Three cheers ! At last the peddlers of doom have seen the light : bio-fuels do displace food crops and rain forests !
Starving the poor and destroying biodiversity to give us good conscience as we pour cereal-based ethanol into our tanks is not a smart thing to do. Even Greenpeace admitted it, while avoiding to mention they had much to do with that fiasco.
But Eurocrats are not as smart : “there is no question for now of suspending the target fixed for bio-fuels,” said Barbara Helfferich, spokeswoman for EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas (1).
– In other words, they’d rather cause starvation, and destroy rain forests, than admit they goofed.
Their rationale boggles the mind : “you can’t change a political objective without risking a debate on all the other objectives,” which could see the EU climate change and energy package disintegrate, an EU official said (1).
– It is all very clear : allowing a debate on public policy is what the European Commission fears most ; more than starvation in poor countries, more than widespread destruction of biodiversity, and more than economic havoc caused by their cherished “climate change” policy.
Will we, Europeans, tolerate this neo-stalinist behaviour ? It is not just a matter of bureaucratic arrogance : this time it has become obvious that we are dealing with dangerous lunatics.
The Eurocrats have everything to lose if they stick to their smoking guns any longer. A debate is dearly needed on everything they’ve been doing wrong, from bio-fuels to carbon trading, and from climate change hysteria to the destruction of peat and designated areas by expensive and redundant windfarms.
European Commission cut from reality ?
Co-signed on April 20th 2008 by :
Professor David Bellamy
and Mark Duchamp
And of course the Eurocrats can’t be voted out and replaced … brave new world in the making.
[It is all very clear : allowing a debate on public policy is what the European Commission fears most ; more than starvation in poor countries, more than widespread destruction of biodiversity, and more than economic havoc caused by their cherished “climate change” policy.]
Ecological Socialists believe ideology is more important…. As did the National Socialists with their belief in just the same thing….
….Fascism is fascism… They are one and the same creature…. It’s amazing how Europe repeats it’s mistakes time and again.