The BBC has scrapped plans for Planet Relief, a TV special on climate change.
The Planet Relief special was scheduled for broadcast in January 2008 but after Newsnight editor Peter Barron attended the Edinburgh Festival last month there has been “intense internal debates about impartiality with senior news editors expressed misgivings that Planet Relief was too campaigning in nature and would have left the Corporation open to the charge of bias.” [see BBC Switches Off Climate Special]
“It is absolutely not the BBC’s job to save the planet,” warned Newsnight editor Peter Barron at the Edinburgh Festival last month.
According to Martin Durkin, director of The Great Global Warming Swindle,
“The BBC U-turn followed a flaming row at the Edinburgh International TV Festival where I was invited to speak and where I publicly denounced Horrocks (head of current affairs) and other BBC’s executives present in the most colourful terms. The press were there in numbers and ran the story the next day, and now Horrocks et al have abandoned their ghastly Planet Relief campaign. It just shows, it’s worth causing a fuss and being loud. I’m also speaking at the World Congress of Science Producers in New York in November. I’ll try to make as much trouble again.”
Durkin caused this did he? oooooooo .. .. ROTFL and LMAO. Give it away Jen – Durkin’s credibility is now less than zero.
What is ROTFL and LMAO? And why is his credibility less than zero?
So someone is supposed to be pleased that yet another idiot tries to boost his ego by claiming to be the center of an irrelevant story.
You folks here sure are full of ideological sht about climate and keep throwing around the word science to sound important.
Nothing to say about the current state of affairs in Oz… according to some real climate scientists.
Pathetic attempts to make point over what a TV station on the other side of the world may or may not do, is bullshit.
Anyone in Australia with a brain would I’m sure be giving greater consideration to this story today.
Nothing from you suckers though eh…
Very dry since late autumn in parts of southern Australia
and from a story in the age
Murray Darling Basin Commission chief executive Wendy Craik said combined record low water stores and inflows would hit hard this year.
“The situation is grim. Storages are already 1700 billion litres below what they were this time last year,” Dr Craik said.
“It just shows, it’s worth causing a fuss and being loud. I’m also speaking at the World Congress of Science Producers in New York in November. I’ll try to make as much trouble again.”
What a jerk.
Meanwhile in the real world, the La Nina is a failure. ABARE predicts record returns for farmers,if it rains.
If Durkins credibility is less than zero what is the BBCs credibility?
They should stick to broadcasting news and weather.
Meanwhile in the real world NOAA predict return of la Nina.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 (UPI) — Government meteorologists Thursday predicted the return of La Nina conditions in the Pacific Ocean, suggesting more drought conditions in the U.S. Southwest.
“While we can’t officially call it a La Nina yet, we expect that this pattern will continue to develop during the next three months, meeting the NOAA definition for a La Nina event later this year,” said Mike Halpert, acting deputy director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s prediction center.
Wow – Rog is NOW going with a climate prediction. That’s novel. Let’s hope your confidence is well placed.
Climate experts says there is no end in sight to the drought gripping large parts of Australia.
Posted Thu Sep 6, 2007 12:21pm AEST
So for all those saying “ahhh – that’s not a drought” – well it seems it is !!
What the Idsos don’t tell you. From the paper: .. ..
“Common to many studies of climate change effects on agriculture using crop models,
several limitations must be noted. For instance, irrigation water is assumed not to limit rice
production (which, given limited and declining water availability in parts of China, is a major
assumption), the effects of pests (insect, diseases, weeds) are ignored under both current and
future conditions, no change in land use is assumed, and only mean changes in temperature
rather than extreme climate events are considered. Also, the beneficial effects of CO2 on crop
yield could be over- or underestimated because the complex experimental results may not be
reproduced under warmer, more variable and pest-infected field conditions. Comparison of
our simulation results with research on elevated CO2 impacts under FACE experimentation
(Pinter et al. 1996), shows our results overestimate the direct effects of CO2, particularly for
wheat and maize. But for irrigated rice the predicted effects of CO2 fertilization are consistent
with some studies (e.g. Horie et al. 2000). In the crop model, the relationships relating the
effects of temperature and CO2 on plants are derived from experiments in which: crops are
grown under optimal conditions; the environment (e.g. CO2 concentration) is changed for
only part of the season; and, the acclimatization of the crop to changes in its environment, or
responses to stress is not taken completely into account in the model. Studies have shown that
in some crops grown under enhanced CO2 conditions, there is initially a large response, but
over time, this response declines and approaches that of crops grown under current CO2 levels
(Mall et al. 2004). The results presented here are therefore subject to significant uncertainty
and should be interpreted with caution.”
Best snow season in years and Craik is busy reporting low inflows (at present) and implying low inflows when the snow melts. Par for the course for the MD Boofheads.
And Luke should know that only mean changes are assumed because the extreme events are very rare. Even the changes in extremes are mostly rises from extreme minimums rather than new maximums. The Greenlanders are now growing potatoes because of the absence of extreme minimums, they are not being confronted by new, threatening, extreme maximums.
And yes, the climate spivs have been able to produce ambiguous responses, in some plant species, to enhanced CO2 in the lab, as their political ubermeisters wanted them to do. But the news from road side vegetation is entirely consistent. The CO2 fertilisation effect is alive, significant and sustained.
“Best Snow in Years”. Don’t you realise what you are saying? What used to be a regular occurance is now something that happens occasionally, and the drought is still holding tight. Low or just average rainfall, and floods that mostly haven’t helped anyone at all.
Ian’s a genius – we’ll move the Chinese population to Greenland. What an intellectual giant. Try reading some of the references before ranting.
And hilariously – he’s got the wrong end of the CO2 stick. Gramps is past it.
We are talking about the Murray, SJT, and MDBC predictions for this year, which are wrong and misleading.
There is not the slightest hint of a rant in my post, Luke. Surely YOU wouldn’t try to defame someone in lieu of a sensible comment, would you?
You really do have an enhanced capacity to distil the absurd from any topic. Is that some sort of departmental core skill set?
Didn’t we all observe Karoly, on ABC recently, make the statement that most global warming was from higher night time minimums rather than daytime maximums? Yet you continue to return to the standard scarenarios from Bullshitistan.
Meanwhile back on topic. Is it, or is it not, the proper role of the BBC to engage in gratuitous planet salvation? Obviously not, to the chagrin of the planet proles.
Exactly Ian, it’s the role of private enterprise to take leadership of everything, from fighting WWII to leading the charge against Global Warming.
his credibility is zero because he is a baddie. he says things which outrage the establishment. if his credibility is zero then we are relieved from the burden of actually dealing with his arguments. this is all about simplicity. skywalker & darth vader. good V evil. god forbid we should assume goodƒaith & intellectual integrity or the courage to consider the unfashionable.
What an irrelevant thread this is. The debate on climate change has moved to our doorstep via Apec and for what it’s worth that lot will probably carry on long after Sydney gets back to normal.
If this thread is an attempt to grandstand the alternatives given our current circumstances Howard or no Howard then it sure failed with me. Today I went the super store to check on our range of solid furniture.
Can you guess how much is fully imported and how much is exported as raw timber?
While China does all our manufacturing, places like Tasmania will continue with the highest official unemployment in this country.
While silly governments give on a platter with absolute guaranteed access our once publicly owned raw materials to everybody except some of us who may be slightly green say, expect a lot more hot air in the wind.
Jerks Inc Durkin style won’t count for zilch in the end
“Best Snow in Years”. Don’t you realise what you are saying?
Luke Jr. is just chiding you for your blasphemy.
Mentioning snow on a climate change blog?
Cheeky bastard.
May Gore have mercy on thy soul.
“Karoly and maximums” – read the 4AR Ian and report back
Jim – errr no – he has demonstrated he’s a “baddie” (your term) by his shonky corrupt documentary. It’s not about “challenging the unfashionable”.
Durkin might be genius or a jerk – either way I think his comments didn’t have as much to do with BBC pulling the plug as this —-
Poor ratings in the UK and elsewhere for July’s Live Earth concert fuelled the internal belief that the public do not like being “lectured to” on climate change.
Attention: Important comment on climate change from the next President of the United States of America…
Some people think that our planet is suffering from a fever. Now scientists are telling us that Mars is experiencing its own planetary warming: Martian warming. It seems scientists have noticed recently that quite a few planets in our solar system seem to be heating up a bit, including Pluto.
NASA says the Martian South Pole’s “ice cap” has been shrinking for three summers in a row. Maybe Mars got its fever from earth. If so, I guess Jupiter’s caught the same cold, because it’s warming up too, like Pluto.
This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists who run their air-conditioning at 60 degrees and refuse to recycle.
Silly, I know, but I wonder what all those planets, dwarf planets and moons in our SOLAR system have in common. Hmmmm. SOLAR system. Hmmmm. Solar? I wonder. Nah, I guess we shouldn’t even be talking about this. The science is absolutely decided. There’s a consensus.
Ask Galileo.
— Fred Thompson is an actor and former United States senator from Tennessee.
But golly gee James – you guys have been saying the Earth has been cooling since 1998 – but now the planets are warming – I’m confused. Please help –
Oh so by that standard Gore is a baddie then as well Luke – funny I can’t remember you saying that his “credibility is now less than zero” previously??
I’ve been away a bit lately must have missed it. It couldn’t possibly be that all these rational science driven types here only deal with the man not with the ball could it?
Just be honest guys – the “we’re only about the science ” retreat is just a port of convenience isn’t it?
And BTW – we’ve been here before Luke ; the AGW position is or isn’t fashionable??
Gore has got some stuff wrong IMO. But getting stuff wrong is way different to total down right lying. I’m stunned how Durkin has now reinvented himself as an underdog.
It isn’t about fashion – this is about risk management to an informed science debate. It’s also about renewal and moving forward – not going backwards.
Implementation or otherwise of risk management will involve politics. Why we’re here.
golly gee Luke – it seems you agree in principle
that natural SOLAR heating is responsible for
climate change in the SOLAR system.
I don’t see where we are in conflict here.
If you still have any problems with Fred’s
comment direct your query to
Well of course natural SOLAR (from the Sun) radiation is responsible for climate change. Wouldn’t have much radiation without it. But the bit I’m confused about is how come you guys tell me that it’s cooling on Earth yet warming on Mars. How does that work 🙂
And how does that cosmic rays and cloud bit work on Mars too? Also confused about that.
So confused.
Now that’s an interesting distinction Luke – lying or “getting it wrong”.
Been a pretty topical subject over the last few years hasn’t it?
We’ve seen hostile parliamentary, senate and other independent inquiries determining that mistakes rather than lies occurred and you blokes deciding airily that the experts were wrong.
So give me the scoop big fella – you’ve massaged AGW support into a minority/disadvantaged position so lies into mistakes should be easy.
What are the criteria?
All irrelevant noise. The main pillars haven’t changed. While you guys are having a wank on the margins on a few issues, and Inhofe is holding the denialist fort from the barbarians at the gate, the world community including business has made its risk analysis and is moving on.
Trust Luke to have the latest update on whatever conspiracy theory is running arpound the internet-
– a real chatterbox he is
there are about 160 planets and moons in the solar system. How many are warming, how many are cooling?
You have mentioned about a handful. Does that mean that for the rest, they are staying at the same temperature or cooling? What does that say about the sun as a forcing at the moment?
Of the 160 planets and moons in the solar system, we will have to exclude some portion which are beyond our ability to examine. Of the portion of planets and moons available for examination, we will have to remove the portion which can not be expected to show an interesting reaction to an enhanced sunshine (our moon for instance, but also the majority of bodies which possess no appreciable atmosphere/cryosphere to be changed).
Mercury is right out.
Venus fits our criteria. Luckily the Venus Express satellite has been in rondevous with Venus for 500 days and has produced some amazing observations. For instance both of Venus’ poles are plagued with the Venusian version of what are called ozone holes here on Earth.
This suggests that polar vortices are a natural occurance, rather then a reason for alarm, and not caused by human aerosol interaction, as is portrayed by self important scientists and their gullible dupes in the political and media circles.
In addition to Venus, polar vortices have been observed on Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. An interesting target which hasn’t been carefully examined and which might provide a test of the general theory is Titan. If Titan is a spinner (as opposed to gravitationally locked by Saturn), and has votices over it’s poles, I would call that a slam dunk on the anthro caused “ozone hole” of Earth.
Mars has the receding icecaps, but more then this, on one of the several orbits of Mars with the Global Surveyer, an ice scarp was imaged with sufficient resolution to be used as a kind of ice core sample.
Examination of the ice scarp “rings” has led a team from Harvard to suggest that Martian climate cycles are in resonance with Earth. This means when Earth has an ice age or warm period, Mars had a corresponding ice age or warm period also.
SOLAR system.
Look I can go on through all of the planets and moons examined by NASA. Are you truely interested?
It seems to me this information is available to someone who is interested and has an open mind about such things – I found it on the net – I am sure you could too.
Yes well James I lead a team from Muckadilla that says that’s a silly idea. And also “I found it on the net”
Tee hee.
Before I fall over – which is it – is the Earth warming or cooling at the moment. I keep forgetting. ROTFL
BTW – what’s the atmosphere of Venus composed off. LMAO – oh I love this forum. A slam dunk on the ozone hole. Oh I can’t stand up. James tell us some more.
“Yes well James I lead a team from Muckadilla that says that’s a silly idea.”
Sorry Luke, I sent a reply but it didn’t go through. Probably a subtle hint that I have hijacked Jennifer’s blog enough.
I can take a hint.
I think this story is telling us that the long awaited “tipping point” has arrived, but in public opinion, not global warming. Langmuir’s Law in action.
NOAA say: While we can’t officially call it a La Nina yet, we expect that this pattern will continue to develop during the next three months, meeting the NOAA definition for a La Nina event later this year,” said Mike Halpert, acting deputy director of the Climate Prediction Center in Camp Springs, Md.
BoM say “Summary: La Niña indicators strengthen”
Thanks for the laws, Paul. 🙂
Luke, what do you do for a living?
James Mayeau, thanks for your contributions. How very refreshing to have real answers, not rhetoric.
“Look I can go on through all of the planets and moons examined by NASA. Are you truely interested?
It seems to me this information is available to someone who is interested and has an open mind about such things – I found it on the net – I am sure you could too.”
You are the one making the claim, it is up to you to provide the evidence.
James apparently has real answers, and then tells me he can’t be bothered finding out the answer.
Paul Williams
SJT’s law of bad science.
If enough people say enough things, even though they may be largely self-contradicting, enough doubt will be sewn about anything to make it worthless.
That’s right SJT, you’ve cleverly spotted the plan that will allow the oil industry to continue on its mission to destroy the planet! Unfortunately for you, your termination has been authorised from DC (Denialist Central). Can’t have word getting out, you know.
Please post your name, address and tax file number. A “customer service operative” will visit you shortly after that.
Resistance is futile!
Thank you Janet, for your kind words.
SJT Did you go looking for NASA investigation of Titan, so that you could disprove my analysis?
lazy boy.
Yes James – excellent example of the greenhouse effect in operation using Titan. Thanks for bolstering the global warming case.
Also – over the course of Saturn’s 30-year orbit, Titan’s cloud systems appear to manifest for 25 years, and then fade for four to five years, before reappearing again
As for Mars – who says the whole planet is warming – merely a local polar effect from dust storms.
Thank you Luke,
I find all of these archeological articles from the Voyager missions highly entertaining. You should check out a comparison between the Pioneer missions to Jupiter (during the global cooling period)and Voyager’s visit. That will blow your mind.
Yes, James, Luke has an encylopaedic list of references to do with global warming. You could a learn a lot of following up the numerous links to scientific research that he provides here.
As usual, Luke bases his argument on a complete misrepresentation of what others have said. He has tried this one before where he claims we said the world is cooling while Mars is warming. But this is bollocks.
What Bob Carter, myself and numerous other contributors have said is that temperature has NOT INCREASED over the past decade while CO2 has increased by 4%. And many have mentioned a high probability of cooling over the next few decades.
Once again, Luke runs off with half a fact and cobbles up any spin that comes to hand. Back under that rock, boyo.
Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power.
Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.
Your destiny lies with me Luke. Obi-Wan knew this to be true.
I am your father.
Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this.
It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son.
That was just me having a goof.
Crappola as usual Mott. The denialist blogosphere is full of cooling since 1998 stuff ! Don’t try and bulldust your way out of your denialist position. We’ve gott ya by the short and curlies this time.
Did Bob not say in 2004 “Four alternative predictions of near-future climate, based on empirical models drawn largely
from the palaeoclimatological record, are described. Three agree that the likely trend during
the 21st century is one of cooling, and the fourth (based on Milankovitch predictions)
predicts cooling over the longer term. In keeping with the generality of these predictions, the
averaged global surface temperature has been falling for the last 6 years.”
Perhaps you might like to clarify your own position?
In any case if the temperature has “not increased” why would it (simplistically) be increasing elsewhere on other worlds. Unless of course your thesis as well as James is full of termites.
And remember those clouds so needed by the cosmic ray hypothesis – any changes in Martian clouds?
“In any case if the temperature has “not increased” why would it (simplistically) be increasing elsewhere on other worlds. Unless of course your thesis as well as James is full of termites.”
It’s a quandry, isn’t it? I await the answer with baited breath.
Daddy? Is that really you?
“In any case if the temperature has “not increased” why would it (simplistically) be increasing elsewhere on other worlds. Unless of course your thesis as well as James is full of termites.”
Luke, are you having trouble with your droid?
“In any case if the temperature has “not increased” why would it (simplistically) be increasing elsewhere on other worlds. Unless of course your thesis as well as James is full of termites. ”
Because, due to Earth’s proximity to the Sun and the saturation of the weather system, which is vanishingly close to the total climate sensitivity for CO2, all non trivial reactions have already occured.
Let me put it to you another way which I hope will make things clearer.
Venus surface temperatures are said to be capable of melting lead. I suppose it would be possible there to have “lakes” of lead. In such a climate if the Sun were to heat up the place a couple of tenths of a degree (that’s what the IPCC is claiming has happened on Earth, yes?), we wouldn’t expect the lake of molten lead to evaporate. In fact there would be no interesting change on Venus which would be observable from Earth.
Likewise a change of a few tenths of a degree on the Earth would be impossible to detect for hypothetical denizens of Mars.
However a few tenths of a degree would be a major change for Martians since the ambiant temperature normally allows the condensation of carbon dioxide ice.
A few tenths of a degree on Mars is the difference betweeen another layer of ice on one of their poles and a jump in millibar levels of CO2 gas in the atmosphere creating planet wide dust storms.
By the way Hansen has finally, after much arm twisting (I even heard a rumor of an act of congress involved) released his method for creating the surface temperature record.
I have the feeling that the wheels are coming off the climate change bus soon.
A google on “Hansen has released his method for creating the surface temperature record September 2007” is quite interesting. Guess what pops up in the head of the list?
Which part of the list are you refering to Gavin?
Could it be that Mars et al did not have an El Nino event in 1998? Earth experiences a modest cooling after an extreme oceanic circulation event. Mars has no oceans, therefore Mars has not exhibited a drop from a similar extreme. Surely, even Luke and SJT can get their heads around that simple fact.
I was not aware of that quote by Bob Carter but as far as the actual records go it is true. I was tempering this by calling it a plateau in recognition of the longer term view.
Note, most of what BC said was in reference to predictions of cooling in the medium term. Remember “predictions”? They are the things that the EUPCC has consistently claimed they are not doing so they can avoid any responsibility for their bull$hit statements.
“The Hansen Code”, sounds like a real trashy novel, but at least it is in the fiction section, finally.
James you are totally trapped in your own logic. Trying to invent your way out arguing special cases is hilarious.
“saturation of the weather system” – what does that mean. More solar radiation won’t have an effect – ROFTL !!
And thanks for again introducing Venus – an excellent example of a runaway greenhouse with pressure amplification of spectral bands.
Mate the solar ouput hasn’t changed – you don’t have a mechanism.
But in any case – you might ponder a few things for all your worlds – distance to the Sun – remember the inverse-square law for radiation, composition and density of any atmosphere, and orbital path/variations.
Then internal variation – like El Nino events on Earth (not saying other worlds have Los Ninos – simply their own internal variability which is being observed). It’s a Martian dust storm – albedo and all that jazz – aka internal variability .. ..
Methinks you are only applying the laws of physics where it suits.
And if you want a “by the way” – check out this ice melt – Don’t worry about Mars mate – worry about here and NOW !!
As for “act of congress” – mate you are just full of it !! I heard a rumour that denialists started that rumour – I read it on the “internet”.
So instead of the progressive dogs brekky reveal you’re giving us here – why don’t you give us a guest post on interplanetary warming – with some actual references !!
I’m sorry Luke. You are right “saturation of the weather system” is a vague discriptor.
What I meant is the total IR radiation available for an enhanced CO2 content in the atmosphere to absorb. (doesn’t roll off the tongue very well, does it)
Here is a good article on climate sensitivity.
“So instead of the progressive dogs brekky reveal you’re giving us here – why don’t you give us a guest post on interplanetary warming – with some actual references !!”
That’s an interesting suggestion. Jennifer’s blog, I wouldn’t want to impose.
Jen indulges guest posts from talented, good looking and opinionated individuals, especially underdogs (Well IMHO). You can always email and ask !
James – for all AGW matter there is anti-matter and anti-anti-matter
and anti-anti-anti-matter
and a new term “delusionosphere” – ROTFL
I’m confused .. .. what was the question again.
Thats why I prefer my own flavor of crap.
I am pretty sure any supposition on the ozone hole being analogous with polar voticies on the other planets is quelched by higher powers.
It would be too embarassing to be true.
So NASA will look at gaping whirlpools of atmosphere funneling down to the core of Saturn and say things like “Freak One-Eyed Monster Storm unlike anything ever seen” , which is crap.
Unlike anything ever seen since Voyager visited Uranus, or since Cassini swung past Jupiter, or since they took their last pictures of the South Pole, would be more like it.
I have an advantage over NASA etal in that I don’t have an enviromental movement to nurse.
Come off it James – it an incredibly well studied phenomenon compared to many “interesting” little known “anomalies” on other worlds. Have another puff on the weed man.
“I have an advantage over NASA etal in that I don’t have an enviromental movement to nurse” is an odd sorta statement.
James: sorry I didn’t get back but my point was all this contrary stuff at a glance seems to originate from a handful of sources on the web.
I spent all day using Google Earth to estimate the rate of change in deforestation in a particular bit of country. Extensive road networks, power line corridors, quarries add to the rich timber valleys lost permanently under water. All that is apart from the forestry in various stages of recovery after burns, plantation development, harvests etc.
There was a time when I put my mug full of hot fluid to cool up on the mud stuck between the tracks of the stationary dozer because there was nowhere else flat enough so I admired that machine as a kid for its usefulness. Years later, I would have coffee over the range with the guys welding soft red rubber inside steel tubes for the pipelines and other vessels. Touching the scared black rubber on the wheels of the Euclid’s from the pit as they stopped for a chat after tipping a load down the chute of the primary crusher was another experience. This lot now belongs to the Chinese.
As I come to conclusions on demand versus capacity, I can also estimate the power of the opposing lobby. To have any influence I need to be well grounded with practical experience to back it up.
There is most probably big money thrown at my odd comment if it surfaces in the right places. However, we have to wonder exactly what NASA et al has to do with some one like me apart from Google Earth.
Luke: Anyone looking for answers in this inter planetary solar stuff is cornered.
In review as we consider the implications of global climate change, we can say every large quarry, road or dam was made under a pall of diesel fumes. Each new hole in the ground in some way represents another cloud of gas. Each stack of paper represents another lost tree, each rotting pile a greater problem as we sift for solutions in this modern handout and throwaway society.
Free enterprise has been all about removing individual options as progress tightens the screws on public resources.
I could go on-
I have worked for a large multinational corporation. The job was lousy, but the money was good.
I was told quite explicitly at a pep talk by a senior manager, it’s all about market domination. Once you dominate a market, you can effectively kill the competition. Not too much, of the ACCC will be after you, but just enough to keep it comfy and profitable.
“Jen indulges guest posts from talented, good looking and opinionated individuals”
Luke, I think I actually prefered when you would tell me to lay straight in bed, to this new “butter on the muffin” mode.
Gavin – I don’t see a problem with painting myself in the corner, because all of this stuff is second hand news from NASA anyway (with the exception of the second great red spot on Jupiter, which I have seen with my own telescope).
If their temperature record, solar constant record (why would you need to record a “constant” over time anyhow?), and observed changes in the Solar System, are inconsistent, that is their problem – not mine.
Any sign of that Martian El Nino event, Luke?
Yes certainly – have a close look at the Mare Tyrrhenum and Mare Cimmerium Annual Oscillation (MTMACAO).