“24 Hours of Reality” will broadcast a presentation by Al Gore every hour for 24 hours across 24 different time zones from Wednesday to Thursday, with the aim of convincing climate change sceptics and driving action against global warming among households, schools and businesses…
More about the campaign here:
They are getting desperate…..
That’s insane!
There is only one definition for this type of campaign….it starts with P and ends with A đ
When AGW’s faulty reason and logic fail to persuade in a polite conversation, so the next step for progress is insults?
With the known uncertainty of climate science I would think that claiming a sceptical outlook is the equal of racism would have to backfire on Gore in a big way.
If the MSM did its job this craziness should become the joke of the week.
I couldn’t find “I’m a racist” or “I’m a paedophile” or “I’m a slaver”:
Check out the “Gore Effect ” in action at
This is Al “an inconvenient Moron” Gore’s desperate attempt to stop the loss of true believers. It has nothing to do with converting us deniers or sceptics. The science and arguments are simply too weak and specious.
Yes well if people have started to wake up that this ETS scheme requires us to back a ‘paper credit’ market around a product that has no commercial value for the end user…AND it’s based on a predictively modelled theory (that isn’t measuring up to the predictions)….I would imagine that a great deal of the original support has dropped off.
Hence, we have to have a ‘sales campaign’ using a really cool website to either bring back some of those original supporters or attrect some new gullibles.
I find it staggering that these people are pretending they can save the world by creating an artificial market around a valueless product….and that people actually believe them?
How did CO2 get such a bad name? It’s actually an important trace element that is esential to life on earth….but now it’s labelled as ‘carbon pollution’….UNBELIEVABLE!
Excuse the OT…Erl Happ has a guest post at Watts with this very interesting graph.
‘This shows the temperature at 10hPa in the polar stratosphere over Antarctica. A dramatic stepwise increase in the winter minimum temperature occurred in 1976-79. Mid 1976 marks the transition from the weak solar cycle 20 to the very active cycle 21.
‘A coincidence?’
1976 was also the time of the PDO phase change and the great climate shift:
cohers and eg,
Since that 1976 step change, things have never been the same in this NOTW. If we went back to the weather [climate] of those days, the screams of AGW would be heard for miles.
This ridiculous Goreathon would have so much to bed-wet over they would become totally incontinent.
This further adds to the stupidity of the Goreathon.
Ivar Giaever, Nobel Laureate, resigns from the APS with this statement:
âIn the APS it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible? The claim (how can you measure the average temperature of the whole earth for a whole year?) is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this âwarmingâ period.”
in my view Barnaby Joyce is always worth reading
Subject: Draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan, Malaysian Solution
BARNABY JOYCE: The purpose of this is that I think we have had enough of this ridiculous process where we are relying on information from the South Tumut Advocate to determine where the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is going. We seem to have this continual leak of information into certain regional newspapers, and God bless them and good luck to them, but the people of Australia deserve the respect of proper transparency.
So I call on Minister Burke and on Mr Knowles to release the actual truth of exactly where the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is going, what are the actual numbers so that we can have the real debate and stop delaying the inevitable.
There are a lot of people who feel that they have been sitting in the dentist’s surgery waiting room for far too long and now they want to make sure that we can get the figures out and have the debate, but make sure the implications and ramifications are properly assessed and dealt with.
Obviously, we are hoping for the triple-bottom line, which both the Labor party promised and we promised. The triple-bottom line that takes into account the equivalence of the social, economic and environmental factors pertaining to the 2.1 million people who live in the Basin, that produces 40% of the nation’s food, 60% of the nation’s irrigation, and has vital environmental assets as well that must be maintained, including the health of the river.
So they have had some time, they haven’t got around to it. They’re starting to strategically leak it, it’s almost like their trying to soft-crash land the plane and it is just not working. So we are calling on them to release it.
And we also note that even their response to COAG back in 2009 for the National Water Initiative hasn’t been dealt with. So they have got form in delaying.
SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Thanks Barnaby. The Coalition remains as committed today as it was in 2007 to delivering an equitable and effective Basin plan. We have wanted it for a long time, we still want it. We put the framework in place in 2007 for it to be delivered, yet under Labor there has just been delay, delay, delay in the development of the Basin Plan.
It was due out last year, then it got delayed. It was due out in June this year, then it got delayed. It was due out in August, it got delayed until October and then it got delayed until November.
But now we see this drip-feeding of information. It is totally unacceptable to see that the Basin Plan released bit by bit, it seems right across the country, with no comprehensive understanding of what it means and how it will impact on communities.
Tony Burke, Craig Knowles and the MDBA need to come out today and say this is the day we will release the Basin Plan on and there will be no movement from that. There will be not another delay, not another day of delay, not another day of indecision or deferral. Give people that certainty, give us the certainty, give the Parliament the certainty, but most importantly give the communities of the Murray-Darling Basin, who are desperate to actually know, what this Basin Plan means for them the certainty that they are going to see it and that we can all then have a constructive debate about something meaningful not be jumping at shadows to figures drip-feed around the country that we do or do not know are actually the truth.
JOURNALIST: Do you think the drip feed is part of a process of political management?
BARNABY JOYCE: I think it could certainly be seen that way Matthew. I think there is a sense of testing the waters excuse the pun. Testing the waters of how this is going to be accepted, seeing what the ramifications are, which brings a sense of insincerity and also it brings a sense of flux to the whole decision making process. People want certainty. There are people out there who are making decisions to buy hotels or sell hotels, to buy places or sell places, to move to a town as a teacher or not move to a town as a teacher, to decide weather theyâre going to buy a house or not buy a house and these decisions will overwhelmingly be affected by the decisions that are made in the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Thereâs also the decisions of farmers as to do they have a long term future and the banks will want to have some serious discussions about what the ramifications are of this as well.
Now everybody knows that if they have, theyâre basically leaking it, they must have the numbers, they just want the dignity of not being treated like a fool. If youâve got the numbers, if youâre prepared to leak them then deliver them in a professional way, deliver them to the Parliament in a professional way. Itâs the Ministerâs responsibility to say well this is absurd, oh yeah Iâll call a conference, Iâll have the announcement, Iâll release the figures and then we can get the proper processes of this Parliament looking at it because that is the Australian peopleâs democratic right
SIMON BIRMINGHAM: The current approach, if I can just add, is essentially just waging a war of attrition on the people of the Murray-Darling Basin and the communities of the Basin. It doesnât matter where they are, people are genuinely concerned that this constant uncertainty is affecting their confidence in their business, their confidence in their livelihoods and their confidence in this process. A process that people were once, particularly in my home state, enthusiastic about, is now a process that is being terribly undermined by the continual changes and the continual uncertainty. Bring it to an end and restore some confidence to the process as well as to the communities.
JOURNALIST: The headline figure of 2800 gigs has been circulating for about 6 months, is that an acceptable number?
BARNABY JOYCE: Well the trouble is Lauren its like saying weâre going to take four items of clothing off me â not off you â now that might be acceptable or it might not, it all depends where they come from. We have to really start drilling down, this is the whole point of it. Weâre told these numbers, but the people in the towns, in Deniliquin, in St George in my town, in Mildura, in Murray Bridge, they want to say well what does that mean to me? What does that number mean to me? And those people have a right to get more professional and deliberate instruction of where exactly their life is going. If they get this wrong someone in a house might be about to lose half the value of their house, which means they might not want to buy it right now. Now we need to turn those macro figures into the reality of what actually happens at on a micro level on the ground in the regions.
JOURNALIST: If you look at some of the catchment figures that are circulating at the moment it seems like areas like Murrumbidgee Irrigation are looking at cuts that are not vastly different from what we saw at the time of the release of the Guide. Has there just been a rearranging of the deck chairs in the last 18 months?
BARNABY JOYCE: Well once more this may be the case and it may not be the case because we know that once we say well this is whatâs going to happen in the Murrumbidgee theyâll come out and say those figures are not set in stone. Theyâre playing this peculiar form of charades with us and no matter what we guess it is they say its something else and its time for them to tell us the truth. What we can obviously say is that if you end up with the same outcome you end up with the same result and the result last time was a virtual riot so Iâm sure those people will be very enthusiastic about exactly what this means for them.
SIMON BIRMINGHAM: If this is a coordinated strategy of drip feeding information then itâs a very foolish strategy because the reality is that communities last time reacted negatively to a half baked plan, to a plan that didnât have the detail. This time around they deserve a comprehensive plan that has all of the detail â what it means for them, how the cuts will be achieved, where the environmental water will flow to. If theyâre told all of those things they may have some confidence but this drip feeding just continues to undermine that and just risks repeating exactly the same mistakes they did last year with the Guide.
JOURNALIST: Are you expecting another riot?
BARNABY JOYCE: Well I never wish for any form of civil disobedience, you know that Matthew. In all seriousness, no we donât want a riot and we wonât get a riot if we do this properly. But if we treat people like fools, if we treat people with contempt, then you build up that antagonism then all you need is the spark of financial insecurity and we donât want that and we donât need to do that and you avoid that problem by being more professional in how they actually deal with this issue as it is at the moment.
JOURNALIST: Tony Burke said yesterday that there is not enough accountability over the environmental water that the Commonwealth holds at the moment and is looking to set up a new auditing mechanism. Do you think that the Government has been slow to act in setting up transparency around the almost 1000 gigs that it holds at the moment for environmental purposes?
SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Tony Burke and Penny Wong perhaps could have thought of that before they spent more than $3 billion in terms of the way they have recovered water to date. They actually could have thought of that before they went out in the marketplace and undertook a lot of non-strategic buybacks. They could have thought of that in actually developing some type of environmental watering plan that was due to be released last year with the Basin Plan, but has not been released to date. So, of course thereâs no accountability over where the water goes because there is no plan about how the water is used. The Government shouldnât wake up and now say surprise, surprise thereâs no accountability in this. Theyâre the ones who have been spending the money, theyâre the ones who reversed the Howard plan of planning infrastructure projects that would make the Basin more efficient which would return water wisely to the environment, for instead a rush of non-strategic buybacks that have filled the account with water entitlements for the Government, but entitlements that they appear to have no idea what to do with to date.
BARNABY JOYCE: Itâs a classic case of the chauffer screaming out whoâs driving this car? Well we though it was them.
JOURNALIST: Senator Joyce just on another issue. The Prime Minister is continuing to support the Malaysia solution, Tony Abbott’s sentiment seems to be hardening against. What’s the perspective in your party, and do you personally have an issue, an humanitarian issue, with sending people to Malaysia.
BARNABY JOYCE: Well, I think they have got mispronunciation of this whole term, it is not so much the Malaysian solution, it is malaise and solution. This solution is Nauru and malaise is what we have at the moment. Quite obviously I have difficulties with the issues surrounding corporal punishment. I don’t believe that people being hit with sticks is something that Australia should be a part of and I know there are people in the Labor party who are tearing themselves to pieces about that. What I can say to them is stop tearing ourselves to pieces about it and do something about it. This is your government’s policy, it is a policy that we never considered letting people into areas that prescribed corporal punishment. The Labor party did that. This idea that spare the rod and spoil the refugee is just beyond me.
How on earth did the Labor party get themselves into this position? They’re at sixes and sevens and they deserve to be because of the abominable way that they have acted in coming to this for no other reason than a sense of pique against the Coalition. They refuse to say the word Nauru so they are willing to send people to an area within their legislation, and it is their sovereign right, is the issue of corporal punishment, and one of the issues that can be deemed to be prescribed corporal punishment is the issue of illegal immigration.
So it’s a question to Mr Faulkner, it is a question to Dougie Cameron, it’s a question to Penny Wong, but most importantly it is a question to Julia Gillard.
Why on earth do you do this? Do you despise us that much that you are willing to put people into that environment?
JOURNALIST: The Prime Minister keeps saying we need your help to give the government a return of executive authority over this, it’s almost like it’s your responsibility to help her. Tony Abbott said today what about Senator Brown’s responsibility?
BARNABY JOYCE: I think Senator Brown of late has done a whole range of things that have started to belie the fact of his romantic and noble, judicial overview of things. The other day he voted basically in support of the anti-semitic boycott of Max Brenner and other people in support of Israel. He has also voted in support of not disclosing the issues pertaining to the rape of a 14 year old girl at the John Oxley Detention Centre in 1988 because he teamed up with the Labor party.
And now he is hand and glove walking side-by-side with a government that intends to send people to Malaysia, where that is Malaysia’s sovereign right part of their judicial process, includes corporal punishment and we do not have the power in Australia to start affecting the legislative role in Malaysia like we possibly could in Nauru.
It stands to reason, the High Court have seen it that way, the High Court gave the Labor party a lecture about their own policy and what an absolute debacle. If Bob Brown was truly noble he would stand up and say, Julia if you are going this way I am going to remove support for you.
But of course he won’t do that, he will go through all of the charade, all of the rhetoric and then he’ll fall lock stop into line with the Labor party.
JOURNALIST: Just finally on that can you personally countenance voting for a piece of legislation that leaves the opportunity to send people to Malaysia?
BARNABY JOYCE: The issue is it wouldn’t pass the High Court if you did. The High Court and the external treaties will call into question, are you respecting the rights of the refugee and do you have the capacity to influence the legislative process in Malaysia and quite obviously the High Court has deemed that we can’t.
and very worth reading in Quadrant Online
Despair on the land
by Debbie Buller
September 13, 2011
This year we have record inflows to dams and rivers, a deep snow pack and all environmental assets are totally sodden. It is inconceivable that farmers on the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers have insufficient access to their irrigation water entitlements. Yet, on the Murray River, allocations are at 15 percent and on the Murrumbidgee, where I farm, they are currently at 57 percent.
check out the article; well written and by a person experienced in the field
Al Gore said he invented the internet.Rick Perry who backed Al Gore’s run for presidency is now running himself.Both of these men are Globalists who along with Bob Brown want “Global Governance” financed by our carbon taxes.
Recently Rick Perry grabbed Ron Paul by the arm on a podium trying to intimidate him.Ron Paul is rising in the polls and the establishment hate him.The media will not even acknowledge he is a serious runner for President.
From Marc Morano – Climate Depot
Friday, September 16, 2011
Former Vice President Al Gore 24 hour climate ârealityâ show is surprisingly facing strongly negative reviews from Gore’s fellow global warming activists and environmental allies. In addition, two German scientists ridiculed Gore for his “apocalyptic” tone and his “promise of salvation.”
Climate activist Bob Ward was tepid about Gore’s show. âOne could complain that some of the presentations overstated the certainty and wrongly implied that individual weather events could be attributed to climate change,â lamented Ward. Ward is the Policy Director, for the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Mike Shanahan, of the International Institute for Environment and Development, bragged that he purposefully avoided watching Gore’s climate telethon.
âI actually avoided the Goreathon, and I guess that says something in itself,â Shanahan wrote. He added that a journalist sent him a text declaring: âGore gets gold for most boring and least galvanizing talk on climate, ever…That, and possibly damaging.â
Shanahan was blunt in his opinion of Gore: âClimate Change needs a Gandhi or a Martin Luther King or a Mandela, and Al Gore is none of those.â
Other global warming activists were just as wary of having anything to do with Gore’s attempt to link al bad weather to man-made global warming.
âOverall, I don’t think this (Gore’s) initiative will do much good. For one thing, Al Gore is now as much a hindrance as a help on climate change advocacy, as he’s been characterized (probably unfairly) as a highly partisan figure, and so immediately gets about half of all folks offside,â Barry W. Brook, the director of climate science at the Environment Institute at University of Adelaide in Australia, said.
âGore is in the situation that certain X-wing fighter pilot was during the assault on the Death Star (in the film Star Wars), when Luke Skywalker called out over the intercom: ‘Pull out Wedge, you can’t do any more good back there!'”
Brook went even further, declaring the entire man-made global warming debate to be futile.
âI think the climate change debate is over. It’s like a snow mobile slipping on slush — it isn’t moving forward any time soon.â
The UK Guardian’s Leo Hickman, a prominent media activist for man-made global warming, was embarrassed by Gore’s extreme weather link to man-made global warming linkage.
âI was a little nervous this morning logging into Climate Reality…And, I have to say, my heart immediately sank,â when viewing it, Hickman wrote. Hickman asked: âIs Gore now a help or hindrance to global warming cause?â See: Hickman on Gore’s ‘Death by PowerPoint’– âI have suffered this torture too many times over the years…[Gore’s show had] slide after slide of extreme weather events…& linking everyone, it seemed, to rise in [man-made] emissions…that is a very contentious peg on which to hang your hat…That kind of talk traditionally requires lots of caveats and careful explaining. Done with abandon and raw emotion â as this presenter seemed to be doing â and you are quickly labeled in some quarters as a climate ‘alarmist.’â
[Update: 9-19-11: New Scientist warmist Catherine Brahic pans Goreathon as ‘cringe-worthy’ and suggests ‘Gore’s time is over’ — ‘Underwhelming 24 hours’ Brahic: ‘It was cringe-worthy, quite dull, and sadly not very compelling…I’m still left with the overwhelming feeling that Gore’s time is over’ — ‘Presenting climate change as an irrefutable, global scientific consensus does not work. People do not want to hear from a former US V.P. with a briefcase full of academic honours and a clear agenda’
TIME Mag; ‘Gore made the scientific consensus seem stronger than it really is’ ]
Professor Judith Curry, the chair, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta echoed these sentiments.
âIf the intent of Al Gore’s telethon is to garner broad support for climate and energy policies such as proposed by the UNFCCC (e.g. the Kyoto protocol), I anticipate that this effort will backfire and energize the opposition to such policies,â Curry, who has shifted her views more towards the skeptical view of global warming in recent years, wrote on her blog.
âAs a scientist I find the mantra ‘remove the doubt, reveal the deniers’ to be objectionable and antithetical to the scientific process. Gore’s effort will further polarize an already inflamed and politicized debate surrounding the science and policy response to climate change,â Curry explained. She also noted that Gore’s tactics will lead to more scientists declaring their dissent from man-made global warming. âJust today, Physics Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever explains his resignation from APS,â Curry noted.
Gore’s ‘promise of salvation’
A pair of German scientists noted the religious overtones of Gore’s 24 hour climate telethon. âThere was only one message, an apocalyptic one, with the respective promise of salvation; sometimes the discourse almost switched into a religious sermon: once we behave climate friendly, there won’t be any storms or other natural disasters anymore,â wrote German scientists Hans von Storch & Werner Krauss of the Helmholtz Centre for Materials and Coastal Research in Geesthacht, Germany.
Storch and Krauss chided Gore for seemingly linking every bad thing to man-made global warming. âHighly speculative (and deterministic) assertions such as the interpretation of the Arab upheavals as a result of global warming were made repeatedly, sold as scientific knowledge and without being challenged,â the scientists noted. Also see: DudGate! Gore’s Last Gasp â German Media Completely Ignores His Bitter Slur-athon
Skeptics of man-made climate change fears were also brutal on Gore’s latest climate science effort.
Canada’s Sun TV commentator with Charles Adler compared Gore to scandal ridden U.S. televangelist Jimmy Swaggart and warned of a âdangerous cult of personalityâ surrounding Gore. Adler mocked Gore as a prophet who was âgoing to hold back droughts.â
Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl also ridiculed Gore for being a âprophet.â âGore had to personally train about 3,000 random people from the whole globe. The idea is that he is the prophet so anyone who ever touches him immediately gets the status of a priest in his community, a kind of medium religious rank,â Motl wrote.
âThe media almost totally ignored the non-event in this case. Well, in fact, even a huge majority of the alarmist blogosphere (not just Real Climate) remained silent about this bummer,â Motl noted.
Meteorologist Anthony Watts noted how boring Gore’s climate telethon was becoming four hours into it. See: Gore’s 24 hour show a flop!? ‘After hour 4 it is starting to look like a massive dud’
Watts also unloaded on Gore for comparing global warming skeptics to tobacco company propaganda. See: Meteorologist Watts Tells Gore to shove his tobacco analogy up his A@* — ‘For the record, Mr. Gore, both of my parents died of smoking related illnesses. As a result, I abhor everything about tobacco. Therefore Mr. Gore, you can take that comparison and forcefully insert it into the bodily orifice of your choice’
Watts also noted that Gore brought on a former Miss Rhode Island contestant ‘to talk about sea level rise — while warmist Paul Higgins of AMS sputters to non-answers’
Steve Milloy of Junk Science, called Gore a âtobacco hypocrite.â âGore & his family were quite content to profit from tobacco users for more than 20 years after 1964 publication of first Surgeon General report on smoking.â Milloy wrote.
The skeptical website Real Science mocked the timing of Gore’s 24 hour climate telethon. Scientist Steve Goddard, the publisher of the website noted the massive cold spell in the U.S. and the inconvenient climate data that coincided with Gore’s event. See: Breaking: Sea Level Continues Its Historic Decline — ‘Envisat shows that the 2 year long decline is continuing, at a rate of 5mm per year’ — The ‘Gore Effect’ extends to sea level! ‘No doubt Gore will pass this good news on to all his viewers’
Goddard also noted that during Gore’s 24 hour show, Arctic ice made impressive gains in size. See: ‘Arctic Gained A New Manhattan Of Ice Every Two Minutes Yesterday — ’16 city blocks of new ice forming every second!’ & The ‘Gore Effect’ Hits Arctic Ice! 2,200 Manhattans Of New Arctic Ice Growing In The Last 5 Days — ‘A new Manhattan of ice is being born every 3 minutes!’
The skeptical website Tom Nelson, also noted the so-called âGore Effect.â See: ‘Gore Effect’ strikes again: During Gore’s 24-hour climate show, and while it’s still summer in the N. Hemisphere, 16 new city blocks of Arctic ice formed every second!’
CFACT (the parent company of Climate Depot) mocked Gore for âjumping the shark.â See: ‘Note to Al Gore: You’ve jumped the shark’ Skeptics at CFACT react to Gore’s 24 show: ‘We tuned in. What we found exceeded our worst expectations’ — ‘Speaker after speaker showed slide after slide of tragedy. Flooded houses, parched crops, starving kids. Shameless…Not only is human progress not responsible for severe weather, it is the best chance we have to meet these children’s nutritional needs in the future’
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer pulled no punches in evaluating Gore’s scientific claims. See: Gore’s 24 Hour Climate Astrology Show Slammed: Gore’s beliefs are ‘matters of faith, not observable scientific reality’ — Current weather is NOT ‘outside realm of natural climate variability’
News Round Up of Gore’s 24 Hours of Climate ‘Reality’: (for continuous updates, please go here)
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Canadian TV: ‘Gore is a desperate man. Gore has utterly and completely failed…Gore is promoting ‘climate astrology’ (Int. begins at 06:40) — Morano: ‘No matter the weather, it’s just what global warmists would have expected. It is now akin to predictions of Mayan calendar or Nostradamus…But, the science is clear: Big tornadoes are on decline since 1970s, hurricane activity is near 40 year lows, sea level is dropping…polar bears (doing fine), Mt. Kilimanjaro gaining ice. From A-Z, Gore has egg on his face when it comes to man-made global warming’
MUST READ: In Anticipation Of The Gore ‘Lie-A-Thon’ – Severe Weather Reality From The 1950s, 1960s & 1970s
Paging Al Gore: Read this ‘list of severe weather incidents that took place during the 50s, 60s and 70s. These terrible and destructive events occurred well before the current decade’s hysteria about CO2 emissions. These events represent empirical evidence (reality) that refutes Al Gore’s type of climate science’
‘A study published in 2011 in Geophysical Research Letters on causes of the 2010 Russian heat wave deduced that it ‘was due to internal atmospheric dynamical processes’ — Paging Al Gore: Peer-reviewed Study: ‘It is unlikely that the warming attributable to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations contributed significantly to the magnitude of the [Russian] heat wave’
Climate Depot Response to Gore: âGore has severely overreached in his 24 hour ‘reality’ show by claiming virtually every weather event to be a result of man-made global warming. Even global warming activists are cringing at Gore’s unscientific climate astrology claims. Gore wants us to believe that our SUV’s are weather machines — will he blame witches for crop failures next? Memo to Al Gore from Climate Depot: The UN and Congress cannot legislate, tax or regulate the weather.â
Gore’s spokesperson Maggie Fox ducks radio debate at last minute with skeptic! ‘They know that their claims will not withstand critical scrutiny’
DudGate: Gore’s Climate Reality Project: a massive dud â even warmists are panning it now
Gore brings on Miss Rhode Island to talk about sea level rise — while warmist Paul Higgins of AMS sputters to non-answers
‘Note to Al Gore: You’ve jumped the shark’ Skeptics at CFACT react to Gore’s 24 show: ‘We tuned in. What we found exceeded our worst expectations’ — ‘Speaker after speaker showed slide after slide of tragedy. Flooded houses, parched crops, starving kids. Shameless…Not only is human progress not responsible for severe weather, it is the best chance we have to meet these children’s nutritional needs in the future’
Flashback: Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News Mocking Gore’s ‘Climate Astrology’: ‘This is now akin to the predictions of Nostradamus or the Mayan calendar’ — Morano: ‘There is no way anyone can falsify the global warming theory now because any weather event that happens ‘proves’ their case…Man-made global warming has ceased to be a science, it is now the level of your daily horoscope’ — Gore [in 2006 film] did not warn us of extreme blizzards and record cold winters coming’
The ‘Gore Effect’ Hits Arctic Ice! 2,200 Manhattans Of New Arctic Ice Growing In The Last 5 Days — ‘A new Manhattan of ice is being born every 3 minutes!’
Arctic Ice fails to reach record low — But Gore still claims record low!?
The ‘Gore Effect’ is Back! Early Freeze Could Severely Damage Minnesota Crop Production
It’s official, NOAA shows the ‘Gore Effect’ hitting America tonight â Cold Wave Has Perfect Timing!
Surprise summer snow in Colorado
Climate Depot Factsheet on the ‘Gore Effect’ Phenomenon: ‘Happens when global warming-related event, or appearance by Gore is marked by exceedingly cold weather’
Hour by Hour analysis: 24 Hours of Climate Reality: Gore-a-thon â Hour 6
Analysis: Gore’s effort to ‘expose’ climate change skeptics will instead show that Gore is a charlatan’
‘It is a mistake to blame human activities for current weather extremes. The NIPCC concluded that ‘the data reveal there have not been any significant warming-induced increases in extreme weather events.’ The report’s authors showed that this was the case whether the phenomenon being studied was precipitation, floods, drought, storms, hurricanes, fire, or other weather-related events’
Wash. University’s College Democrat student says paying well over $100k for Gore to speak on campus was a ‘steal’ — ‘Thank you Treasury for funding Al Gore’
‘The University’s treasury absolutely did the right thing by approving money for the purpose of bringing Al Gore to campus. Gore is a generational figure…Bringing Al Gore will up our ‘going green’ street cred in a big way…this is a steal…the cost to the students, because of the alternate funding, is substantially lower than it would normally be to bring Al Gore to campus’
Gore caught inflating viewer numbers for his Goreathon: Claimed 8.6 million — But more like only 17,000 tuned in!