volunteered, probably foolishly, for the vaccine study. I worked as a volunteer in four stages of our election fiasco, voting over 15,000 voters in person. I traveled on road trips across America. I spent Christmas and early 2021 in South America.
I have a nice cache of one of the proven therapeutics. I take vitamins I was taking for years, and I absolutely reject the fear mongering anti-scientific crap being used to sew fear.
I perceived the reality: that political cynics (to be charitable) were taking a deliberate plan to spread fear and weaponize it.
The shutdowns, masks, imprisonment at home: none of it worked. Now we know the vaccines don’t work. Except to enrich billionaires, entrench corrupt tyrants and to weaken the taste for freedom in far too many.
So I got all three shots. So what? The don’t protect nearly as well as vaccines for flu, smallpox, tetanus, measels, polio, etc.
Yet in most of the West the unmasked tyrants in Canada, NZ, USA, France, Austria, sadly Australia, all keep lying to their people to increase power and enrich their friends. Britain’s PM, for the most transparent reasons has proven what a lie the covi tyrants are built on.
I don’t know where this leads but it has spread cost us the illusion of freedom.
Will we replace it by wresting true freedom from the woke tyranny?
One can certainly hope so.
Things I’ve found
““CountryBumpkin said…
Let me recap…..
They’re telling the unvaccinated to take the vaccine because the vaccine works
..and they’re telling the vaccinated to get a booster because the vaccine doesn’t work
All the while telling everyone that the unvaccinated are putting the vaccinated in danger by not getting a vaccine that didn’t protect the vaccinated!
Yep…sounds right…….Baaaaaaaaaa!!!!”
https://www.michaelsmithnews.com/2021/12/hows-that-covid-freedom-going-queenslanders.html ”
And no one has yet mentioned the double dilution of the definition of a “vaccine” by the CDC since 2015. As summed up by a friend
“Got that! Means it is as strong as cough medicine”
I pose two questions to everyone who has contributed here to Jennifer’s post:
(1) “From the point of time when each injection occurs, is there ANY period of time when the vaccinated are NOT spreading the microscopic agents to others?”
My experience now is showing that these particular people spread it while asymptomatic, while symptomatic, while testing positive, while testing negative. And so: (2) “When does this spreading actually come to a halt?”
Can anyone answer these two questions?
Those in close contact are actively exposed every time they meet up (as a close contact at work or at home) … for weeks, for months. With followup booster injections scheduled every few months this all adds up to a plethora of repeated exposures to the closest contacts at home and the workplace over the longer term.
Our TGA website has 2,231 deaths with covid19 where 87% had one or more serious underlying health issues. Average age 86.
So 290 soul’s have passed away since the start of covid19.
#Check updated figure’s.
Our TGA DAEN database has 95,000 adverse vaccine events where thousands suffering from heart and many more from neurological damage. For many people there’s no end in sight. My nephew has pericarditis from one Pfizer injection.
Our TGA DAEN database has 740 deaths recorded as an outcome of covid19 vaccines, where 6% had one or more serious underlying health issues .
Only 11 have been confirmed
Adverse reactions must fall within 72 hours of vaccination.
A USA scientific research has found that the figure’s of adverse vaccine events be multiplied by 20.
Is the cure worse than the disease?
The global survivability of covid19 is 99.98%
Will Gray
As I heard that –
“I’d tell you a covid joke but 99.98% of you won’t get it”
And from around the camp
And the BMJ demand for release of all relevant material NOW
A link to BMJ item
Dave Ross,
The proposal is in effect to use children as shields for adults. By giving them what has proven to be a failed vaccine with significant health risks for the young. That seems morally, if not medically, reprehensible.