The condemnation is coming largely from people who continue to be part of a relentless scare campaign over the pandemic, exacerbating fear rather than reassuring the public. The same cohort habitually underestimate the intelligence of the public, preferring to shield them from contrary views rather than trusting them to be discerning.
Politicians and journalists have almost unequalled access to platforms for debate and discussion. Instead of cancelling people they should contest them, instead of de-platforming them they should debate them.
I’m quoting from an article just published by Chris Kenny. He writes:
The efforts of the Left and the media pack to cancel Craig Kelly are at once pathetic and frightening. They are pretending he is an anti-vaxxer, pretending he is issuing dangerous medical advice and pretending he is wrong.
This is a classic example of how the green Left narrative and the general media, journalist narrative usually run in parallel. They work together pushing the same line but the very basis of their attack is seldom tested or scrutinised.
If you are a journalist or a politician and you really believe these things about Craig Kelly, then it is easy; detail the facts, show us what he has said, and demonstrate that it is wrong.
But they fail to do this. We have seen Kelly mocked in interviews on breakfast television, in the hallways of parliament and in countless pieces of commentary. There is plenty of heat but not much light.
It spilt into the hallways of parliament on Wednesday morning when Tanya Plibersek had a go at Kelly and he had a go back. It was unseemly but the most telling point came from Kelly, urging Plibersek to read the medical research. Predictably, the media called it for the Labor antagonist.
Kelly should not have shared a platform with loopy anti-vaxxer Pete Evans, but beyond that he has done little more than contribute to a sensible, open and well-referenced debate about research and trials into potential COVID-19 treatments.
He is not an anti-vaxxer. After those ugly corridor scenes, the prime minister called Kelly in to tell him to settle down, which is rather unfortunate, because this means giving in to the bullies.
It is better to accept the assessment from leading immunologist Professor Robert Clancy, as quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, hardly barrackers for a conservative like Kelly.
Professor Clancy said he didn’t know Craig Kelly or agree with everything he has said but that he was “absolutely right” about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
“Early treatment is highly effective,” he said, “Vaccines are critically important. They should not be seen as mutually exclusive. You need them both.”
Yet, Labor, the Greens and most of the press gallery continue to bay for Kelly’s blood, demand that he be silenced, and they do this without making their case, without detailing errors, and without showing the basic qualities of research, scepticism and objectivity they are supposed to practice.
Tanya Plibersek clashes with Craig Kelly in halls of press gallery
Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek has clashed with Liberal MP Craig Kelly accusing him of peddling quack COVID-19 cures in the halls of the press gallery.And for all this, Kelly is now under real threat because he is providing a political distraction. This is a ridiculous way to conduct a searching discussion about a many-pronged attack against a global pandemic.
Written by Chris Kenny, and just now published at The Australian.
The feature image is Craig with me at Bob Carter’s funeral in Townsville.
I don’t mind if Craig Kelly is an ‘anti-vaxxer’
I do not know Pete Evans, why is he loopy?
Pete Evans was a ‘Master’ Chef…And thus excellently qualified to express informed opinions on Covid, the pandemic and vaccination – NOT !
He is indeed a nutter.
Why was Craig Kelly listening to Evens nonsensical opinions ? And then boasting about it on Facebook ?
We here in Australia are blessed with governments at Federal & State levels which have effective strategies to control and eliminate this pandemic. That’s one of the major reasons why we only have 909 deaths from Covid over the past year – in a population of 25 million.
By contrast in the USA where fruit loop covidiots have dominated the strategies used by governments and the popular debate, there are now 300,000 dead in a population of 330,000,000.
What we are doing here in Australia WORKS !
Further when you’re are on a good thing, stick to it !
Debating this would undermine what is already working
As for Craig Kelly I would help fund him migrate to the Covidiots paradise in the USA.
Back in 2015 I reversed 2 decades of undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes (including all complications relating to nerve damage and stroke) plus shed 40kg… thanks entirely to a combination of Dr R.K. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution combined with Pete Evans Paleo approach. I was ahead of my time and the only person who approved of what I was doing was me. But it worked. In 7 months I had recovered.
Fast forward 5 years of doing this and on this Saturday I will be classed as “operationally cured”. Thank you Pete. Thank you Dr “Bee” (as I affectionately nicknamed him).
I have nil issues with either Evans or Kelly. Regardless of Evans recent behaviours I will always respect Evans for how he promoted this diet when I needed it and educated me to reach my personal goal.
I am not an anti-vaxxer. I do use vaccines. Very selectively. I am not interested in the COVID vaccine. I have invested instead in data tracked nutrition that prioritises the optimisation of my immune system. I had COVID early in 2020, got over it in 10 days with significant lethargy. No other symptoms. I do not fear this at all.
This is nothing to do with anything but suppressing opinions not of the leftwing. Kelly is being repressed by the Slimy, biased and totally corrupt main stream media. They are the real enemy. No one should be allowed more than one media outlet. Break up the conglomerates and you can only have either a capital city newspaper, radio station or TV station! That would stop this fascist nonsense.
Jennifer, I recall that you promoted Craig’s claims about parts of Tuvalu increasing in size … as if [sub-text] sea-level rise was not happening. It seemed to me that some land areas were increasing in extent (due to … what was it … due to accumulation of detritus and other factors. But I don’t remember that his Tuvalu claims contained sea level observations/data.
Hi Garry
I started a blog post explaining how Malcolm Turnbull lost his job as PM, with reference to Craig Kelly and Tuvalu:
There is some important history in the above link, that the mainstream media deny.
It is the case that Tuvalu is expanding in area by about 73 hectares:
I don’t like linking to an ABC article, except this is relevant to the present situation with everyone claiming Kelly to be wrong in detail when in fact he is correct.
Keep safe, keep well! Jen
I’m just filing this here:
This campaign against Craig is likely just beginning.
Just filing this important interview here:
There are doctors and groups of doctors who are convinced both Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine are useful for both preventing and treating Covid-19.
Hydroxychloroquine (and Ivermectin)
What is astonishing to me is that even people who admit that the establishment (being government, media, academia and industry) have conspired to committed all manner of fraud regarding climate science are so quick to jump onto the “anti-vaxxer” band wagon.
It really is very simple. Vaccines are the only product in the world where the manufacturers are protected by governments against liability and the said product is becoming increasingly mandated. It is the perfect business model. NO-ONE is allowed to question the safety of the product lest he/she be immediately silenced and sacked, with the peanut gallery howling “anti-vaxxer”. What a pathetic joke. Honestly, people, wake up.
The Informed Consent Action Network in the USA has used the legal process to force some incredible admissions regarding vaccine safety (or lack thereof) from a number of US government health agencies. For example, the CDC has NEVER conducted a study comparing health outcomes in vaccinated children to wholly unvaccinated children for any health outcome, including but not limited to autism.
The FDA has zero studies to establish that injecting aluminium (an adjuvant in many vaccine inn increasing doses) into human beings is safe:
The FDA had zero studies to support safety in vaccinating pregnant women with the flu shot, before approving those vaccines for use in pregnant women:
Vaccine safety trials NEVER use saline inert placebo but another vaccine or “dummy” vaccine or other biologically active substance as placebo. Vaccine safety trials are always short, lasting from as little as 3 days to a couple of weeks or months. The following document links to the FDA’s own data which is the evidence of these statements for all vaccines on the US childhood schedule:
Every vaccine product insert lists a myriad of conditions of varying severity including paralysis and neurological injury, which the manufacturer has identified as being a possible adverse side effect of the product.
The US government has paid out $4.9B for vaccine injury since indemnifying the manufacturers against liability in 1986 for a variety of injuries including death. Some US government agencies were charged by the legislation with the burden of making vaccines safer and when called upon through the legal process to produce their reports in pursuance of the legislation, lo and behold, they have NONE:
Good luck trying to find any such information in Australia. The Australian government gives no such disclosure and have eliminated “informed consent” via APRHA regulations wherein any doctor who advises patients on the risks of vaccines will be deregistered. Government policy is that “vaccines are safe and effective” and any evidence to the contrary is not allowed.
If you read the Australian government “What About Autism?” Info sheet and actually obtain and read the references, you will see that their claim that many – I’m paraphrasing – many high quality studies have compared the health of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children, is a complete lie, wholly unsubstantiated by their own references. Neither the Masden 2002 study or the Taylor 2014 meta-analysis of 10 studies have a co-hort of wholly unvaccinated children. Logically, if what they produce to support the claim does not support the claim, then they have no evidence to support the claim.
Additionally, upon actually reading the so-called “mountain of science” that “settles” that vaccines are safe and effective, one will understand that only one vaccine (the MMR) and one ingredient (thimerosal – mercury) has ever been investigated (if you could call it that – a lack of or absence of scientific integrity is not limited to climate science). At the time that mercury (a neurotoxin) was removed from vaccines, another neurotoxin (aluminium) was added and at increasingly high doses.
It cannot be said that vaccine injury is rare because it has never been quantified. No control group is used in the safety testing and no control group is ever used in the studies to “prove” that vaccines are not associated with poor health outcomes. The industry will not find what it refuses to look for. The regulators are puppets of industry. This is not science, it is fraud. If there is no control group, there is no science.
Even where a particular injury for a particular vaccine is reported in the scientific literature eg that there is an increased risk of seizures with the MMR and MMRV, the medical community especially in Australia will say to the parent, “It wasn’t the vaccine.” Well, according to the published science, it may well have been. As there has never been a study to compare the rates of seizure in vaccinated children to wholly unvaccinated children, there is zero evidence to support a conclusion that the vaccine did not cause the seizure.
Many studies have shown that vaccines are associated with injury and adverse health outcomes. Here is a list of some:
I have provided much source data – as in from the horse’s mouth – to support most things that I have stated. These things are irrefutable. Perhaps a chef isn’t “qualified” to speak on the evidence of vaccine safety or lack thereof, which is actually the case, but you can be assured that doctors are not either. They have no idea of these things and deliberately so. They have no idea they are part of the fraud. Anyone can educate themselves on these matters.
A final note – the so-called “anti-vaxx” movie which was hounded in Australia, was about a CDC whistleblower who came forward and admitted that the CDC committed scientific fraud in their only and the largest study on a link between the MMR and autism. He never destroyed the data, though he was instructed to, along with the other scientists. The whole story, including the data which was obtained through FOI under his instruction on what to ask for, is presented in the documentary. In case there is any doubt that this actually happened, then watch the video on Representative Posey’s Youtube channel where he presented Dr William Thompson’s affidavit to the US Congress. Dr Thompson who still works for the CDC has since gone quiet and there has been zero investigation into the fraud and complete silence by the media.
But hey, the science is settled and anyone who disagrees is LOOPY! Right?
Of course vaccines can be helpful, however that does not mean they are without their dangers, even those vaccines which are held to be harmless often have a death toll though usually only a small percentage of the total vaccinated, tough for the victim and such things are usually not broadcasted nd discussed publicly.
For those who trust the medical system i suggest reading Dr Marys Monkey, detailing how the medical establishment in the NIH (the same NIH that was funding a
program to mutate corona viruses so that they could infect humans at the Wuhan lab as arranged by Dr Anthony Fauci) in the 1950’s U.S led by Dr Ochsner knowingly (a researcher found that it paralyzed test monkeys) released the Salk polio vaccine which contained LIVE polio (it was supposed to be dead), and promoted the vaccination program for children, thousands of children developed polio and some died, later the same researcher found that the vaccine also contained a cocktail of live monkey viruses ( the vaccine was grown on monkey kidney tissue) including SV40 which produces fast growing cancers in test mammals like rats.
The NIH then destroyed her career, as they did not want the population to know that
they had been given a vaccine that may well give them soft tissue cancer.