“Eco-terrorist group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society telephoned Greenpeace yesterday to inform them of the position of their vessels and those of the Japanese research fleet.
ICR Director General Hiroshi Hatanaka said that while Sea Shepherd was putting a mayday call out to vessels in the area to assist with lost animal rights activists, they put in a telephone call to Greenpeace to inform them of everyone’s position.
“We have increasing concerns and evidence that both groups are working together, despite claims last year that Greenpeace had nothing to do with Sea Shepherd. Now it will develop into a competition between them to see who can perform the most dangerous and illegal stunts – to see which group gets more airtime.” The ICR today called on both organisations to keep their distance from the research fleet.
Animal rights activists from the Sea Shepherd pirate vessel Robert Hunter yesterday shot bottles of butyric acid onto the deck of the Nisshin Maru, as well as empty bottles, shards of glass and rubbish from their vessel. Video footage of the butyric acid being shot onto the Nisshin Maru can be viewed
here: http://www.icrwhale.org/gpandsea.htm. The video shot from a crew member on the Nisshin Maru clearly shows Sea Shepherd members shooting acid-filled bottles onto the deck.
Dr Hatanaka said: “Our concerns over the safety of crew and scientists have increased greatly. To shoot bottles of acid, as well as shards of glass, demonstrates these people are out to hurt others and damage property. Both Sea Shepherd vessels have been stripped of their registration after the UK and Belize refused to support their eco-terrorist activity, and the fact they are continuing with their piracy suggests they just don’t care about other people.”
In the attack, two Japanese crew members were hit by missiles. One crew member was hit in the face by a bottle while the other had butyric acid squirted into his eyes. Butyric acid is a corrosive chemical and contact can cause burns to eyes and skin, leading to permanent damage. “One of our crewmen is having difficulty opening his eye because of the acid but the full extent of his injuries has yet to be determined. The other received a cut on his face from contact with the bottle,” Dr Hatanaka said.
Despite the attack, the Nisshin Maru yesterday responded to Sea Shepherd mayday calls after two of their animal rights activists went missing after attempting to entangle the Nisshin Maru’s propeller with a net.
The Institute of Cetacean Research has completed much of their research programme for this year. The research contributes to greater knowledge of whale species in the Southern Ocean and provides valuable data to improve the IWC’s management scheme for sustainable commercial whaling in the area.
End of Media Release from the Institute of Cetacean Research
Sea Shepherd says Claims of Japanese Injuries are Bogus
“My crew did not injure anyone,” said Captain Watson. “This is just a spin designed to get public sympathy for men who are themselves vicious and ruthless killers of whales.”
The Zodiac inflatable carrying 2nd Officer Karl Neilsen, 29, of Australia, and Engineer John Gravois, 24, of the United States, fell back from the other Sea Shepherd ships after its fiberglass hull cracked and filled with water. The damage was caused when the inflatable struck the steel hull of the whaling vessel Nisshin Maru in heavy seas. The two were quickly lost as heavy fog, snow, and sleet conditions suddenly occurred.
Captain Paul Watson immediately put the Farley Mowat into a search grid and then issued a maritime distress call and was joined by the Sea Shepherd ship Robert Hunter. Because it was an official distress, the Japanese factory vessel was obligated to participate and joined in the search. The search lasted eight hours.
Captain Paul Watson called the Nisshin Maru to thank them for their assistance in the search and then said, “We’re all back on schedule.” At this point, the two Sea Shepherd ships resumed their pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet as conditions continue to worsen, and winds and swells increase.
Sea Shepherd is in Antarctic waters to protect endangered whales from the Japanese fleet which has plans to illegally slaughter over 900 whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary this year – including 935 piked (Minke) whales and 10 fin whales. The objectives of the Sea Shepherd vessels are to enforce international conservation law against illegal Japanese whaling operations in accordance with the principles established by the United Nations World Charter for Nature.
” Despite the attack, the Nisshin Maru yesterday responded to Sea Shepherd mayday calls …”
Well, it’s a maritime law that ALL ships respond to mayday calls, enemies or not…
It is clear that the GP and SS actions in the Southern Oceans get a lot of focus and attention but do they also give environmentalism a bad name?
Are people tired of ” eco-terrorism” and ” common terrorism”? IMO it seems like people are not so keen on these 70’s tactics as they used to be…
Here’a a pic of Watson on one of his ships with the whaling ship’s flags painted that he has sunk
Hey Jennifer if you truly did take a balanced approach to the issues then you’d also publish the Sea Shepherd’s press release and take both on good faith until and unless proven otherwise – which while versions disagree would require a certain proof such as a legal outcome (ie not just rely on Glen Ingwood’s word). Shouldn’t need Luke or other to provide the SS case.
I wonder if they’d really ram a ship, seriously ram it, down there in the cold.
Cheekily yours,
But there isn’t an “SS case” that meets any test of reasonableness or justification is there Pinxi?
I’m astounded that you and Luke appear to believe there is.
Do you support violence and reckless endangerment of human life by a few self appointed extremist vigilantes who believe they can do so because their cause is so righteous and their opponents so evil?
Would you tolerate that approach from a global warming sceptic who believed that AGW proponents were endangering the future with their extreme “solutions” and had to be stopped?
No my guess is you’d be seeking the death penalty….
And how about leading by example when it comes to balance?
Looking forward to some future post in which you acknowledge ANY inconsistency or doubt or genuine alternative opinion concerning your favourite causes.
PS – just read a bit more on it.
The human failing I detest the most is hypocrisy and these blokes have it in spades…..
AFTER committing an act piracy and reckless endangerment as mentioned , the Captain of SS then relies upon those attacked to honour the conevntions he has just crapped all over to rescue HIS crew?
Consistency of principle , action and follow through is a rare commodity in extremists isn’t it?
In my Norwegian link there are much comments on Watson and whaling. The Vikings are really angry with Watson and his whaling campaign… most comments are like ” Save the whales—for DINNER ” and “Watson meat tastes bad but whale meat is delicious” etc .
Shows that the SS and GP anti whaling campaigns could be totally counterproductive….
Australia shouldn’t muck around and enforce the Sanctuary with a warhship like we do with Indonesian fishing vessels.
Luke, the real problem is that Japanese whaling in the Sanctuary isn’t illegal, if it was there would not have been any problem for any nation to arrest and detain the Japanese whaling fleet in the Sancuary…
Lukes support of SS just shows that he is anti everything.
I just want to see some Yakuza down there to. Lots of flags and bunting, marshal music, a big barbeque plate on the deck cooking fresh whale, lots of Saki, some of those humungus drums and a bit of Kagemusha style body armour. And maybe some Kendo archers to take care of the inflatables. Now that would be better than superbowl.
If it is alright for green gaigin to organise thugs for intimidation purposes then it is equally OK for the Japanese to do the same. In fact, the wider public only understands what kind of scum the greens are when someone pays them back in kind. As long as we remain polite and measured, the public can pretend that it is all just hunky dory. so dish it up fellas, in spades.
It is amazing that people the press release of the ICR and believe everything written. They wouldn’t have their own propoganda campaign would they? Of course crew members were hit by missiles and injured weren’t they? Anything the greenies does is dismissed as lies and violence, but turning water cannons on people in little rubber boats in the Antactic is not dangerous? Australia will do nothing because we get billions from Japan, but Indonesia is worth nothing to us. Both countries are doing the same thing, but money talks. Just like the money being put into getting school kids to eat whale meat in Japan. Brainwash ’em whilst their young. Yeah, those greenies are big bad bullies arent they?
Ann you can\’t be definite if it\’s legal or illegal – it hasn\’t been tried in the legal system.
I don\’t support SS Jim. But I don\’t support the Japs whaling either. From that you could conclude that I\’m equally ambivalent and equally concerned about whether or not any of them die or get hurt. I don\’t know any of the activists or whalers and it won\’t significantly change the human gene pool so I won\’t lose any sleep over it either way. I do find it hard to believe that they would engage in activities any more dangerous than they already have, but who says no to real entertainment hey, Iraq has lost its appeal and the killjoys don\’t want us shooting at the general public anymore. Eating whale falls loosely into entertainment too for some given that it\’s not necessary to meet protein intake and the culture argument doesn\’t hold for the Japs. If Austn vessels go in they could treat SS and the Japs with equivalent response. Up the entertainment stakes! Got popcorn in cupboard at the ready.
Pixie, I believe the NGOs, Australia and NZ have all been thinking very hard to take legal action re the legal / illegal standpoint , but ruled out that it is possible to win the case…
Why haven’t the mentioned nations and NGOs submitted the case to the International Tribunal for the Law of Sea? The court established by UNCLOS to adjusticate disputes under the Convention.
Why Australia enforces Indonesian fishing vessels in the Australian part of the Sanctuary is maybe because Indonesia has recognized the Sanctuary as part of Australian territory…that’s why it’s easier to seize Indonesian ships.(?)
Re Japan, they have never recognized Australian souvereignity over the Sanctuary …..
Of course , they might try it military or in court…the Norwegians have a similar case up in the Barents Sea against illegal trawling mainly by the Russians and Spaniards, and sometimes they seize ships , but when major players such as Russia and Japan are a part of such actions , I agree, economical , military and political aspects play a heavy part….
Ian of course supposed to be such a great Australian has forgotten about WWII and has now become a sympathiser. Obviously not a patriot – I’m going to enlist Woody’s support. I bet neo-cons don’t eat whales – they would be tucking into a bloody big feed-lot sirloin. And not Wagu either.
Furthermore whaling supports terrorism. We’re about to ban coal exports and run out of oil so we don’t need them anymore – so who cares. Board them and confiscate. Does the RSL have a view on this?
Winston , I’m happy to accept ONLY the SS version of events as the truth if that makes you feel better.
Makes no difference to my comments.
On the issue of reporting, The Age newspaper would appear to be a real master of spin with this line from the article I link to in the above post:
“The whalers called a truce to help the hardline anti-whaling group in their search caused when the two aboard a Zodiac inflatable dinghy disappeared suddenly in fog in icy waters south-west of Australia.”
Now the inference from this sentence is that the whalers are the aggressors and have picked a fight with the Sea Shephard.
In reality the whalers were just doing what whalers do … harpoon whales.
It is Greenpeace and Sea Shepard who are interfering on the basis they deem it morally wrong to kill whales. … only they can call a truce?
And did anybody watch the video clips at the ICR website, link provided in above post, of the little explosives being thrown onto the deck of the Japanese ship.
What did the fizzy thing look like? What do “shot bottles of butyric acid” look like when they explode?
The ICR media release/the above post provided a link to some evidence. Did anyone examine it?
Hi Ann,
Humane Society International in Australia are taking legal action.
One point of clarification, Anne. The Indonesian fishing boats being intercepted are in Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) while the whale sanctuary is well outside the EEZ. EEZ’s extend for 200 nautical miles or half way between two nations closer than 400Nm (ie Australia and Indonesia).
The whole world recognises our EEZ under the international law of the sea but rarely recognises claims beyond that distance.
The only international body that does not recognise our EEZ is the IPCC which refuses to credit any maritime nation for the carbon that is absorbed by their territorial oceans.
And the single reason why Australia has not taken the Japanese to court over the issue, as formally stated by our Minister for Environment, is that the Japanese would win and a clear and binding precedent would be established.
The clowns in the department get more spin from the ambiguity than they ever would from a clear ruling. Sea Shepherd also know this and continue to exploit the existing ambiguity.
Get real, as if we\’d sue our number 1 trading partner over blubby whales! Both Japanese exports and imports are huge for Aust and Japan has the greater economic influence. Our govt seeks as many asian allies as we can get. Whales aren\’t an important enough issue in economic or election changing terms, hence the govt just mumbles greenwash against the whaling to appease the voters but does nothing, neither through negotiation, informal talks or other means. Money people. Businesses, jobs, wealth creation, cronyism. The whales aren\’t important enough. Useless sacks of blubber. Did they offer to search for the missing SS pirates? Must be stupid and selfish too.
Ian, thanks for the clarification… yes, it is a huge difference between intercepting fishing ships in the EEZ or in the Sanctuary, something that is not pointed out.
I am quite familiar with similar situations in the Arctic area, where different nations are claiming rights to natural resources, mainly gas and oil.
It seems to have to do with the continental shelf.
As I see it, the only way to legally prove that part of the Sanctuary really belongs to Australia is to prove that the continental shelf of the Antarctic Territory extended beyond your existing EEZ???
So what to do to stop Japanese whaling?
IMO, whaling can’t be ended in the near future and the best anti whaling nations can do, is to keep the moratorium intact.
The RMS negotiations seem to be quite fruitless
It’s interesting for somone who bleats on about property rights that he’s not interested in enforcement.
Sigh. You can read some of HSI’s stuff here:
Thanks a lot Libby… sorry Jen ( I have posted too many comments today), but this was really interesting:
“The Australian Whale Sanctuary was proclaimed in 2000 under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999, and includes the waters within Australia’s 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone adjacent to the Australian Antarctic Territory. ”
Last post for today,methink this really must be pointed out.
There sems to be a bit of confusion here right now.
We talk about the Sanctuary. So it reveals for the uninformed there are two Sanctuaries we talk about. The Southern Oceans Sanctuary, established in 1993 ( 94) and the Australian Whale Sanctuary, established in 2000.
The Australian Sanctuary comprises waters within the Australian EEZ.
Now the confusing part.
The ongoing Greenpeace campaign in Southern Oceans aim is to stop high seas whaling. So not a word that whaling as well takes part in the Australian EEZ!
Libby, have I misunderstood the case?
One additional point Ann, a number of nations lay claim to parts of Antarctica, including Australia, Britain, New Zealand, Norway, USA and France. Some of them overlap but the international courts do not appear to have clarified this question of sovereignty either.
So Australia has claimed an additional EEZ over waters adjacent to our claim in Antarctica but that does not mean that any other nation must recognise it.
See http://www.ga.gov.au/nmd/mapping/marbound/bndrs.jsp
But that also raises another interesting issue in that the claimed Antarctic EEZ was not included in the total EEZ for mainland Australia. The original erea was 8.94 million km2 while the later claim over the Antarctic EEZ added another 3 million km2.
But it is not entirely clear that there may be an additional whale sanctuary declared over the high seas that would have an even less credible claim.
Have humane society International of Australia filed suit or are they just saying they might just to get more spin and publicity from the “ambiguity” of the legal situation?
As far as the dangers of water canons to those animal protest industry hacks in zodiacs, even Watson himself has accused Greenpaece or manouvering inflatables into the water canons for the PR value and has stated that the dangers are negligible.
This is animal protest industry marketing dressed up as info-tainement folks.
Environmentalism is something else entirely.
Now there’s this;
words fail……
3 comments deleted from this thread. lets stay on topic and polite. 🙂
Here’s the latest press release from the Japanese:
Eco-terrorist group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has rammed and damaged one of the Japanese research fleet’s vessels operating in the Antarctic, immediately after it received generous support and seamanship from the Japanese research fleet to help rescue two missing activists.
“Two vessels belonging to Sea Shepherd attacked the Kaiko Maru, one of our research vessels dedicated to non-lethal sighting research,” Dr Hiroshi Hatanaka, the Director General of the Institute of Cetacean Research, said today.
“The Robert Hunter rammed the Kaiko Maru. Afterwards, both the Robert Hunter and the Farley Mowat came to the either side of the Kaiko Maru stopping her from continuing. This was done in the same manner employed by pirates.”
“Sea Shepherd threw smoke pots onto the Kaiko Maru and released ropes and nets to entangle her screw. Its propeller has been damaged by them. The vessel is stranded at the moment and has already put out several distress calls.”
“Yesterday, we reiterated our concerns for the safety of our crew and scientists in the Antarctic. Unfortunately, these concerns are now a reality,” Dr Hatanaka said.
“Sea Shepherd is conducting a campaign of outright destruction and terrorism. We have serious concerns that someone will be injured or killed in its destructive terrorism.”
“Sea Shepherd is not an environmental group. It is a terrorist vigilante group that operates outside of the law. Their two vessels are currently sailing flagless after England and Belize didn’t want to be associated with eco-terrorism and de-registered them,” Dr Hatanaka said.
The ICR will provide further comment when full details of the illegal attack on our vessels are known.
Note: The ICR will release video footage and/or photographs of the incident as they are received from the Antarctic.
As I see it , such actions by Sea Shepherd will only benefit the whalers and nationalism in Japan in the long run.
If you wanna end whaling you got to work within whaling nations and change their opinion.
We know what has happned in Iceland and Norway. People who were apathic about the whaling issue started to support whaling after actions by SS and GP. And the common man see no difference between GP and SS.
Very sad news for the whales only some rebels can enjoy a thing like this!
if the kaiko maru is sending out distress calls i wonder if the sea shepard and the robert hunter are standing by to provide assistance?
also whose spin would you believe? i remember last year that greenpeace claimed to have been rammed and had a man knocked out of an inflatable. both claims were contradictory to what was seen on video.
Kaiko Maru no longer in distress
Rescue Coordination Centre NZ (RCCNZ) has spoken further to the Master of a Japanese vessel Kaiko Maru after he reported there had been a collision between his vessel and Robert Hunter, an anti-whaling protest vessel this afternoon.
The Master reported that he was no longer in distress, did not require any assistance and was able to continue under his own power.
Search and Rescue Officer Dave Wilson says all vessels in the area need to make safety their number one priority.
“Whilst we understand the issues involved we ask all parties to exercise restraint and not compromise the safety of human life.”
I sometimes think the Japanese are their own worst enemy. Scum like Sea shepherd only try this stuff on when they think they can get away with it. You don’t see them hassling North Korean fishing boats because they know the response would be nasty, brutish and short.
Japanese patience has been admirable but it has come to the point where “an excess of my strength is my weakness”.
They have a very good precedent for capturing the crew as terrorists, shredding their passports and imprisoning them without trial in a Gulag of their choosing. They could call it guantanomoto.
Japan has proven to be an easy target for Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd obstruction over the years, but I think they are wise in trying to play things out diplomatically.
For example they have managed to get agreement on an IMO code of conduct for protest vessels (the details of which will be determined this year), which I imagine will in effect specify a certain distance be kept between protest vessels and vessels involved in whaling / whaling research. Any violation of the code should then theoretically result in the protest vessels being deregistered. This should see the end of unnecessary Greenpeace obstruction as well as Sea Shepherd’s more deliberate and extreme brand.
This approach obviously requires patience and there is the threat to the lives of their crews (brave brave souls) but should prove effective over the medium term.
As for Sea Shepherd, I think how long their impending prison sentence or how large their fines are is now a matter for them and their final actions before they run out of fuel. I think the Australian government in particular is responsible for these latest incidents as it has always been clear what Sea Shepherd intended to do this season, and yet the Farley Mowat for one was permitted to sail.
Here’s how Sea Shepherd shows its gratitude to the Japanese:
…and it’s not making lots of friends
Surely there’s ample precedent which would justify the Japanese if they mounted cannon and sank Watson’s ships.
It is amusing that Japan is appealing to NZ and Australia to rein in a US protest group when they are whaling in waters that Australia considers to be a sanctuary. One assumes Sea Shepherd will be releasing their footage of the ramming incident, then all us armchair maritime specialists can sit back and throw further accusations into the icy mix.
What a circus – Watson and his band of thugs target a sightings survey ship whilst the whaling fleet is happily hunting 20nm away … Moronic
Japan and NZ should not have to appeal to NX and Australia to “rein in” a protest group practicing piracy on the high seas.
The Japanese should simply put holes in the hulls of Watson’s boats, sink them, and put any survivors into the brig to stand charges of piracy on the high seas.
The world would stand behind the Japanese if they sank “Watson’s Navy.” If it’s permissible to attack a ship that’s “not green,” it’s permissible to shoot back.
Now is the ideal time for the Japanese to sink Watson’s ships and make it an issue. What the heck, the greenies have killed 35 million humans, minimum, so a shipload of eco-freaks is no loss.
This is the first time I’ve ever considered questioning Japanese courage.
Gee Schiller, first Ian advocating violence and now you. Your rant about 35 million humans being killed by greenies is unsubstantiated. Your claim the world would stand behind the Japanese if they sank “Watson’s Navy” is unsubstantiated. Japanese courage has nothing to do with it Schiller and you know it.
Let’s not forget that there is already bloodshed being carried out down there whilst the Japanese push whale meat into schools to get the littlies hooked. Who is brainwashing who? As Malcolm Turnbull pointed out (our Environment Minister), in 2007 whaling is viewed as cruel and unnecessary. If they resume commercial whaling I wonder what will happen to our meat export trade with Japan?
You must be one of those people who pushed the idea that 35 million African deaths are a good exchange for thin eggshells of birds.
Or you must be one of those people who pushed the idea that African dictators need to preserve African food exports even while their people starve.
The notion of “pushing whale meat into schools” is ludicrous. The whale harvest is too minuscule to put it on the menu without so much dilution that it’s meaningless.
The notion of getting “hooked” on whale meat is totally weird. Is it psychoactive or what? Dude, you should switch to coffee.
And as far as “cruel bloodshed” goes, it appears Watson’s Navy is prepared to place the crew’s lives on an equal footing with the lives of whales. Therefore, they have agreed to be shot like animals.
So shoot them.
Watson’s Navy won’t abide by international maritime rules of traffic, and the crew agrees they’re personally expendable as the animals.
Which means, of course, that international treaties regarding the treatment of humans don’t apply to Sea Sheperd miscreants. They can be treated like animals.
Sink their boats and let them swim with the whales. That would be justice. Natural justice.
For the record, Australia exported probably more than 300,000 tonnes in 2006 (similar story with New Zealand).
In Japan, there is currently less than 3,900 tonnes of whale meat in stock (3,904 tonnes at the end of December, so probably only 3,500 tonnes now). Total whale meat consumption in 2006 looks to have topped 8,500 tonnes. The JARPA II by-products won’t be marketed until June or July.
I agree with calls for New Zealand and Australia to intervene now before it’s too late. Particularly Australia, having permitted these terrorists to depart from Hobart in the first instance have a duty to make up for this gross lack of judgement. New Zealand should also send a navy vessel down their to round up these pirates, as would be expected of any decent world citizen that wishes to be seen to uphold the laws of the sea. Chris Carter has even expressly stated that Japan is operating in accordance with international law. No level thinking person would defend Sea Shepherd’s actions, as I’m sure all readers here can attest to.
This sort of reprehensible behaviour would set an extraordinarily bad precedent if left to go unaddressed.
Yes Schiller, I’m obviously one of those people…blah, blah,blah. Whatever your delusional self wants to believe. So where is the evidence that greenies are responsible for what you claim, where are the legal documents, trials, justice? Which court did the greenies apear in and be judged to have been responsible?
Advocating violence to thwart violence, an eye for an eye, makes you no better than the group you are against. Natural justice Schiller is somewhere you don’t want to go.
Re whale meat in schools, this is from today’s ABC radio program AM:
David, Watson’s pirate ships are already de-registered so your extended process has already been bypassed by Watson.
The problem is that while an Australian is in Guantanamo Bay without trial, and while Australian soldiers are placed in very dangerous situations in the “war on terror”, Australia and New Zealand have been guilty of aiding and providing sanctuary to a terrorist organisation.
Japan has every right to declare Watson, his crew and all associates and supporters, to be a terrorist organisation. And having done so they would have the right to demand the full co-operation from the USA, the Europeans, Australia and NZ in confiscating assets, following the money trail and charging anyone who has funded Watson under the relevant legislation.
Watson’s logic, his rationalisation for his criminal acts, is identical to Bin Laden’s. His rationalisation is of a religious nature and he has also acted upon that rationalisation.
Why the Japanese special forces are not down there right now is a mystery.
Travis:” If they resume commercial whaling I wonder what will happen to our meat export trade with Japan?
Travis, excuse me, but is your concern about the whales focused on Australian meat exports???
It is similar as Greenpeace’s concern about Japanese taxpayer’s money are going to the ” research whaling”.
Has Greenpeace turned into a right winged think tank that is concerned about taxpayer’s money???
And btw, i checked out your link. Yes, the children in this link say the whale meat is delicious, but I also read yesterday that young people only want to eat whale meat if it is camouflaged as whaleburgers.
Personally, methink this whale eating business will die out despite all efforts by the whaling industry to promote whale meat eating…. and actually I think NGO actions might just encourage some nationalistic people to start or continue the eating…
I just think this taste of whale meat might be too difficult for people… I might be totally wrong….
Ian – do go on – as an advocate of extremism yourself in defence of noble principles your outrage is laughable.
Sea Shepherd have no appreciation of these matters – no sophistication whatsoever – ruffians and hoodlums. Ramming is simply passée. Perhaps they should have sub-contracted their problem to Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure.
My impression from actually living here is that the western media tend to go looking for stories in schools, as opposed to stories in the private sector. Unfortunately the AM story only describes the school as a “primary school near Tokyo”. One of Japan’s traditional whaling communities (Wada) is located near Tokyo, so I’d not be surprised if the school was in that general area. If you are interested, I saw a report in the Japanese media about a recent return of whale meat to school lunches in the region near a former whaling port in Miyagi:
Exactly how much whale meat in school lunch programmes have been expanded in recent times would make for an interesting topic.
However, official figures suggest that there have only been moderate increases in real terms, and overall the amount of whale meat consumed in schools as a percentage of total consumption appears to have dropped, if official figures from the ICR are anything to go by. I have a graph in relation to this towards the bottom of this page, showing the amount of whale meat allocated for “public purposes” over recent years (versus supply of by-products):
Certainly, the amount of meat allocated (1,000 or so tonnes in 2005 and 2006) is much less than total consumption (8,500 tonnes in 2006, up a few thousand tonnes on 2005).
Other reports in the Japanese media on the other hand have reported large increases in whale meat sales in the private sector (one report suggested a 50% increase in the first 7 or so months of 2006), while at the end of 2006 total consumption appears to have been up 44% on 2005.
In other news, I’m going to eat whale meat this weekend in Tokyo with some of my drinking buddies, helping contribute to private demand and financing for the research programmes, which I wholly support. My friends are different. They just want to eat whale meat.
Do you really think my interest in whales would be focused on Australian meat exports? Nope. It was simply a side point.
I care little about your weekend activities, but thanks for the rest of the information. I prefer to support research programs into live whales with monetary donations for equipment and field trips. I also contribute to private demand by helping whale watching operators get PR and educate people on the beauty of live whales. Ahhh, as opposed to yum.
Hi David,
I think your stats about whale meat cosumption is interesting. 8500 tonnes in 2006.
Numbers don’t mean much to me, but I can compare this to the Swedish moose hunt. It yields 18 000 tonnes of meat.No stockpiles…everything is consumed….and a small population, 9 million people in quite a big country….
Aaah Travis, but you should know by now that I love an argument! LOL!
Well Travis – the ICR has released a video
Your armchair calls
The Robert Hunter was clearly a sitting duck and you know it!!
Hi David ..
You said
” George,
The Robert Hunter was clearly a sitting duck and you know it!! ”
I can see the bridge of the Farley mowat now ….
RH = Robert hunter
PW = Paul watson
FW = Farely Mowat
PW … a whaler – go get it – call RH and tell them to go get it to ..
1st mate : Ummm Capt´n – it has no harpoon Cannon ..
RH via Radio : Ummm Capt´n – it has no harpoon Cannon .. the whaling fleet is 20nm away according to Radar!
PW : go get ´em!!
RH .. but its not a whaler! they´re exiting / escaping stage right!!! 20 nm away!!!!
PW : go get the durn Whaler I said … and be careful to make sure that the durn whaler rams us and backs into us whilst you´re at it ..
All crew on both boats :
Aye Aye Capt´n ummm durrrrrr …
This discussion is interesting, but nobody has mentioned that Watson’s Navy has a boat with a “can opener.”
That’s right, a hydraulically-operated piece of machinery mounted to the side of the boat that is designed for tearing a hole in the side of another boat.
If that other boat is “not green.”
2 comments deleted.
According to Norwegian media, Denmark will vote against a resumption of commercial whaling. Last year they voted prowhaling…
Interesting, although I have the strong impression that votes at the IWC are now almost completely irrelevant.
There is only one way to stop the IWC from splitting in two, and that’s for the extremists to compromise. If they choose not to? No more bath water, and no more baby either.
What’s most remarkable to me (and frightening) is that Sea Shepherd seem to have a lot of popular support within Australia. I seriously thought that the average Aussie would have more common sense. At least at the national level, recent comments from Turnbull, Carter of NZ, and Hogarth of the US have been more sensible, and consistent with the anti-terrorism message. But perhaps some kind of effort needs to be undertaken to knock some sense into the morons who support these crazies, who then use the funds to go out and cause trouble.
Hopefully they find the missing crew member alive and well.
It is interesting how the media are quick to point out that the fire was not caused by Sea Shepherd action etc. But blind freddy can see that such incidents are highly likely when systems are forced to operate at the very edge of their performance envelope.
And the causal link between the need to avoid the active sabotage of one’s legitimate business activities by outrunning and outmanouvering a number of specially fitted out pursuit vessels, and the eventual on-board systems or personnel failure is not only entirely foreseeable but is also well documented.
If the lives and safety of crew members were not being threatened by terrorist activities then it is highly unlikely that this incident would have occurred. Ships engineers develop a very keen understanding of the performance of their equipment and normally only operate well within those performance limits. The same applies to the stress tolerances of the crew members.
It appears that the Japanese have now lost a workmate as a direct consequence of unrelenting Sea Sheperd activities and as an indirect consequence of Australian Government tolerance and complicity with a terrorist group.
The Japanese have been consistently “turning the other cheek”, as good buddhists, christians and humanists should do. But that policy is always seen as weakness by those without honour and the Japanese now have a duty to their fallen comrade to modify their rules of engagement.
My first thought on this was as Ian’s….the machinery must have broken down thanks to the chase by SS and GP.
It will be interesting to see what analysis the media makes out of this. And what will the reaction of the NGOs be?
In secret methink SS will see this as a ” victory” if the Nisshin Maru returns to port ….
And what about GP? Maybe they will see it as a failure if they misses the photo-op?
If the worst has happened and a crew member has lost his life, methink this will have very bad consequences for SS and GPs reputation and support will maybe increase for the Japanese???
To David,
Re the Danish voting. It seems like Denmark is balancing between anti whaling and prowhaling sentiments.
They vote prowhaling last year thanks to pressure from Greenland and the Faroe Islands but the Norwegian media pointed out that its not the “colonies” that decide the whaling policy, and their foreign policy is decided mainly by the EU and Brussels.
As has been mentioned there is an ongoing ” normalization” meeting in Tokyo that is boycotted by most anti whaling nations.
Norwegian paper Fiskeribladet states this morning that the IWC will collapse .
Well, we have heard this zillion times before, but maybe this time it will be true.
Norwegian IWC Commissioner stated that ” prowhaling nations should stick together”.
My impression is though that still both the prowhaling and anti whaling camps can’t find any better alternative to the IWC.
It has also been mentioned last year that the IWC might be substituted by an organisation that is similar to RFMOs( Regional Fisheries Management Organisations).
“If the lives and safety of crew members were not being threatened by terrorist activities then it is highly unlikely that this incident would have occurred.”
Ian this actually happened to the same vessel off New Caledonia in 1998, without a Sea Shepherder or Greenpeacer in sight. It is highly likely that she is old and possibly not receiving the maintenance she should. Accidents happen unfortunately, and last time it happened someone was lost too.
“It appears that the Japanese have now lost a workmate as a direct consequence of unrelenting Sea Sheperd activities and as an indirect consequence of Australian Government tolerance and complicity with a terrorist group.”
Again you are making a claim with NO evidence except what is in your warped mind, and taking advantage of the poor crewman in order to further your own cause. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are constantly making accusations and claims with no evidence to support your arguments. In addition to this you are plain unpleasant.
It would be easy for me, who abhors whaling, to see this fire as a good thing, but instead I see it as a terrible accident with a man and his loved ones suffering. NO ONE stands to benefit from this except perhaps the whales, should the hunt be prematurely shortened.
No winners if the ship starts leaking oil….
Word in the Japanese media is that there is no problem with the Nisshin Maru’s ability to navigate, but this report seems to be based on info coming out of New Zealand.
… and more from Reuters:
“The fire is below decks, below the bridge and above the engine room,” Corbett told Reuters. “It is not out, it is still going, but its contained in the factory space.”
This seems promising from the environmental perspective, but unfortunately is doesn’t sound good for my fellow 27 year old who has gone missing…
“But blind freddy can see that such incidents are highly likely when systems are forced to operate at the very edge of their performance envelope.”
Ian, from what I understand, the fire was not in the engine room but in the processing/factory area, possibly a conveyor belt. Operating at the edge of its performance envelope would have had nothing to do with “out running” environmentalists, but possibly packaging whales.
David, I have heard no more news on the crew man.
No, no winners at all if the ship leaks or sinks. You couldn’t even bear to think about the possible consequences.
From a Kagoshima news source (the home town of the lost crew member):
The father of the man said that he had heard the news but doesn’t know any details and is waiting for more information. Apparently the man has a child who is about to enter elementary school.
“The Japanese appear determined to keep on hunting for whales in the Southern Ocean, despite a fire on board the main ship in their fleet. The Nisshin Maru put out a distress call early this morning after the fire started in a refrigeration area of its whale meat processing room.”
I was voicing an opinion, Libby, and you apparently have a problem with that. Being regarded as “unpleasent” by some boorish little dweeb on a mission from captain planet can only be regarded as a badge of honour.
If the facts confirm that this is unrelated to the SS action then I will gladly stand corrected. But that will be determined by some sort of inquest, that will also look at issues of stress and fatigue in respect of human error. It will not be resolved by some blog scrubber with her hackles raised. Take a bath, bimbo.
In times of drought Ian I would hardly be taking a bath, but you don’t seem to recognise environmental concerns. “boorish little dweeb”, “blog scrubber”, “bimbo” I’ll add those to the list.
Yes Ian you are voicing an opinion, but you are also passing judgement before any facts are in, which is hardly a civilised or intelligent way of going about things. I am obviously not trying to resolve the issue Ian but simply put forward was is known about the incident to date, unlike you. You obviously have a problem with information Ian, and being possibly wrong.
I guess as Jennifer has known you and your family for years you can get away with name calling and being unpleasant here, but in the real world beyond school, people try and get along with others and not resort to childish acts out of desperation.
For those not familiar with the term ‘scrubber’, see http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/More-Aussie-Lingo-103402.html
The record clearly shows you starting the personal attacks Libby.
I mentioned you had a “warped mind” and were “unpleasant”. Granted the “warped mind” may be construed to be on an equal footing as calling me an ugly slut, but the “unpleasant” was a term any Human Resources officer could have used in a official capacity. You have made it clear that the way to negotiate is one-upmanship.
If it gives you kicks to make sexist etc comments, along with dishing out general nastiness to anyone or thing that does not conform to your way of thinking Ian, there is not much any of us can do to help.
Latest (3rd) status update from the ICR:
Hi David,
Has this been reported much in the Japanese media?
According to TVNZ, “New Zealand authorities say they are comfortable at the moment that oil and fuel from the stricken ship is contained.”
The ICR also reports that “there is no danger of fuel and/or oil from the Nisshin Maru being leaked into the Southern Ocean. The area in which the fire broke out is not located near the fuel holds.”
The Greenpeace crew aboard the Esperanza apparently have different sources of information, as they are stating on their weblog that it is “clear that significant and harmful impact to the Antarctic environment is imminent”, as well as noting that they are ready to “make an environmental impact assessment if needed”.
Various news outlets around the country have run the news of the fire and the missing crew member. Earlier this week Sea Shepherd’s ramming of the Kaiko Maru and other stunts, plus news of the IWC Normalization was on TV one evening when I happened to flick it on.
I read that Esperanza is ready to tow away the Nisshin Maru to port…but the Japanese refuse to get assistance by ” terrorists”.
Another alternative is to get assistance by the NZ Coast Guard and pump over the oil from NM to an oil salvage ship.