I write a fortnightly column for The Land; the NSW Rural Weekly.
Last week I wrote about drought and Jared Diamond and I have got lots of positive and negative feedback.
The Land doesn’t put a lot of stuff on the web, but the piece is up at the IPA website, click on http://www.ipa.org.au/files/news_981.html.
In the same edition of The Land, Michael Thomson made some comment about the new environemnt group that I’m involved with, the Australian Environment Foundation (AEF), a version of the same was published in the Queensland Country Life click on http://qcl.farmonline.com.au/news.asp?editorial_id=62846
Leigh Chappell says
The notion of us importing all our food from so called cheaper sources overseas seems shortsighted to me. OK it maybe cheaper in the long run, but the people advocating such practises are probably the ones who want clean green food as well.
The questions which then arise:
How is this produce grown?
What discarded chemicals are used on it?
What environmental considerations are implemented in their agricultural practises?
As demand grows, will we burn some more raindforest to cope with this demand?
Look at the big picture please.