This article ‘Ahmadinejad: The New Boogeyman’ compares ‘Holocaust denial’ to global warming denial:
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust. Let me ask this provocative question: so what?
Of course, I understand that people have a visceral reaction to that claim. It is grossly untrue, offensive and ignorant. But we are also told how dangerous Ahmadinejad is because he doesn’t believe in the Holocaust. I fail to see that connection.
There are countless people all across the world that deny many things that are patently true — and we don’t go to war with them over it. Senator Inhofe (R-OK) denies global warming. As far as I know we are not planning on invading Oklahoma over it………
The writer seems to be ignorant of the fact that whilst the Holocaust actually happened, the global warming catastrophe is a computer modelled prediction, not a fact.
If you want to pentrate the roots of denial, you could try interviewing Louis Hissink on one of his pet topics.
Pinxi: There is a grave risk that Paul will stuff this blog with useless articles on the pretense of advancing alternative arguments for this or that.
I also notice a decline in interestion posts on OLO. Some threads on both blogs just fiz now imo that indicates poor management at a time when the public is switching off.
Not surprising really.
Apparently , OBL talked up AGW in his most recent diatribe.
Like OBL, Ahmadinejad is no doubt attuned to the Western zeitgeist and assumes that speaking to it softens his image and possibly dampens the desire of the public to back attempts to stop him getting nukes.
But there are other parallels between the Holocaust and AGW ; free speech.
I disagreed strongly with the decision to bar David Irving from speaking in Australia and I think his central thesis is simply laughable.
But he did have the right to SAY publicly what he thought – contrary to the views of the censorious.
There’s a similar adolescent , self-righteous stridency to many in the AGW camp when it comes to non-AGW views.
It’s goes beyond disagreement ; it’s a challenge to the rights of sceptics to publicy espouse their views.
We had some classic examples in the lead up to the screening of TGGWS.
Finally , the sceptics could use the same logic as the true believers and damn the AGW premise on the face of it’s more embarrassing proponents….
It’s simple really – did a proven man-made global warming catastrophe happen?
If Allah loves his self-exploding cretins, Allah will of course love the cretins who voluntarily destroy their economies for the sake of goofball junkscience.
Christians who buy carbon credits might get only half as many virgins, though. We need a mullah to explain this.
Might be a good idea not to ask the question, though–we might discover that Muslims get carbon credits for killing Christians. And with frequent-flier miles for Christians, Muslims might get double the number of virgins for the carbon credits.
Since the Muslims have the oil, and notional virgins as well, this whole scheme makes supreme sense.
Carbon Credits For Virgins (CCFV) could be a major deal. You could offset your carbon guilt by buying a virgin. Stupendous!
Actually, that deal is already out there. See
The Sunday Times, September 23, 2007
The ‘carbon offset’ child labourers
Indians work off West’s holiday guilt
Dean Nelson in Delhi
Pumping furiously on a foot treadle in the afternoon heat, six-year-old Sarju Ram is irrigating her impoverished family’s field, improving the crop and – without knowing it – helping environmentally sensitive holiday-makers assuage their guilt over long-haul flights to dream destinations….