I always enjoy presenting these spectacular moths on night-walks across the course of the year, but manage to locate only three or four per annum.
I found this individual yesterday evening, beginning the long haul towards recovering my fourteen-year-old photographic collection, recently lost in a tragic hard-drive collapse.
At least the photos posted on the blog aren’t lost!
Beautiful colours! And the photograph is so good I can almost feel the texture of the animals body (abdomen and thorax).
Much thanks for sharing this with us.
Good day mam,
You and Bob Carter are brilliant.
I’m not an expert on the environment. I have studied environmental science and geography at the university level at U of T. I had interest in it for some time, although where I feel affects of human behaviour are more localised, such as changes in ph levels in rivers, lakes and marshes through placement of materials of ph changing minerals such as limestone.
I walked away from such a focus mostly because no one could show me proof of evidence of global warming or correlation of anything other than the most meager temperature change over the last 150 years other than at most 1 degree.
I think where the arguments are allowed to develop are because of the uses of the terms weather versis climate. I view them as interchangeable personally.
Weather to some is what temperature its going to be on the way to work today.
While climate is what is the temperature 30 years from now.
You both have shown that CO2 does not change the temperature that much, if any and that in general the temperature is dropping.
The problem is that it is very difficult to say something does not do something absolutely.
Its a failing in rhetoric not in science.
People also like to feel they are doing something to make things better and belong to groups.
Its easier to say “use less” of something than to spend money to improve other people lives.
I argue that ‘green’ people are lazy mentally, because its easy. One doesn’t need to think about the world before we existed as the supposedly dominant species. Also, we don’t have to consider our decreases in spending in other countries economies and how much those people are dependent on trade and tourism to survive should and when whther changes or volcanoes erupt.
The Laki eruption in 1783 Iceland is an excellent example.
They are of the scope of mind to tell others not to cure the economic / social ills of others and focus on irrelevant ‘improvements’ which only ‘improve’ there own selfish lives.
My example is CFL’s, they contain lead but are lower costing, hydro using products.
CFL’s contain Mercury, while the proper alternative is LED currently, which is mercury free.
Though the person who puts in the light bulb is saving on electricity those who might be around the bulb should it break, are put at risk.
The truth about electricity generation is that one can generate that very cheaply and without pollution with geo-thermal but we dont talk about that. Only that its wrong to use power, us bad bad power users.
What is bad is using bad science to kill humans who are near the brink of death, and that is what should be against the law.
i meant mercury not lead. Sorry.
I posted my diatribe in the wrong place probably as well but your hd should be recoverable but again its a matter of $$$.
There are cheapish removable raid solutions out there, 400-700 CAD, but ultimately as some book had said little is written in stone.
The moth is cute though and will be here long after us.