“LET me get this right…
The fraudster who runs the IPCC global warming scam and makes millions from that office
Employs the bloke who gave the scientific evidence for glacier melt in the Himalayas totally removing them from the face of the earth
by 2035
Over the phone
To a bloke at New Scientist
Who printed it
And when the WWF used this in a report and from that it got into report 4 of the IPCC as solid evidence they were melting
For which report the IPCC received a Nobel Peace Prize
Taxpayers so far have had 92 billion dollars wasted supposedly stopping runaway world warming
In the middle of a global freeze.
You could never sell this farce as fiction…
Reader Interactions
[…] Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog: Glacier Melt Farce […]
I keep saying the same thing. If you put this stuff in a novel, people would think you were bitter, twisted and that the plot was far-fetched. Go figure 🙂
Oh, you can BELIEVE that there is enough HOPE in the world to CHANGE the evil intentions of mankind, including species extermination, profligate over-utilisation of resources, and political suppression of contrary thought.
The science of climate change is settled. Why do you denialists still call it “global warming”? What do you think “IPCC” is an abbreviation of? Ask yourselves the quesion: WHEN did the Intergovernmental Commission on Climate Change start? Was it in 1988, over 20 years ago? So why are we still kerfuffling on about “global warming”?
“Climate Change” is the most significant moral battle of our lifetimes, and it is not JUST global warming. It is global “cooling” as we have seen in the Northern Hemisphere, which is completely in accordance with the Anthropogenic Climate Change models.
We have seen Climate Change cause tsunamis, earthquakes, and shred glaciers from the Himalayas – all of which will be gone by 2035! – as welll as directly lead to the extinction of 3,502,984 species since 1988.
Unless we can cull the deniers, our future is toast.
Tongue firmly in cheek ?
This late in the scam/fraud game,many AGW believers STILL think it is a viable hypothesis.
I did not thing that AGW would collapse in a huge deneumont, but here it is.
I have recently re-read an excellent book on the UFO myths, and the similarities between UFO beleivers and AGW believers were striking.
The book is “Watch the Skies!” by Curtis Peebles.
As a UFO believer I find the above comment extremely ignorant. So the fellow has read, what, one book on the subject and knows it all? Has he even seen a UFO?
Since when was belief in UFOs supported by prestigious scientific journals, the Establishment, the Government, the Media, UN bureacracies and an environmentalist movement funded by billions of dollars?
Please explain or I will be forced to no longer take your comments seriously.
Would Keith please inform us how AGW causes earthquakes and tsunamis?
Earth quakes are caused by movement in the earth’s tetonic plates.I see no scientific evidence to back this up. Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes.The world has been far hotter in our recent history and this has not been attributed to causing earthquakes or Tsunamis.
The is the type if emotional codswallop with absolutely no scientific basis to underpin it’s claims, that needs to be exposed and we have tolerated it for too long!
The real irony in the glaciergate story is the fact that the Himalayan glaciers generally rise from 6000m altitude to 7000m. And as temperature drops 1C for every 100m rise in altitude it would take a 10C drop in global temps to make them all melt away. So Pachauri has staked his credibility on an outcome that assumes there will be sufficient CO2 emissions (2000ppm or more?) by 2035 to raise global temperature by 10C. Awesome. That would need each Bangladeshi and every African to drive 2 hummers and run an 8 bedroom airconditioned house, AND take twice yearly holidays in Las Vegas.