When plain old water is called ‘dihydrogen monoxide’ – an accurate description of its chemical composition – people tend to be frightened of it. Particularly so when some of its potentialities are listed including causing suffocation (drowning). Yet, water is fundamental to life on Earth.
I would argue that the medicine Ivermectin is fundamental to my community effectively dealing with Covid. Yet because a campaign has been run against it, people are now frightened of it.
There is a documentary entitled ‘Incarceration Nation’ about the speed with we jail people here in Australia, especially people of colour – and for the pettiest of crimes. After receiving an exemption from Covid vaccination, the greatest tennis player in the world, Serbian Novak Djokovic, flew into Australia. He is now being held in a detention centre; the relevant government Minister says he is free to leave our country at any time – but he is not free to leave the detention centre to play tennis, because he is unvaccinated.
Australians were initially told that they needed two injections, sometime apart, to be protected from the Covid virus, and that vaccination rates needed to reach 70 percent of the population to contain outbreaks. With the emergence of a new and very different strains of the Covid virus we are now being told that we must get a booster shot to be protected. In the beginning there were two very different vaccines available one known as AstraZeneca and the other Pfizer. Initially we were told that it was important that the two injections be from the same product, Pfizer and Pfizer or AstraZeneca and AstraZeneca. It is now the case that all boosters will be Pfizer.
Yet my doctor, a registered General Practitioner in Queensland, advised me against Pfizer on the basis it was very much an experimental vaccine using a new technology and that the risk of Pericarditis from a Pfizer vaccination, while rare, was a real possibility – particularly for young men and boys.
While arranging for me to be vaccinated with AstraZeneca, my doctor also prescribed what is known in anti-vaccination circles as ‘The Triple Therapy’ against Covid: Ivermectin, zinc and an antibiotic. He advised me that should I get covid, even after being vaccinated, I should immediately begin the treatment. Covid, he advised me, was a potentially terrible disease, and there was no guarantee that the vaccine would remain effective against new strains, but that the triple therapy: Ivermectin, with zinc and the antibiotic would.
Within a week of my doctor writing that prescription, Ivermectin was banned from sale in Australia for the treatment of Covid – by the government.
The unofficial advice has been that the Australian government wants everyone vaccinated rather than relying on medicines.
Yet if you read the peer reviewed literature – The Science – Ivermectin has a real role to play in both the treatment and as a prophylaxis against Covid. For example, the conclusions from a review of Ivermectin trials published in the American Journal of Therapeutics (volume 28, pages 434 – 460) is that given the evidence of efficacy, safety, low cost, and current death rates, Ivermectin is likely to have a positive impact on health and economic outcomes of the pandemic across many countries. The same review article explains that Ivermectin is not a new and experimental drug with an unknown safety profile. It is a WHO ‘Essential Medicine’ already used successfully to treat other diseases and very safe at correct doses. The review article also states: ‘Ivermectin is likely to be an equitable, acceptable, and feasible global intervention against COVID-19. Health professionals should strongly consider its use, in both treatment and prophylaxis.
Yet the Australian government has banned my doctor from now prescribing Ivermectin for use as either a prophylaxis or treatment against Covid.
There is no avoiding the reality that the Australian government’s approach to the management of this pandemic has been unscientific. Rather than empowering doctors to sift through the available information as it is published, the Australian government has tried to force us all to be vaccinated.
Anyone who has refused has been ostracised, and many have been forced to close their businesses. For example, my friend Patrick ran a very successful restaurant (Sushi Monster) here in Noosa for 12 years, but he chose to close the day before the vaccine mandate was introduced – he closed his restaurant on December 16, 2021 rather than have his 16-year-old son who worked in that business vaccinated with Pfizer. The mandate decrees that to legally work in a restaurant in Queensland that provides table serve and/or that serves alcohol you need to be vaccinated.
It is the case that Patrick, and perhaps also Novak Djokovic, are more frightened of Pfizer than they are of Ivermectin – and perhaps for good reason.
Of concern, the information relied on to license the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine has never been made public. On Thursday, the very same day that Novak Djokovic’s lawyers were arguing for his right to play tennis in Australia despite his vaccination status, a judge in the U.S. ordered that Pfizer’s pre-licensure safety data be all released and within the next eight months. It had previously been argued in court that this was impossible because there was so much documentation, apparently it needs to be released at a rate of 55,000 pages a month for it to be all released within the next eight months! This would suggest to me that the safety of Pfizer is dependent on many ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’.
When I asked Patrick, as he closed-up his shop on the last day, what his hopes and fears were for the future he replied that he just hoped he could stay out of jail.
I initially thought he was joking, but there was no smile on his face.
Afterall, like Novak Djokovic, Patrick is not the type to agree to 9pm curfews or keeping his boys from visiting playgrounds. Yet if you didn’t agree to these imposts and you were a resident of Melbourne this last year, and you weren’t prepared to pay fines, you risked jail.
Australia is no longer a free nation – if it ever was.
Each of us today, has a choice.
We can choose to hate Novak and Patrick because they have the arrogance and intelligence to go against what has been decreed and what is popular. The alternative is to stand with them and for science, and for choice.
Additional Information
- About the Journal that published the review study about Ivermectin
The American Journal of Therapeutics is a bimonthly medical journal covering advances in drug therapy, comparative effectiveness research, and post-marketing surveillance. The journal was established in 1994 by John Somberg MD and is published by Wolters Kluwer.
The journal has been part of the Web of Science Core Collection since 2010, with an impact factor of 2.688. The journal is included in the Index Medicus(Medline).
- Why we need boosters
An additional “booster” dose of Moderna or Pfizer mRNA-based vaccine is needed to provide immunity against the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a study by researchers at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard. The results of this study, reported in the journal Cell, indicate that traditional dosing regimens of COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States do not produce antibodies capable of recognizing and neutralizing the Omicron variant.
- Why the Pfizer safety data is not public
A federal judge on Thursday ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to produce, at a rate of 55,000 pages per month, the documents it relied on to license the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.
The case was brought by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), which said the data should be made public quickly because the FDA took just 108 days to review the data before granting the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine full approval.
The group which bought the case comprises public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists, includes Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, who was until recently a professor of psychiatry at UC Irvine’s School of Medicine, and Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, epidemiologist, and internist.
4. A guide to treating Covid, at home
I’ve been asked various questions on Facebook that need context, so I have uploaded a guide popular with the unvaccinated.
Thank you Jen. Very well written, too.
Thank you for literalizing what has been on my mind over the last two days; I agree with everything you have written above. I think that who ever ‘lured’ the Djok to Oz will be sweating razorblades in anticipation of a notice from a ‘suit’ to please explain or hand over the loot if he he can’t play in the terrible place called VicDaniStan.
I’m half way through RFK Jnr’s book: The Real Anthony Fauci, and given the potential actionable statements therein, to which there has been absolute silence from all the key characters – the likes of Fauci and Gates, particularly – it seems to me that they and the USG, Big_harma, BigTech, Big……….. have essentially taken over the control of peoples’ health, the world over, with terrifying consequences akin to what Mengel and has band of thugs did in Nazi Germany, but are now rewarded with $T profits for their crimes against humanity.
This video has some astonishing and startling observations that have not gone unnoticed by Reiner Fuellmich:
Another ‘cut to the chase article’.
Well said Jen, and thank you Ian Thompson for the video link. From the start I took a data driven optimised nutrition approach with stretch targets attaining 95-100% immunity support, since 18th December when the first cases of hospitalization and international spread started to become known. I knew the govt would suppress proper medicine, so did not want to put myself in the position of relying upon any man made substance.
24.7 months later having self defended primary exposure (06/20) and thus ‘primed’ for multiple secondary exposures (the last two emanating from vaxxed close long term contacts) I find myself in the position of being one of the few people who is not currently ‘in isolation’ due to whatever variant they are dealing with. I can help out as required, as my bod is well resourced for fast destruction mode now ±24hrs. Ironic huh?
Thank you Jennifer. Absolutely right. My elder son, a healthy 39 year old living in WA, was required to have Pfizer to keep his job. Following vaccination he contracted myocarditis requiring treatment by a cardiologist. He was seriously ill but appears to have recovered. Nonetheless, he will be required to have a booster in a few months, something he is not looking forward to. There must be a day of reckoning. This is a crime in progress.
eBay will sell ivermectin to you. Also Vitamin C by the kilo.
Lactones are esters of lactic acid something the body produces after and during exercise. An ester is an organic acid that has been combined with a base, something the body does routinely. It helps moderate the immune reactions of the body, which is what damages us. The virus does very little damage. It mostly attacks the epithelial cells lining our blood vessels. This initiates repair protocols but leads to greater clot formation activity.
Take aspirin and serrapeptase/nattokinase/lumbrokinase to prevent clotting.
Vitamin C is an acid and forms buffering solutions in the body, but is also an antioxidant and an antibiotic.
There is no need to fear covid or the common cold or flu. Just prepare the body.
When CO2 reaches a certain ‘parts per million’ level in the atmosphere, it is taken up by the oceans, (Carbon Sink){Rankama and Sahama ,Chicago Press, 1950}. Still, we stupidly vilify CO2. Without CO2, there would be no human life on Earth – but then, if there were no humans, there would be no Covid problem. Perhaps, a ‘final solution’?
It is time fantasy and ‘computer modelling’ were replaced by direct scientific observation.
“It is time fantasy and ‘computer modelling’ were replaced by direct scientific observation.”
I wonder if Dreamworks have ever thought of making a movie based on this story line?
Hi Jennifer
Thanks for this post.
Yes we are in a queer situation when the only ‘medicine’ allowed for this disease are newly developed vaccines. ‘Vaccines which don’t prevent infection of vaccinated persons and don’t prevent vaccinated people from infecting other persons !!
All they do is lesson the severity of the disease for infected persons. And that wanes in a few months anyway !
And so I’ve been thinking and seeking to know what else will help is avoid infection and minimise the severity if we do bump into this virus. Among the answers I’ve found are Vitamin D3, Betadine Oral ( PVP ) Irish moss etc.
And I’ve posted an article about all this – from the perspective of tango dancers here : https://www.facebook.com/bill.hankin
Hello Jennifer,
Thanks for the well written essay
Interesting how the human medicine is so controlled while the veterinary drugs less so
I ordered ivermectin from India. Tracking indicated it got on a plane heading for Oz, then disappeared.
I can only assume it was intercepted by customs, & confiscated for my protection from this evil stuff. Fortunately this was my second order, but the loss diminishes my ability to help my family if needed.
How could we ever trust our government again?
Perhaps we were being very naive trusting them in the past, but if so we should all be cured of such naivety for the future.
“It is now the case that all boosters will be Pfizer.”
Not true.
Moderna is also available for a booster and Jennifer, Moderna is also an MRNA vaccine.
So why are you obsessing over Pfizer ?
“The unofficial advice has been that the Australian government wants everyone vaccinated rather than relying on medicines.”
Oh ?
Well why has the government ordered 300,000 doses of Pfizer’s anti-viral pills (subject to TGA approval).
Merck also has one out there.
Obviously because the recommended treatment regime will include anti-virals as well as vaccines.
There is no “one size fits all” magic pill solution – never was, never will be for all patients with all variants of SARS-CoV-2 – much the same as vaccination.
Ivermectin is not a magic pill either although there have been some promising studies, anecdotal and observational, a few blinded and controlled, but mostly of small volunteer cohorts into this anti-parasitic drug which has excellent anti-viral properties too in vitro.
I am awaiting with interest the results from the very large UK PRINCIPLE study into repurposed readily available drugs with a good safety record like Ivermectin,(at the correct safe dosage).
BTW, my experienced GP is also “a registered General Practitioner in Queensland”
Well, duh – how else could he practise in Qld ? – injected me with a Pfizer booster Friday morning.
And my bio-chemist friend, with 50 years of medical science behind him, (and still working), who is far higher qualified to analyse these preparations than your GP or mine had his Moderna, mRNA booster two weeks before in NSW.
I assure you he is not stupid or suicidal.
Ivermectin guru Dr Pierre Kory speaks to the camera here.
In Europe, three athletes suffered heart problems soon after being vaccinated for the Wuhan virus. This is being investigated and a warning issued recommending that athletes refrain from strenuous activities for 10 days. Djokovic knows about this for sure because professional athletes and international players keep themselves updated about every issue involving their sports.
Googling will provide more reports about Covid related heart attacks while fact checkers, whose expertise is doing fakery, try to confabulate this truth into conspiracy theories.
Dave Ross, Pfizer’s pill works only if it is taken within the first three days of infection. It is just useless after that. It is a protease inhibitor, inhibiting the virus from replicating. By the third day, Pfizer’s mmedicine will be useless. Also, it includes another known medicine meaant to increase the active time of the protease inhibitor. So, in fact, one will be taking two medicines and two sets of side effects and risks.
Ivermectin works the same way, as a protease inhibitor, but it works all along the virus’ residency in the victim’s body, including ‘long covid’.
The World Health Organisation had declared Ivermectin a wonder drug. Here’s a long read should you dare:
Th FDA cannot approve a drug ‘for emergency’ use for a specific affliction, such as the current Covid-19 virus, if another approved medicine already exists that can cure patients of that particular affliction.
Hence, if Ivermectin is approved as a cure for Covid then Pfizer and all the other manufacturers of the emergency vaccines will not sell one single shot more. This is the reason why Pfizer et al vaccine manufactures in cahoots with Wall Street/Democrats/Twitter/Meta (Fb)/others are doing their worst to keep Ivermectin out of reach from every authority in the world.
Japan has gone ‘rogue’. While the Japanese government had banned Ivermectin, last August the medical authority actually told doctors to administers medicines according to their opinion after consultation with their patients. The result is this:
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/japan/ (scroll down to ‘Active cases’)
Thank you Alex, for taking the time to post these insightful and informative comments.
Regarding Japan, I understand that the Tokyo Medical Association is advocating for the use of Ivermectin. And it is absolutely OK/legal to use it off label in Japan. It is being advocated on prime time TV in Japan. My friend Yuko, sends me the clip.
Meanwhile here in Australia, I watched SBS TV news last night and it showed pictures of infants in hospital purportedly suffering from Covid. These powerful images followed with advice to get your children vaccinated ASAP. Of course that would be with Pfizer and yet there is a real risk of heart problems. To be clear, the vaccination program about to be rolled out to school children will result in a fair number of boys (albeit a small percentage) with Myocarditis and Pericarditis.
We know that the current strain of the Covid virus (Omicron) is not particularly virulent and most children will show few, if any, symptoms. So why, would any thinking parent, concerned about the welfare of their child, agree?
Regarding Ivermectin, a question/point of clarification? It is the zinc, not the Ivermectin, that actually cures Covid. Ivermectin simply facilitates uptake of the zinc. Is that right?
Hi Jennifer. The following is what i have learned abiut zinc:
Zinc blocks the pathway of the virus from getting its spike attached into the lung tissues.
As for IVM:
Ivermectin, as a protease inhibitor actually stops the virus from replicating. So best thing is to commence treatment early. But unlike Pfizer’s new pill, IVM works on many levels and can help eliminate Covid even if taken late for long Covid.
Pfizer et al crooks keep on fighting IVM because it works and it’s cheap. Now, lnowing that one fine day the world will come to realise that IVM works, they have quickly developed a quickfix pill for Covid to beat IVM.
However, and here’s the bombshell: It is highly probable that IVM, which has a wide spectrum efficacy, works against all corona viruses including the common flu and all the nasty flu variants that visit us every winter. Imagine Pfizer et al crooks losing their bread and butter billions, on a yearly basis, to a ‘stupid’ 5 cent pill that any pharmaceutical factory anywhere in the world can produce in the millions without patent permits and available from the counter withiut prescription, like an aspirin, but with no side effects at all because its origin is found in Japanese soil and not in man made chemicals.
It is HCQ that acts as a carrier of Zn making it easier for the Zn to attach itself to the lung tissues thus blocking the nasty beast from entering the lung cells, giving time for the body’s immune system to overcome rhe virus before this starts replicating.
Japan are experiencing some localised spikes of Covid infections. These four areas each hosts a US military base and the breakout source are the US military members themselves who according to bumbling Biden should have been jabbed for Covid or booted out.
Permit me posting another important fact:
Previous to the Wuhan virus breakout, Pfizer were on the verge of financial collapse having been fined 2.3 BILLION dollars for having found guilty of bribing doctors to administer Pfizer medicines as Off-Label to their patients. The criminality was not the off-label use, which is legal simply because a doctor is a scientist and can decide what-s right and proper fir the patient’s wellbeing. The criminality was the bribing.
The irony and the hypocrisy is that now it is a crime use IVM and HCQ off-label, as pushed by Pfizer et al crooks and enforced by nany governments, including the US’ government.
Professor Robert Booy is an infectious diseases paediatrician. Since 2005 he has worked at the University of Sydney in the fields of vaccinology, epidemiology and infectious diseases.
He is currently a Senior Professorial Fellow at the University of Sydney Children’s Hospital Westmead Clinical School. From 2005 to 2019 he held the position of Head of Clinical Research at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) at Westmead Children’s Hospital and remains an Affiliate of NCIRS.
Watched Robert Booy yesterday to camera who was initially hesitant to recommend mRNA vaccines for children and I watched him say so.
He has now watched the evidence from o/s and received the data from the USA with approx 4.8 million vaccinated children from 5 – 11 that has now allayed his concerns.
His clinical opinions are valid, valuable and believable in this matter I believe.
I only brought up Robert Booys because he is an experienced Australian paediatrician and his major concern is children and Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS).
Also he has observed that myocarditis is very high in unvaccinated children with Covid 19, much, much, higher than vaccinated children which is at odds with your question,
“So why, would any thinking parent, concerned about the welfare of their child, agree?”
Jennifer, you seem just a step behind in your technical research in these matters.
Alex, I think you will find that I am well read in these matters and extremely well advised by experienced, highly qualified professionals – I doubt that you will surprise me with any new Ivermectin revelations but I am always ready to read any relevant material.
If Ivermectin is proved more efficacious than standard care with currently approved medications,(and there are many used),in a large scale, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study such as the UK, PRINCIPLE study currently underway using many thousands of volunteers, I will join the Ivermectin true believers.
But that is my way.
Jennifer urges us all to trust the science – I do.
But am cynically sceptical of conspiracy theorists and Pfizer, bogeyman fantasists.
It’s very very odd hat no one responds when the collapse of the Covid pandemic in Japan is brought up.
No one admits it is happening !
No one suggests investigating what’s happening !
There is a complete blindness at work.
Once more unto the breach!!!
Dave Ross,
I’m close to 70 yrs old. I consider myself a WW2 child born just 6 yrs after the end of the Pacific war. My father was a young soldier and my mum was in her teens. The poverty after the war persisted but things were made good with hard work. Through that poverty i studied and got my engineering degree. My daughter and two sons, in their early middle age, are qualified more than me, one of them an MD.
So that’s my background.
I have seen many things coming during my years, including how the Soviet Union would one day collapse by the emergence of a leader who declare the end of tyranny. The other option was global conflagration which I knew would never occur.
I had predicted Brexit simply because of reading the feelings of rhe British worker, and Trump’s victory simply because I knew how the American middle class were betrayed by the Democrats AND the Republicans. Trump interpreted correctly those tea leaves and revolutionised US politics.
Now for Covid: Its now all about money and the jigsaw puzzle piece are all there to see.
I remember well the 1950s Polio pandemic. Scientists armed with stupid microscopes and little money had developed a vaccine within a few years that lasts a lifetime. Same for smallpox and so many other viruses. Today, armed with space age technology and billions of money all they can produce is a vaccine that last a few months. It is a total failure compared to past epidemics and pandemics.
Demonizing Ivermectin has a scope behind it. It is a harmless chemical with no known side effects. It has been administered more than a billion times without one single known adverse reaction.
Today one can legally smoke pot but not a 5 cent harmless pill that is declared as a miracle obe by the WHO.
Governments around the world are using psychology on steroids to scare people into taking a specific course of action as regards Covid and exactly the same approach is being used to create fear about so-called anthropogenic climate change. The people are not as stupid as the politicians and the people will undoubtedly throw up widescale resistance in cases where such government edicts run counter to the interests of the people.
The vaccination of children in the 5 to 12 age bracket is about to begin in earnest here in Australia, and with the Pfizer mRNA technology. I can’t find which studies were used by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) to determine the vaccine to be save for this age group?
Do our children really need to be vaccinated from Omicron? Isn’t that a bit like trying to vaccinate them from the common cold?
I understand that Omicron is a risk to my 91-year-old mother, and so I have just last week taken her for a booster. But children? Really? Against Omicron?
There was a very mixed response to this blog post over at my Facebook page, with 222 comments to date.
Many of the comments are by those upset that I dare to question the rollout for children. Apparently, I should stick to climate science or do more research.
But no one can give me the studies the TGA relied on to ensure its safety or show me the study that shows the risk to benefits of a Covid vaccine for these children. I would much appreciate this information.
A key claim is that children in Australia should be vaccinated because it will reduce their risk of myocarditis.
When I ask for the data I’m referred to a study which used hospitalized children as its control/as its reference. This would seem to be the study that the ABC media is promoting, without perhaps realizing that this is an abnormal and sickly cohort. Sickly children with chronic diseases are perhaps better vaccinated against Covid, but what about your average healthy Australian in the 5 to 12 age bracket?
Just because sickly children need to be protected, that is not necessarily a good reason to mandate the vaccine for all children. I would have thought it was more a reason for the government, if it must do something, to put in place a program to mandate (if it must be always mandating) that children get enough sleep, nutritious food and are allowed outside to exercise.
My GP told me that even I was at an increased risk of myocarditis from a Pfizer jab, and so suggested instead that I be vaccinated with AstraZeneca.
A Danish study, excluding children younger than 12, recently concluded:
The link is here: https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/375/bmj-2021-068665.full.pdf
The only peer-reviewed studies using un-hospitalised children that I can find, suggest that vaccination generally increases the risk of myocarditis. I understand this is not necessarily the case for my mother’s cohort, that as you get older the benefits of any vaccine may far out way the risk of complications from Covid. This may also be the case for children in hospital, sickly children.
But please someone, tell me, the Australian National Broadcaster, in its promotion of this vaccine for all children, is not relying on a study that used hospitalised children as its control?
Thank you for the fascinating, insight into your life so far, albeit a rather unexpected insight.
I am afraid that, although of a similar age, I have many human flaws and certainly no powers of clairvoyance such as yours so feel at some disadvantage when engaging with you.
However, in my “Little Engine That Could” manner, I keep trying.
Now to the polio vaccine.
Firstly all viruses are not the same and have widely varying characteristics and tendencies to mutate over time.
If they were all the same we would only need one vaccine for all.
The first inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was developed by Dr Jonas Salk in the States using the polio virus grown on monkey kidney cells and inactivated or attenuated with formalin and injected into children en masse – millions and millions of kids.
The current anti-vaxxer cohort would have conniptions if this vaccine with its rather confronting genesis was used for children today and RFK Jnr and his ghost writers would have typed their trembling fingers to the bone as they produced yet another out of context, fabricated tome with the possible title, “THE REAL DR SALK !”
But we know it was a very successful vaccine with a fantastic outcome for future generations of children globally.
However the stable polio virus was and is, not a novel zoonotic coronavirus like SARS-CoV-2 which can and does change some of its characteristics readily and requires rapid response by the world’s medical science community and laboratories to save lives.
Apples with apples applies here.
Back in the fifties the global population was about 2.8 billion people and international travel was expensive and not readily available to the masses.
Now we have 7.8 billion people and prior to this pandemic there were literally millions of people in the air or on the sea daily moving between countries, spreading diseases.
This is a very different world we live in and as epidemiologists advise, this is certainly not the last zoonotic virus we will see
Lets hope we are better prepared next time – I am confident we will be.
If you have read any of my posts you will see that I have not demonised Ivermectin and welcome the outcome of large volunteer cohort, high quality, correctly regimented studies into repurposed drugs with an excellent safety record, (like Ivermectin at correct dosages) such as the UK’s PRINCIPLE study which is underway right now.
To this point many of the studies into Ivermectin/Covid were of low quality, using a small cohort of volunteers, were not blinded or controlled, many anecdotal/observational and open to bias.
However like most pharmaceuticals, Ivermectin is not “a harmless chemical with no known side effects”.
Well recorded side effects from anti-parasitic Ivermectin dosages include headache, dizziness, muscle pain, nausea, or diarrhoea.
Overdosing, such has occurred in many countries through Covid fear and lack of availability of vaccines and/or hospital care has been recorded as causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, hypotension (low blood pressure), allergic reactions (itching and hives), dizziness, ataxia (problems with balance), seizures, coma and even death.
This is all a matter of record and was known well before Covid conspiracy fairy tales began.
This from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Jennifer another important point that seems to be commonly overlooked is that personal protection, although important, from SARS-CoV-2 infection, is that vaccinated persons are less likely to develop a high viral load, thus having less virions, or even no virions available for transmission to others.
Children can develop a viral load without being symptomatic or just mildly ill but being extremely gregarious are more likely to spread viral particles to someone who may be extremely susceptible to a nasty respiratory disease like Covid 19.
These people are common and out there in our community, like your mum for example, or children undergoing chemo, post operative patients etc.
My grandkids climb all over me kissing and cuddling, wrestling as soon as they get near me and I’m74.
Its all about slowing the spread and numbers of viral particles, viral abundance, in the community so that our hospitals can stay safe until natural entropy reduces SARS-CoV-2 to a less dangerous endemic state and hopefully just an additional health nuisance.
A recent high quality study from the UK which of course used the same vaccines as us in a similar racially identified population.
“In summary, this population-based study quantifies for the first time the risk of several rare cardiac adverse events associated with three COVID-19 vaccines as well as SARS-CoV-2 infection. Vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 in adults was associated with a small increase in the risk of myocarditis within a week of receiving the first dose of both adenovirus and mRNA vaccines, and after the second dose of both mRNA vaccines. By contrast, SARS-CoV-2 infection was associated with a substantial increase in the risk of hospitalization or death from myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiac arrhythmia”
The mystery of Covid is this: why is it that when some one tests positive, with no symptoms, but then is told to isolate, stay home, and only when you get symptoms that really make you sick go to hospital for treatment? Wouldn’t it be better to have a plan that includes stuff to ameliorate the symptoms before they become life threatening.
From my observations, it seems the GP medical profession has been put asunder by the threat of a disease that they don’t want to go near, even though it’s treatable with inexpensive, non genetic therapies (as in the mRNA vaccines) that have been shown to be very successful:
Not providing a treatment plan until symptoms become evident has never made sense to this dimwitted ol’ ginger-beer. So, ‘a long time ago’ (no, not ‘that’ long ago) I thought it would be prudent to take matters into my own hand and called upon the experts above (not the egg-spurts who spout nonsense on the MSM) to render help, and thus engaged these people to establish my Co-Vee-Protection plan, which includes the essential elements noted above.
As for vaccines, I’ve had my share, particularly during my travelling days. However, they were all the traditional forms based on the actual germ itself, not a synthetic concoction of a presumed part of a germ that ingratiates itself into your human cells. These parasitic, synthetic concoctions replicate and thus, supposedly, induce the body’s immune system to defend itself, and in many cases, aggressively so, destroying healthy tissue as it seeks to destroy the germ. This just doesn’t make sense, and to say the vaccines are useful belies the threat that even the TGA’s own dashboard suggests they aren’t safe, and certainly don’t seem to be of any use to Omicron, just like those ‘useful’ flu vaccines that don’t contain all the strains in circulation:
I think I’ll wait until something more traditional comes along before I contemplate (if ever that is necessary) risking my life for the ‘sake of making us all safe’, as our ‘leaders’ are want to say, ad nauseum.
Probably you need to read up on asymptomatic transmission of the virus so that another viral mystery becomes clear to you …maybe.
I live in hope.
I don’t find the word “ionophore” in the post or comments.
A multi-vitamin and mineral pill will contain Zinc, but not Quercetin.
The latter is an ionophore (a compound that can transport ions (like zinc) across biological cell membranes). Various fruits and veggies (red onions) contain Quercetin, although supplements are sold.
I first read of this on Jo Nova’s site many months ago.
I’ve given up trying to make sense of the reports of issues with the “vaccines” because the sources and the reporters are not up to the task. I think there are many “base rate fallacies” — but figuring this out is above my pay grade.
Thanks to you and the folks commenting — there is always something to learn.
{From Washington State where there is more snow than we can deal with. The Weather God has a sense of humor.}
Here in Europe (Germany) we are also subject to the edicts of the health experts. Is it working? You be the judge. My grandfather who had very strong opinions about society, passed away in a car accident many years ago and I am glad he didnt see this mess.
One of the major problems that the vaccination programme had been hit with was credibility. The major reason for this, as I see it, is that this very important issue had been immediately hijacked by the political class, which had lost credibility decades ago, and the media which has been losing credibility too, but not as much as politicians. A chasm was thus created between people and science. Then, many scientists, doctors and frontline medical staff were side-lined and stonewalled into silence simply for asking questions. The social media did the rest, with Twitter and Fb silencing anything that their opinionated fact checkers decided. Even the phrase Chinese virus was banned, but not Spanish ‘flu.
The death count produced panic, economic slowdowns with sections of the economy going belly up. now the Chairman of the CDC, during an interview, admitted that 40% of deaths ( I presume she was referring to US stats, but most probably applicable across the free world) were not due to Covid-19 but patients who were critically ill and died of their illnesses WHILE with Covid.
One gets even more suspicious with news such as the FDA’s decision to save Pfizer from a FOIA request for Pfizer to publish its studies on the Covid-19 vaccine up to approval. The FDA’s decision gave Pfizer a 70 year long stay before publishing most of the report. (The SCOTUS decided otherwise: 7 months.)
The senseless banning of the repurposing of cheap proven medicines as prophylactics and possible cures, added to the scepticism of many.
These events are what have forced many people rightly or wrongly to become highly suspicious of how laws and sausages have been made during this Covid saga..