Neil Hewett, who lives in the Daintree, posted on Orange-thighed Tree Frogs in October 2007. That blog post has gathered a couple of recent comments, including from Shane Panton near Coffs Harbour, NSW, claiming to have Orange-thighed frogs mating on his property …
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With all this rain frogs are starting to come inside. Found one inside the front door. Thought it was a small cane toad and stamped on it. Unfortunately, when I picked it up to throw it outside I found it had orange on the inside of the thighs- possibly a Dusky toadlet (Uperolea fusca). Saved a frog inside the back door smooth skinned grey with distinct stripes down its back probably a Striped Marsh Frog -Limnodyastes peroii definitely one of those calling “tok” out the back now but also at least two other frog types all calling out and enjoying the drizzling rain.
It might have been this:
Burrowing Pobblebonks have orange thighs but they’re called “scarlet sided”.
Their call is a deep “BONK” single note. Like a Condamine Bullfrog.
The Albert gronks, the Pobble bonks,
in random orchestration;
The butterfly that flutter by
Clap in appreciation.