Just 2 years ago the Queensland government passed the Wild Rivers Act 2005. It’s purportedly about preserving the natural values of wild rivers through regulating future development while maintaining grazing, fishing and eco-tourism. The bottom-line is that the legislation was championed by activists to stop the further development of irrigation in north Queensland.
The legislation is resented by many, who perceive double standards from the one government: a government which supports new dams and infrastructure development in south east Queensland, but introduces the first Act of its type in Australia to limit development in the north of the state.
But now to add insult to injury, the Queensland Premier, Peter Beattie, resurrects the 1920’s Bradfield plan and suggests water be diverted from north Queensland Rivers to the Murray Darling system and for irrigation.
So the Murray Darling Basin is short of water. Well it’s in drought and furthermore inflows to major rivers have been reducing because of bushfires, plantations and more efficient use of water on farm including recycling.
There has been lots of rain in northern Australia and it’s in northern Australia that most of our water falls.
But for a Queensland Premier to suggest that large sums of money be spent building the infrastructure and piping water south, while at the same time restricting development in the north of this own state. Well that’s un-Australian!
Rainfall for the Murray Darling Basin from 1900 to 2006
I wish it were un-Australian, Jen. Unfortunately this kind of impropriety underpins the broad character of Australia’s environmental politics – particularly at a state level.
It should also be remembered that this is the government that specifically ruled out a Dam on the Tully Millstream (where this million megalitres is to be sourced) just a few years back because the major beneficiaries were only farmers.
If ever there was a clearer message that regional Queensland has to detach itself from SE Corner Metrotyranny it is this. It is not just a Beattie problem because the flesh crawling hypocrisy is also exhibited by all the South East voters who elected him.
They all think the rest of the state is merely minding their natural resources until the day when the South East needs it to fix some self inflicted crisis.
Two new states for Queensland should fix it. One in the North, another in the South and West. A hundred and fifty years of hosting a parasite is long enough.
They couldn’t do a worse job than this clown.
Let’s not worry what the property rights nutters are frothing on about. I’m up for some cotton farming at Richmond or Hughenden – but before we start – has anyone checked the soil chemistry? Any issues? Might be?
Also I seem to have a rash developing – could it be “flesh crawling hypocrisy”.
Dear Luke
Before one worries about the salinity potential, just look at the the cost per ML of water available for irrigation. The Bradfield scheme has been an economic dud for ages and will remain so for a long time to come. Premier Pete’s suggestion that because the Fed’s have a lazy $10 billion floating around we may as blow it on Bradfield than spend it somewhere useful says more about Pete’s perceived political predicament re SE Qld’s water crisis than any rational attempt to “cure” the problems of the Murray-Darling.
Blair – to be clear – I’m talking about conventional Bradfield in terms if irrigating the Qld north not supplying MDB or SEQ. I think there may be chemical soil constraints more than just salinity. We rush into northern development having been forewarned by our experience in many other irrigation systems nationally and globally. However I believe still worth some consideration with perhaps some new foresight on the effects of climate change on the future fortunes of the MDB.
In response to the Plan to take water from Neil’s area and pipe it to Brisbane, the Australian Water Association (AWA) says Tasmania could help solve the national water crisis. See http://www.abc.net.au/news/items/200702/1855290.htm?tasmania
Now I know that Tasmania has abundant surface water resources (makes it a great place to grow trees on a sustainable basis) but will this new plan work?
Tassie supports 12% of Australia’s freshwater resources in an area of less than 1% of the total Australian land area. Broad state wide estimates of water resources include Surface water runoff (mean annual runoff) of 45,000 Gigalitres (GL)/yr and Groundwater resources available for extraction 2,500GL/yr. With only a small (3%) proportion of the Nation’s population Tasmania is well paced to sell excess.
As current statewide consumption of water, irrigation, domestic and industrial is estimated at 758 GL (96/97) or 1.5% of the run off we could afford to sell some water to our Queensland friends.
However the Commonwealth has negotiated agreements with the State, to reserve 42% of the State’s land mass, including much of its fresh water resources. This massive lock up means no new dams, which is a shame given predictions of even more rainfall in Western Tasmania by Global Warming models.
Even if we could trap all our excess water, how would we get it to sunny Queensland? Perhaps we need to buy back the Spirit of Tasmania III and transport both tourists and water between Hobart and Brisbane.
I fear that your proposal will not convince Premier Beattie, because, as everyone knows, water flows downhill and Tasmania is undisputably south of Queensland.
North Queensland, however, is above and therefore water will fall directly into the electorates of the Queenslanders that actually MATTER.
Thanks for the thought though.
Please reply
Wanting to help with water
Dear sir/madam
Needing backing in the way of email support letters please.
please give farmers and third world water.
Looking for comment Please
Away to stay on the land with free water.
Att wanting to bring forward my products to help farmers and all with water
All government care about is how they can tax free water.
They want to pipe water to farmers so they can charge per litre .For ever
With my designs farmers can catch and contain there Owen water
Im pleeding for help to help farmers and all with water.
To make the most of what rain we do get.
Trying to gain support. to get through to government.. And get in and help?
Hello all can be made any were in the world.
. I’m trying to help farmers.And all. I have good practicable ideas and designs I have ready to go now portable dams from 40.000 litres up 500.000 litres 40.000 litres rain catchers from [$3800] portable dams with cover to stop water evaporation .
Please help me help farmers and all.
10.000Lt catchers for back yards thay catch roof run off and catch there Owen area.8meters by
2meters by 600mm deep.=10.000lts [$1700]. Better then rain tanks thay catch more.
My designs are tuff and safe. Ways to keep up with climate changes with rain bands that have speed up.
We can have fenced off part of car park at sports fields or out side field to have water to water grass. Rain we will all ways have we have to keep up with it.Contain it.Not watch it go to wast.
Have at schools for there sports fields. Hanging rain catchers for trees drip feed. and can be man filled
to save on water wastage.thrown soaking. Fill every 4weeks not water every second day. Save on man power. Fuel . and most in portent save water no wast.
It is not counselling or hand outs farmers want. Farmers want help to stay on the land by having feed and[ [water] for their stock .We all want to have meat on our plates other then chicken. [Water]And essential to life.Water Harvesting Rain Catching..
Michael Blundell. 0433704661 Queanbeyan.Australia
Catch and contain what we shoud be drinking not watching it go to wast.
please see our web site
on info on my IP and copyright.
Michael Blundell
With my designs and ideas with your backing we can help farmers and all to live with clement changes that are here too stay.
To contain the rain we do get not watch it turn to dust.
With modern proven new materials
With your backing .
All can be do`n NOW
Help me help farmers.
Not through consoling or hand outs .
Though getting in and suppling away to gain the upper hand.
Water for stock. Water for stock feed
My catcher catch and contain what fulls in them.
With floating cover to stop evaporation.
And sola powered pump to circulate water to stop mosquitos _
breeding and water contamination accruing.
It`s not rocket scenes But a dam good way to help farmers [NOW]
My business Registration number is BN98277226.
My IP PTP100011646
I`m on my Owen trying to help .
I have four children .
I’m wanting too do far more then i can with what finance i do have.
Please help me help farmers .
water Harvesting Rain Catching.
Michael Blundell
3 Eugenia ST Queanbeyan
NSW 2620