Scientists have discovered the Arctic ocean seabed is leaking huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere. The research published in the journal Science shows the permafrost under the East Siberian Arctic shelf, which was thought to be a barrier sealing methane, is perforated. Read more here.
I’m aware that methane is gradually supplanting CO2 as the Warmies’ bête noire. I’m also waiting for the other shoe to drop. When are they going pursue this latest Scare-of-the-Month-Club item to its logical conclusion, and slap a carbon tax on cabbages and lentils? And what would their vegan bedfellows think of that? 🙂
And the 19th sign your belief in catastrophic AGW is going the way of the dodos, is California’s drive to suspend AB 32 clears the last hurdle.
“Voters have a right to have a say in whether the the state is going to risk a million jobs, or more, and to spend billions of dollars on programs that will not have any impact on global warming,” Mangels said.
“We’re headed to the ballot,”
Drive to suspend AB 32 will submit voter signatures Monday.
We made it. Yeah
It is thought that even the aboriginals did damage by burning in the past. When the climate was wetter and burns were not so devastateing it was still I believe a mistake to pump unnecessary carbon into the air, and remove habitat and mulch from the ground.