Looks as though I managed to spell Kangaroo correctly this time. Could this help Rudd ‘save the planet,’ even though atmospheric Methane levels are stable or falling?
Australian scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep in a bid to cut the emission of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, researchers say – SYDNEY (AFP)
Eco-friendly kangaroo farts could help global warming: scientists
As a person that grew up with horses I know how sensitive animals are to changes in the diet etc.
Makes you also wonder if the livestock will suffer from stomach ache with such an invasive methode.
IMO we manipulate too much with our livestock, making them suffer in many cases due to manipulation, such as bigger eggs , more meat etc.
As it is now many cows can’t give birth in a natural way, but cesarians are needed.
Ann – a silly article. They mean with microbes. Introducing kangaroo microbes into the cow’s rumen.
QDPI&F seem to think there is a production buck in it too.
(and the methane is belched not farted !)
Silliness abounds due to global warming hysteria.
So which has the worst breath, roo or cow?
Why do you want to kiss them ?
I could give the roo and a cow a kiss:) but this I found on a whale huggers site:
” There is nothing so evil-smelling as a whale- and whale’s breath is frightfully sickening”. LOL!!!!
Quote John Steinbeck